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Study Cards Week 1-5

Flash cards Week 1-5

What is Anatomy defined as? the study of the structure of an organism and the relationships of its parts.
What is Physiology? the science that deals with the functions of the living organism and its parts.
What is Responsiveness? Ability of an organism to sense, monitor, and respond to changes in both its external and internal environment
What is Conductivity? Capacity of living cells to transmit a wave of electrical disturbance from one point to another within the bod
What is Digestion? Process by which complex food products are broken down into simpler substances that can be absorbed and used by individual body cells
What is Growth? Organized increase in the size and number of cells and therefore an increase in size of the individual or a particular organ or p
What is Respiration? Exchange of respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between an organism and its environment
Absorption is______. Movement of molecules, such as respiratory gases or digested nutrients, through a membrane and into the body fluids for transport to cells for use
Secretion is______. Production and release of important substances, such as digestive juices and hormones, for diverse body function
Excretion is______. Removal of waste products from the body
Circulation is______. Movement of body fluids containing many substances from one body area to another in a continuous, circular route through hollow vessel
Reproduction is______. Formation of new individual offspring
Tissue is______. a group of a great many similar cells that all developed together from the same part of the embryo and all perform a certain function.
Tissue cells are surrounded by varying amounts and kinds of nonliving, intercellular substances, called the ______. matrix.
anatomical position position the body is in an erect, or standing, posture with the arms at the sides and palms turned forward
Superior means ______. towards the head
inferior means ______. towards the feet
Central means ______. near the center
Peripheral means ______. around the boundary
What are the three Body Planes of the body? sagittal, coronal, transverse
What are the four major elements that make up 96% of the material in the human body? carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen
How many elements are there in the human body? 26
A chemical bond formed by the transfer of elec-trons from one atom to another is called an____. ionic bond or electrovalent bond
A chemical bond formed by the sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between the outer energy levels of two atoms is called a___. covalent bond
Three basic types of chemical reactions are____. Synthesis reactions, Decomposition reaction, Exchange reactions
True of False? Catabolism consists of chemical reactions that not only break down relatively complex compounds into simpler ones but also release energy from them. True
Tue or False? Anabolism is the term used to describe chemical reactions that join simple molecules together to form more complex biomolecules—notably, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. True
What is the plasma membrane? Phospholipid bilayer reinforced with cholesterol and embedded with proteins and other organic molecule
What is the endoplasmic reticulum? Network of canals and sacs extending from the nuclear envelope; may have ribosomes attached
True or False? Lysosomes form when small portions of the plasma membrane pinch inward and separate into a vesicle or sac True
True or False? The proteasome is another protein-destroying organelle in the cell. True
What are the four types of tissue within the human body? Connective, Epithelial, Muscle and Nervous
What is the function of connective tissue? Supports body structures Transports substances throughout the body
True or False? The term membrane refers to a thin, sheetlike structure that may have many important functions in the body. True
What are the three types of epithelial tissue membranes? Cutaneous membrane, Serous membrane, Mucous Membrane
Name three of the five functions of epithelial tissue? Protection, sensory function, secretion, absorption, excretion
True or False? Connective tissue is one of the most widespread and diverse tissues in the body and is found in or around nearly every organ of the bod True
Name four functions of connective tissue? connects, supports, transports, and defends
Name one location of where nervous tissue is located. Brain, Spinal cord, Nerves
What are the two layers of the skin? Epidermis and Dermis
The cells of the epidermis are found in up to five distinct layers, or strata. Name the five layers starting from the base layer up. Stratum basale Stratum spinosum Stratum granulosum Stratum lucidum Stratum cornium
True or False? The hypodermis is sometimes called the subcutaneous layer, or superficial fascia True
Of the five stratum layers, which one is known as the "horny layer?" Stratum Corneum
What are at least 4 of the 7 functions of the skin? Protection, Sensation, Permits movement and growth without injury, Endocrine, excretion, immunity, temperature regulator
What are the 4 functions of the bone? Support, protection, movement, mineral storage
True or False? There is 200 bones that are within our body? False - 206
What are the four types of bones within our body? long bones, flat bones, irregular bones, sesamoid bones
True or False? Osteoblasts are small cells that synthesize and secrete an organic matrix called osteoid. True
True or False? Osteoclasts are giant multinucleate cells that are responsible for the active erosion of bone minerals. True
The human skeleton consists of two main divisions, which are? the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton
True or False? The cranium is formed by eight bones, namely, the frontal, two pari-etal, two temporal, the occipital, the sphenoid, and the ethmoid True
True or False? The 14 bones that form the face are the two maxillae, two zygomatic (malar), two nasal, the mandible, two lacrimal, two palatine, two inferior nasal conchae (turbinates), and the vomer True
What bone forms the forehead and the anterior part of the calvaria or top of the cranium? Frontal bone
True or False? The two parietal bones give shape to the bulging topside of the cranium True
How many carpal bones () form what most people think of as the wrist but what, anatomically speaking, is the upper part of the hand? 8
What is the largest, strongest bone of the body? Femur
What bone is also known as the shin bone? Tibia
Created by: mbpickett
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