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MAST 1080

Abbreviation for vital signs TPR BP
Designated letter for 'oral' temperature No designation necessary
Designated letter for 'rectal' temperature R
Designated letter for 'tympanic' (aural) temperature T
Designated letter for 'axillary' temperature A
Location one the body where tympanic (aural) temperature is taken Ear
Location on the body where axillary temperature is taken Armpit/Underarm
Oral temperature range 97.6 to 99.6
Axillary temperature range 96.6A to 98.6A
Rectal temperature range 98.6R to 100.6R
Tympanic temperature range 97.6T to 99.6T
Pulse range for adult 60 to 100bpm
Pulse rate for bradycardia Below 60bpm
Pulse rate for tachycardia Above 100bpm
Measures of pulse Rate, rhythm, volume (force)
Respiration range 14-20
Measures of respiration Rate, rhythm, depth
Ranges of resting blood pressure for an adult 100/60 mm/hg - 140/90 mm/hg
Range of BP considered hypertension Above 140/90 mm/hg
Hypertension range of BP for systolic Above 140 mm/hg
Hypertension range of BP for diastolic 90 mm/hg
The number one killer of Americans Hypertensive heart disease
Range of BP considered prehypertension 120/80 mm/hg - 140/90 mm/hg
Most common peripheral pulses Radial, brachial, carotid, dorsalis pedas
Term for wrist pulse Radial pulse
Term for neck pulse Carotid pulse
Term for top-of-foot pulse Dorsalis pedas pulse
Term for when a peripheral pulse differs from the apical pulse Pulse deficit
Anthropometric Body measurements
The beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next heartbeat Cardiac cycle
EKG letters representing one heartbeat PQRST
Profuse sweating Diaphoresis
Top number of blood pressure measurement Systolic (contraction phase)
Lower number of blood pressure measurement Diastole (relaxation phase)
Difficulty breathing Dyspnea
Breathing excessively Hyperventilation
Unable to breathe lying down Orthopnea
To feel something Palpation
Sudden drop in blood pressure upon standing Postural hypotension
Sphygmomanometer Device used to measure blood pressure
Causes brain swelling in children Rhys Syndrome
Asthma meds or a drug user's pulse would commonly cause this condition Tachycardia
A marathon runner or professional athlete's pulse would commonly cause this condition Bradycardia
Another term for volume of heatbeat Force
Descriptions for heartbeat volume Weak, thready, strong, bounding
Descriptions of pulse Rate, Rhythm, Volume (Force)
Bodily position of the arm for taking blood pressure Heart-level
Relation of heart disease and diabeties 30% increase in risk of heartdisease
When an MD asks for a vital sign to be counted for a total time of one minute Rate
Subjective decision on how perceptible a pulse feels when palpated Volume (Force)
During a palpated BP, inflate the BP cuff until the peripheral pulse disappears, then inflate the cuff at what amount to obtain the palpated BP 30 mm Hg
Child's vital signs in terms of pulse, respiration, and BP Higher pulse rate, higher respiration rate, lower blood pressure rate
Pulse deficit if apical pulse is 104 and radial pulse is 90 14
Also known as postural hypotension Orthostatic hypotension
When listening to a pulse with a device, name the device Pulse dopler
The type of pulse heard through a pulse dopler Oscillating pulse
Type of pulse heard when using the sphygmomanometer Arterial pulse
Term for when the only person who knows something is themselves Subjective
Term means ‘to look’ Observe
On temputure stick, red signifies Rectal thermometer
On temputure stick, blue signifies Oral themometer
Means with fever Febrile
Means without fever Nonfebrile
Location of the apical pulse 5th intercostal space / mid-clavicle
How pulse pressure is determined Diastolic minus Systolic
Normal pulse pressure for adult 30-50
Procedure to measure bp cuff Turn end of cuff to measure around bicep; if 50% or less, fits. If under 30%, too small.
CC in a chart is short for what term Patient’s chief complaint
A regulated workplace report used as a tool to keep a workplace up to standards. Specifically for unforeseen accidents. Incident report
When charting, incident reports go in the chart: true or false False
Healthy bacteria is also known as this Resident flora
Sets and enforces workplace standards OSHA
Another term for culture testing Culture and sensitivity test
When a preliminary report is due after C&S testing 24 hours
When the final report is due in C&S testing 48 hours
How to wash tools after procedure Cool water and soap. Avoid warm water. It coagulates blood to ‘cook’ on tool. Lay out on paper towel to dry.
Another term for standard procedure Status quo
Insect induced disease Vector ( Lime disease, west Nile disease, malaria)
Conditions that favor the growth of pathogens Moisture, nutrients, temperature, darkness, neutral ph, oxygen
Difference between sterile and clean technique No pathogens or non-pathogens/ No pathogens, but could be non-pathogens
Bleach water ratio for cleaning 1:9 solution
Logbook where exposure to chemicals are recorded OSHA 300 log
Logbook for recording exposure to sharps OSHA 500 log
Amount of time infectious waste records should be kept in medical office 3 years
Can be determined when patient shows a pulse deficit Sick heart
If a patient has a pulse deficit, this is the next step Inform the physician
When weighing a baby, these steps are taken to ensure the correct weight is recorded
Use digital scale; weigh baby with diaper on; record weight; ask parent to change diaper; weigh dirty diaper; take difference of 1st weight and subtract 2nd weight to get true final weight
Location where a baby’s headboard measured Occipital if head, just above eyebrows
Area to measure chest of baby Over nipple area
To obtain height of baby Hold leg straight out; mark line; mark line above head; measure paper
Healthcare workers are at most risk for this disease Hep B
To preventative measure for disease control Handwashing
This disease lives longer on surfaces than HIV Hep B
Biohazard disposal Dirty sharps and blood stained materials are stored in a red plastic container
Enforces the rule that certain infectious diseases are reported CDC
What a medical assistant is required to do when it is discovered that a patient has an infectious disease such as syphillus or Ebola Report it to health department
Created by: LBk
Popular Clinical Skills sets



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