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Medical Terminology
Term | Definition |
eponym | word formed by including the name of the person who discovered or invented what is being described |
acronym | word made up of the first letters of each of the words that make up a phrase |
root word | foundation or subject of the term. |
prefix | beginning of the term |
suffix | end of the term |
Cutane/o, dermat/o, and derm/o | skin |
enter/o | small intestine |
hemat/o | blood |
path/o | suffering or disease |
-algia | pain |
-ic | pertaining to |
muscle | my/o and muscul/o |
Brady | slow |
tachy | fast |
Hyper | over |
hypo | under |
Cardi/o | heart |
Neur/o | nerve |
Hepat/o | liver |
Pneumon/o | lung |
Myc/o | Fungus |
Narrowing | Sten/o |
Morph/o | Change |
hydr/o | Water |
troph/o | Nourishment, development |
xen/o | Foreign |
arthr/o | joint |
necr/o | death |
py | pus |
ante-. | Before |
Few | oligo- |
a- and an | not |
e-, ec-, and ex | out |
En- and endo- | in, inside |
Circum- and peri- | around |
contra- | against |
poly- | many |
syn- | with, together |
anti | against |
trans | across |
nephr | kidney |
tomy | incision |
Study of | logy |
graph | Instrument used to produce a record |
emia | Blood condition |
Tumor | oma |
cranio | skull |
itis | inflammation |
dys | bad |
rrhea | flow |
Ichthy/o | scaly |
onych/o | nail |
Adip/o, lip/o | fat |
Seb/o | oil |
leuko | white |
xantho | yellow |
xero | dry |
pachy | thick |
erythro | red |
hidro | sweat |
poiesis | formation |
phag | eat |
dynia | pain |
Dermatodynia | skin pain |
Dermatolysis | loose skin |
lysis | loose |
Hypermelanosis | excessive melanin in the skin |
hyper | over |
cyan | blue |
rhyti | wrinkle |
rrhea | discharge |
megaly | enlarged |
tricho | hair |
Urticaria | swollen, raised itchy areas of the skin |
Albinism | lack of pigment in skin that causes the patient to look white |
onychectomy | Removal of a nail |
Dermatitis | skin inflammation |
onychopathy | Nail disease |
Onychomalacia | softening of the nail |
Tars/o | ankle |
Lumb/o | loin, lower back |
burs/o | the small fluid-filled sac found near the body’s joints |
Ankyl/o | stiff, bent |
carp | wrist |
cranio | head, skull |
cervico | neck |
brady | slow |
kinesia | movement |
cost | rib |
myo | muscle |
spasm | involuntary contraction |
grapho | write |
scler | hardening |
osis | condition |
poly | many |
dactyl | finger |
arthro | joint |
graph | recording |
centesis | puncture |
carp | wrist |
itis | inflammation |
lysis | loss |
osteo | bone |
trophy | nourishment |
dys | bad |
chondr | cartilage |
oma | tumor |
pathy | disease |
spondlyo | vertebra |
plasia | structure |
myo | muscle |
carcin | cancer |
cele | hernia |
ectomy | removal |
Paresis | slight or partial paralysis |
Esthesi/o | feeling, sensation |
Gnosi/o | know |
Myel/o | spinal cord or bone marrow. |
psych/o | mind |
schizo | divide |
phren | mind |
ambul | walk |
hypno | sleep |
tic | pertaining to |
gnosis | knowledge |
encephalo | brain |
neuro | nerve |
phas | speech |
ia | condition |
algia | pain |
syn | with, together |
phobia | excessive fear |
hydro | water |
cele | hernia |
a | not |
y | condition |
oma | tumor |
esthestic | feeling, sensation |