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clinical technique

Name 6 growth requirements for microorganisms. proper nutrition, oxygen, temperature, darkness, moisture, pH
The body has ________ ________to help prevent the entrance of pathogens. These help break the infection process cycle. protective mechanisms
Name 5 protective mechanisms of the body. skin , mucous membranes, mucus/cilia, coughing and sneezing, tears and sweat
Refers to washing the hands with antimicrobial soap. antiseptic handwashing
When hands are not visible soiled __________ are more effective than soap for removing Transient Flora. alcohol-based hand rubs
What does OSHA stand for Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Name 5 components of the OSHA standards. Pertains to the medical office. exposure control plan, safer medical devices, labeling requirements, communication of hazards to employees, record keeping.
Medical waste that is generated in the medical office through diagnosis, treatment, and immunization. Regulated medical waste
What is the biggest threat to healthcare workers from occupational exposure. Bloodborne diseases...hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV
Stage 1-acute HIV infection Transient mono-like illness occures in 1-4 weeks. Often mistaken for a viral infection. sx:fever, sweats, fatigue, diarrhea,
Stage 2- asymptomatic period After the early symptoms subside, the infected person normally experiences a long incubation period during which they are asymptomatic.
Stage 3-symptomatic period Before full-blown AID's, many people have lesser symptoms. One of the symptoms experienced is lymph nodes that remain enlarged for more than 3 months.Other symptoms same as stage 1.
Stage 4- Full blown AID's Characterized by the presence of opportunistic infections and unusual Cancers (Kaposi's Sarcoma)
Microorganism that needs oxygen in order to live and grow. aerobe
Microorganism that grows best in the absence of oxygen anaerobe
Free from infections or pathogens asepsis
To soil or to make impure contaminate
The condition in which the body is invaded by a pathogen infection
A microscopic plant or animal microorganism
A microorganism that does not normally produce disease nonpathogen
Taken into the body by piercing of the skin barrier or mucous membrane. (needle sticks,bites,cuts abrasions) parenteral
A disease producing microorganism pathogen
Harmless, nonpathogenic microorganism...normal flora (resides in the dermis usually does not cause disease) resident flora
Easily affected, lacking resistance susceptible
Microorganisms that reside on the superficial skin and are picked up in daily activities. These are often Pathogenic but can be removed by washing hands. Transient flora
Created by: jfrane
Popular Clinical Skills sets



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