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medical terms

study for test

AX axillary
as tol as tolerated
ASAP as soon as possible
a rom active range in motion
approx approximately
ap apical
amt amount
amb ambulatory
am/AM morning
AL assissted living
AKA above-knee amputation
BE barium Enema
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AFB acid-fast bacillus (TB)
ADL activities of daily living
ADM admission
Ad lib as desired
AC before meals
ABR absolute value
ABD Abdomen
BLD Blood
BR Bed rest
Bp,B/p Blood pressure
BM Bowel movement
BID, b.i.d 2 times a day
BKA below-knee ampulation
cal calorie
DNR do not resuscitate
DM diabetes mellitus
DAT diet as tolerated
CVS cardiovascular system
CVA cerebrovascular accident, stroke
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder
C/O complains of, in care of
CNS central nervous system
CNA certified nursing assistant
CMS circulation,motion sensation
CL LIQ clear liquid
CHF congestive heart failure
CDC centers for disease control
CCU Coronary unit
CC cubic centimeter
CBR complete bedrest
CBC complete blood count
CATH catheter
CABG coronary artery bypass grafting
CS central supply
CA Cancer
C Centigrade
C- with
BSC bedside commode
BS Blood sugar
BRP Bathroom privileges
GU genito urinary
GB gallbladder
GI gastrointestinal
geri chair geriatric chair
gal gallon
fx fracture
F/U follow up
FYI for your information
EWB full weight-bearing
FT foot
FSBS finger-stick blood sugar
fl/fld fluid
FF force fluids
FBS fasting blood sugar
F Fahrenheit
exam examination
Etott alcohol
ER emergency room
EEG electroencephalogram
ECG,EKG electrocardiogram
DX diagnosis
DVT deep vein thrombasis
DRSG dressing
Dr. doctor
Don director of nursing
DOB date of birth
Doa Dead of arrival
Doe Dyspnea on exertion
EENT Eye,Ear,nose and throat
H,Hr Hour
H2O water
H/A Headache
HBV Hepatitis B virus
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
HOB head of bed
HOH hard of hearing
HT height
HTN hypertension
Hyper above normal,too fast,rapid
Hypo low,less than normal
I & O intake and output
ICU intensive care unit
Inc incontinent
Irr,Irrig Irrigation
Isol Isolation
IV intravenous
KG kilogram
L liter
L,Lt left
Lab laboratory
Lb pound
LLE left lower extremity
Lg large
liq liquid
LLQ left lower quadrant
Loc level of consciousness
LPN Licensed practical nurse
LTC long term care
LLQ left lower quadrant
LVN Licensed vocational nurse
M.D. medical doctor
Meds medications
MI myocardial Infarction
Min minute
ML mililiter
mm HG Milimeters of mercury
Mod moderate
Mrsa methicillin resistant staphylococcus-aureus
N/A not applicable
Na nursing assistant
N/C no call
Neg negative
NF nursing facility
NKG no known allergies
NPO nothing by mouth
NWB non-weight bearing
Noc night
pediatric peds
positive pos.
OB obstetric
Obra omnibus budget reconciliation act
OCC occasionally
OOB out of bed
OPD outpatient department
OR operating room
OS mouth
OSHA occupational safety & health administration
OT occupational therapy
OZ ounce
P after
PC,P.C. after meals
PCA patient controlled anesthesia
PEG percutaneous enteral gastrostomy
per os by mouth
peri care perineal care
PM, pm afternoon
PNS peripheal nervous system
P.O. by mouth
Post op after sergery
PPE personal protective equipment
req requisition
res resident
rehab rehabilitation
reg regular
RBC red blood cell/count
R/A Rheumatoid
R rectal,respirations or right
Quad four,Quadriplegic
Q.S every shift or once a shift
q.i.d or QID four times a day
Q2H Q3H Q4H every 2 hours every 3 hours every 4 hours
QHS every night at bedtime
QH,QHR every hour
--- Q every
PWB partial weight-bearing
PVD peripheral vascular disease
PT physical therapy
PROM Passive range of motion
pt patient
prn,p.r.n. when necessary
Prep preparation
pre op before surgery
RR recovery room
Resp. respiration
R.I.C.E. rest,ice,compression,elevation (acronym)
RLE right lower externity
RLQ right lower quadrant
RN registered nurse
R/O Rule out
ROM range of motion
RR respiratory rate
RT right
RUE right upper extremity
RUQ right upper quadrant
S with line above without
SS one-half
Sm. small
Snafu situation normal,all fouled up (slang)
SNF skilled nursing facility
SPEC specimen
SOB shortness of breath
S & S or S/S signs and symptoms
SSE soapsuds enema
Tbsp tablespoon
Stat Immediately
Tsp teaspoon
Staph staphylococcus
STD sexually transmitted disease
Std. prec standard precations
Strep streptococcus
T. temperature
TB tuberculosis
T,C,DB turn,cough, & deep breath
temp temperature
TIA transient ischemic attack
T.I.D., tid three times a day
TLC tender loving care
TPN total parenteral nutrition
TPR temperature,pulse & respirations
TWE tap water enema
TX traction, treatment
U/A, u/a urinalysis
UGI upper gastrointestinal
Unk unknown
URI upper respiratory infection
UTI urinary tract infection
Vag vaginal
VRE Aureomycin resistant enterococcus
vs,VS vital signs
WBC white blood cell/count
W/C wheelchair
WNL within normal limits
Wt weight
Created by: holly.baggett
Popular Medical sets




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