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SAT Words 45

of 1000

lucid (adj.) clear, easily understandable (Because Guenevere’s essay was so _____, I only had to read it once to understand her reasoning.)
luminous (adj.) brightly shining (The light of the _____ moon graced the shoulders of the beautiful maiden.)
lurid (adj.) ghastly, sensational (Gideon’s story, in which he described a character torturing his sister’s dolls, was judged too _____ to be printed in the school’s literary magazine.)
maelstrom (n.) a destructive whirlpool which rapidly sucks in objects (Little did the explorers know that as they turned the next bend of the calm river a vicious _____ would catch their boat.)
magnanimous (adj.) noble, generous (Although I had already broken most of her dishes, Jacqueline was _____ enough to continue letting me use them.)
malediction (n.) a curse (When I was arrested for speeding, I screamed _____s against the policeman and the entire police department.)
malevolent (adj.) wanting harm to befall others (The _____ old man sat in the park all day, tripping unsuspecting passersby with his cane.)
malleable (adj.) capable of being shaped or transformed (Maximillian’s political opinions were so _____ that anyone he talked to was able to change his mind instantly.)
mandate (n.) an authoritative command (In the Old Testament, God _____ that no one should steal.)
manifest 1. (adj.) easily understandable, obvious (When I wrote the wrong sum on the chalkboard, my mistake was so _____ that the entire class burst into laughter.) 2. (v.) to show plainly (His illness first _____d itself with particularly violent hiccups.)
manifold (adj.) diverse, varied (The popularity of Dante’s Inferno is partly due to the fact that the work allows for _____ interpretations.)
maudlin (adj.) weakly sentimental (Although many people enjoy romantic comedies, I usually find them _____ and shallow.)
maverick (n.) an independent, nonconformist person (Andreas is a real _____ and always does things his own way.)
Created by: RakRiv
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