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Medical Language 1
Medical Language
Term | Definition |
Gen/o/JIN-oh | Causing a disease |
Hydr/o HAI-droh | Loss of water |
Morph/o MOR-foh | Forms of living organisms |
Myc/O MAI-koh | Fungal Infection |
necr/o NEK-roh | Death of most or all cells of organ or tissue |
Orth/o OR-thoh | Treat irregularities of teeth and jaws |
Path/o PAH-thoh | Cause and effects of diseases |
Phag/o FAY-goh | Trouble swallowing |
Plans/o PLAS-oh | Enlargement of an organ or tissue |
Pay/o PAI-oh | Pus forming bacteria |
Scler/o SKLEH-roh | Chronic hardening and tightening of the skin |
Sten/o STIH-noh | The abnormal narrowing of a passage in the body |
Troph/o TROH-foh | Nutrition |
Xen/o ZEE-noh | Transplant donor from different species |
Xer/o ZEH-roh | Dry skin |
-ac ak | Pertaining to cardiac |
-al al | Pertaining to skeletal |
-ar ar | Pertaining to muscular |
-ary ar-ee | Pertaining to pulmonary |
-eal ee-al | Pertaining to esophageal |
-ic ik | Pertaining to medic |
-tic tik | Pertaining to neurotic |
-ous us | Pertaining to subcutaneous |
-ia ee-ah | Lung inflammation condition |
-ism iz-um | A developmental disorder condition |
-ium ee-um | Tissue,structure |
-y ee | Condition of organ or tissue |
-iatrics ee-AH-triks | Medicine dealing with children |
-iatry AL-ah-tree | Study and treatment of mental illness |
-iatrist EE-ah-trist | Medical specialist in mental illness |
-ist ist | Specialist in dentistry |
-logist loh-jist | Specialist in psychology |
-logy loh-jee | Study of psychology |
-algia AL-jah | Pain in muscle |
-dynia DAI-nee-ah | Pain in stomach |
-cele SEEL | Tissue where it doesn’t belong |
-emia EE-mee-ah | Blood condition |
-iasis AL-ah-sis | Formations of stony concretions in the body |
-itis AL-tis | Inflammation of joints |
-lysis lih-sis | Destruction of red blood cells |
-malacia mah-LAY-shah | Softening of bones |
-megaly MEH-gah-lee | Enlargement |
-oid OYD | Resembling |
-oma OH-mah | Tumor |
-oasis Oh-sis | Condition |
-pathy-path-thee | Disease |
-penia-PEE-nee-ah | Deficiency |
-ptosis-Pugh-TOH-sis | Drooping |
-rrhage RIJ -rrhagia RAY-jee-ah | Excessive flow |
-rrhea REE-ah | Flow |
-rrhexis REK-sis | Rupture |
-spasm SPAZ-um | Involuntary contraction |
-centesis sin-TEE-sis | Puncture |
-gram gram | Written record |
-graph graf | Instrument used to record |
-graphy grah-fee | Process of recording |
-meter mee-ter | Instrument used to measure |
-metry meh-tree | Process of measuring |
-scope skohp | Instrument used to look |
-scopy skoh-pee | Process of looking |
-desis DEE-sis | Binding, fixation |
-ectomy EK-Toh-mee | Removal |
-pexy PEK-see | Surgical fixation |
-plasty PLAS-tee | Reconstruction |
-rrhaphy rah-fee | Suture |
-stomy Stoh-mee | Creation of an opening |
-tomy toh-mee | Incision |
-a. -ae | Vertebra vertebrae Larva larvae |
-ax -aces | Thorax Thoraces |
-ex -ices | Cortex Cortices |
-ix -ices | Appendix Appendices |
-is -es | Neurosis. Neuroses Diagnosis. Diagnoses |
-ma -mata | Sarcoma. Sarcomata Carcinoma. Carcinomata |
-on -a | Spermatozoon. Spermatozoa Ganglion. Ganglia |
-um -a | Datum. Data Bacterium. Bacteria Ovum. Ova |
-us -i | Nucleus. Nuclei Alveolus alveoli Thrombus thrombi |
-y -ies | Biopsy. Biopsies Myopathy Myopathies |
A-ay An-an | Not |
Anti-AN-tee Contra-KON-trah | Against |
De-dee | Down, away from |
Ante-an-tee Pre-pree | Before |
Pro-proh | Before, on behalf of |
Brady-brah-dih | Slow |
Tachy-tak-ih | Fast |
Post-pohst | After |
Re-ree | Again |
Ab-ab | Away |
Ad-ad | Toward |
Circum-sir-kum Peri-per-ee | Around |
Dia-dai-ah Trans-tranz | Through |
E- Eh Ec- Ek Ex Eks | Out |
Ecto-ek-toh Exo-ek-soh Extra-eks-trah | Outside |
En-en Endorse-en-doh Intra-in-trah | In, inside |
Epi-eh-pee | Upon |
Sub-sub | Beneath |
Inter-in-ter | Between |
Bi-bai | Two |
He I-heh-mee Semi-she-mee | Half |
Hyper-hai-poh | Over |
Hypo-hai-poh | Under |
Macro-mak-roh | Large |
Micro-mai-kroh | Small |
Mono-maw-noh Uni-yoo-nee | One |
Oligo-aw-lih-goh | Few |
Pan-pan | All |
Poly-pawlee Multi-mul-tee | Many |
Con-kon Syn-sin Sym-sim | With, together |
Dys-dis | Bad |
Eu-yoo | Good |
Combining vowels are used to: | - Join a root to any suffix beginning with a consonant - Join two roots together - Join two roots together even when the second root begins with a vowel |