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valvul/o means valve.
atri/o means atrium.
sept/o means septum
ventricul/o means ventricle.
cardi/o means heart.
coron/o means heart.
aort/o means aorta
arteri/o means artery
ather/o means fatty plaque.
phleb/o, mean vein (
ven/o mean vein (
pectoralgia – pain in the chest (not necessarily due to the heart)
angina pectoris – chest pain due to irregular flow to the heart
palpitation – rapid or irregular beating of the heart
arrhythmia, irregular heartbeat
dysrhythmia – irregular heartbeat
endocardium inner lining of the heart
myocardium middle layer of the heart, made of muscle
epicardium tissue lining the outside of the heart
pericardium tissue around the heart
The superior vena cava collects blood from the head, neck, upper chest, and arms.
The inferior vena cava collects blood from everywhere else (the lower body regions).
diastolic pressure pressure on vessel walls while the heart is in diastole (relaxing)
systolic pressure pressure on vessel walls when the heart is in systole (contracting)
systemic circulation – circulation from the heart to everywhere except the lungs and heart
pulmonary circulation – circulation from the heart through pulmonary vessels to pick up oxygen and then back to the heart
coronary circulation circulation to the heart muscle and then back to the heart (to the right atrium)
congestive cardiomyopathy, heart cannot pump out all of the blood, causing the heart to become stretched and dilated and the pumping of blood to weaken/slow
dilated cardiomyopathy heart cannot pump out all of the blood, causing the heart to become stretched and dilated and the pumping of blood to weaken/slow
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy enlarged heart muscle obstructs flow
restrictive cardiomyopathy – stiffened heart muscle restricts filling, therefore amount of blood heart pumps is reduced
NSR normal sinus rhythm
A-fib atrial fibrillation (atrial not contracting; muscle is quivering)
SCA sudden cardiac arrest (heart not beating)
ASD atrial septal defect
VSD – ventricular septal defect
MVP – mitral valve prolapse (valve does not close properly, allowing blood to back flow into the left atrium when the left ventricle contracts)
CO – cardiac output (amount of blood pumped by the heart in one minute, measured in liters)
SV – stroke volume (amount of blood ejected by the ventricle in one contraction, measured in milliliters)
ECHO – echocardiogram
TEE – transesophageal echocardiogram
CTA – computed tomographic angiography
EKG – electrocardiogram (the K comes the German spelling for heart – kardi/o)
MRA – magnetic resonance angiography
CHF – congestive heart failure (heart is weak and cannot pump effectively, causing blood to back up and cause congestion in veins)
MI – myocardial infarction (heart muscle death, usually due to prolonged myocardia ischemia, which is usually due to CAD)
CAD coronary artery disease (presence of plaque in coronary artery that reduces blood flow to the heart muscle)
CABG coronary artery bypass graft
BP blood pressure
CTA computed tomographic angiography (use CT scan to obtain an x-ray of the coronary arteries)
MRA magnetic resonance angiography (use MRI to obtain image of coronary arteries)
PCI – percutaneous coronary intervention (procedures that are completed by threading tools into vessels and into the heart)
AA abdominal aortic aneurysm
DVT deep vein thrombosis
HTN – hypertension
aneurysm a sac formed by the localized dilatation of the wall of artery or vein or a heart.
cardiotonic exerting a favorable so-called tonic effect on the action of the heart .increase force of contraction.
stress electrocardiogram monitoring of circulatory challenge
cardiac catheterization a diagnostic procedure which does a comprehensive examination of how the heart and its blood vessels function.
daiphoresis Heavy sweating.
murmur a periodic sound of a short duration of cardiac or vascular origin.
Created by: NuhaMohammed2
Popular Medical sets




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