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Veterinary Clinical

Large, Exotic and Nutritional

The science of preventing disease in animals. Three major components are? husbandry, vaccination and sanitation
Disinfectants chemical agents that kill or prevent growth of microorganisms on inanimate objects.
Sanitizers chemical agents that reduce the number of microorganisms to a safe level without completely eliminating all microorganisms.
Sterilizers agents that completely destroy all microorganisms.
Disinfections the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins at a safe level.
Ad libitum free choice
Body Condition Scoring method of subjectively quantifying subcutaneous body fat reserves
Capsid protein coat that surrounds the genetic material of viruses
Concussion brain injury that is a violent shock or jarring of brain tissue
Contusion a bruise or injury with no break in the surface of the tissue
Essential Amino Acids amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the body and therefore must be supplied by the diet
Etiology the study of causes of disease
Fibrosis scarring the end result of tissue repair
Granulation Tissue high vascularized connective tissue produced after extensive tissue damage
Laceration a tear or jagged wound
Necropsy postmortem examination of an animal body
Non-essential Amino Acids building blocks of protein that are synthesized in the body
Nutrition any constituent of food that is ingested to support life
Nosocomial hospital-acquired infection
Pathology the study of disease
Pathologist is the one who studies diseases and often is responsible for accurate diagnosis as well as determining the cause of those diseases
Histopathology is evaluating tissues with a microscope
Morphologic is anatomic diagnosis
Etiologic is causative diagnosis
Gross Lesions described by stating the location, color, size, texture, and appearance of the altered tissue
Pyrexia an abnormal increase in body temperature caused by the release of agents called pyrogens.
Hematochezia the passage of fresh blood per anus, usually in or with stools.
Public Health the major area of involvement for the veterinarians
Pyrogen an agent in the body that increases the body's biologic setting to a higher temperature
Reservoir a location in which pathogenic agents is maintained prior to transmission; a reservoir is often a living microorganism.
Toxoid inactivated antigenic toxin molecules that stimulate development of the animal's own antibodies
Vaccine a biologic product representing a pathogenic organism that stimulates immunity toward the pathogen
Virus nonliving pathogen
Vitamins play a very important role in maintaining normal physiologic functions
Antivenin creates artificially acquired passive immunity
A feline vaccine that is not recommended FIP
puppies can be fed CMR-canine milk replacer
Modified live a weakened version of a pathogen causes an immune response but not disease
First intention healing is wound healing with no scar
Hypoglycemia is prevented by slowly tapering TPN
Bacteria are not considered parasites
Wound an injury caused by physical means with disruption of normal structure.
Zoonotic diseases transmitted between animals and humans by saliva from an animal bite example rabies
Large breed puppies are weaned at 3-4 weeks old
Small breed puppies are weaned at 4-5 weeks old
Kittens are weaned at 7 weeks old
Limited dietary phosphorus kidneys
Cats linolenic, linoleic, arachidonic
Dogs linolenic and linoleic
Water-soluble vitamins b and c
Fat-soluble vitamins ADEK
Normal weight gain for puppies is 2-4g/kg of anticipated adult weight
Dextrose is 50%
Stomach Volume is 20mL/kg body weight
Daily Water Requirement is 12mL/kg body weight
Total Daily Food
Created by: AT4091
Popular Medical sets



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