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HM 120- Med Term-Ch2

Chapter 1

Surgeon Physician or doctor who performs surgery
Technician Allied health professional who has technical skill in a particular field of medicine
Technologist Allied health professional who specializes in a technical area of a field of medicine and performs technical tests
Therapist Allied health professional who performs therapy on patients to treat a specific disease or condition.
Physician extender Healthcare professionals who perform some of the duties of physicians or doctors and work under their supervision. They examine, diagnose, and treat patients. Some can prescribe medicines. Physician extenders include physicians assistants, nurse practitio
Physicians office Facility where a physician (or a group of physicians in a group practice) maintains an office. The ambulatory patients here are outpatients and are seen for a short period of time to diagnose and prescribe treatment for diseases that do not require hospit
Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Long-term care facility with a special nursing unit that admits patients from the hospital and provides a higher level of medical and nursing care. Persons in this facility are known as residents.
Palliative care Supportive medical and nursing care that keeps the patients comfortable but does not cure the disease.
Palpation Using the fingers
Palpation Using the fingers to press on a body part to feel a mass, an enlarged organ, tenderness, or pain.
Percussion Tapping one finger on another finger of a hand that is spread across the chest, abdomen, or back to listen for differences in sounds in a body cavity
Physician Healthcare professional—Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO)—who directs the activities of the healthcare team. The physician examines the patient, orders tests, diagnoses, and treats diseases. Other healthcare professionals graduate from
Inspection Using the eyes or an instrument to examine the body.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Specialty care unit within a hospital
Long-term care facility Residential facility for persons who are unable to care for themselves. A long-term care facility, previously known as a a nursing home, provides 24-hour nursing care, and some provide rehabilitation services. Persons in this facility are known as residen
Nurse Allied health professional who examines patients, making nursing diagnoses, and gives medicine and treatment ordered by a physician.
Hospital Healthcare facility that provides care for acutely ill medical and surgical patients for longer than 24 hours. The patient being treated is an inpatient. The patient is admitted, occupies a bed in the hospital, and is discharged.
Inpatient A patient in a hospital
Hospice Facility for patients who have a terminal illness and require palliative care, pain management, counseling, and emotional support for the patient and the family. Hospice care can also be provided in the patient's home.
Discharge Release from the hospital of a patient who no longer needs hospital-level care. The patient can be discharged to home or transferred to another healthcare facility.
Electronic health record (EHR) Paperless medical record that provides seamless, immediate, and simultaneous access by several healthcare professionals regardless of where the parts of the record were created or stored. Also known as the electronic medical record (EMR) or electronic pat
HIPPA The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act states that all healthcare facilities must provide the patient with a statement that his or her medical record information is secure and only released to authorized organizations.
Home health agency Agency that provides a range of healthcare services to patients in their homes. These patients are known as clients.
Attending physician Physician on the medical staff of a hospital who admits patients, directs their care, and discharges them.
Ausculation Using a stethoscope to listen to the sounds of the heart, lungs, or intestines.
Clinic An ambulatory facility that provides healthcare services, often for just one type of patient or one type of disease . Examples: Well-baby clinic for newborns, walk-in clinics, urgent care clinics. Clinic patients are known as outpatients and the facility
Consent to treatment Form that must be signed that gives a physician and others the right to treat the patient.
Diagnosis A determination based on knowledge about the cause of the patients's symptoms and signs.
Allied health professional Healthcare professionals who support the work of physicians and perform specific services ordered by the physician. Allied health professionals include nurses, technologists, technicians, therapists, and others.
Ambulatory surgery center (ASC) Facility where minor surgical procedures are performed. The patient is an outpatient who does not stay overnight.
Ancillary department Department in the hospital that provides services to support the medical and surgical care being given in a hospital. Examples: Radiology department, physical therapy department, dietary department, emergency department, clinic laboratory, and pharmacy.
Syndrome Set of symptoms and signs associated with and characteristic of a specific disease.
Subacute Symptoms and signs that are less severe in intensity than acute symptoms
Terminal illness Disease from which there is no hope of recover and one that will eventually result in the patients death
Therapeutic Treatment that makes the symptoms and signs of a disease disappear
Sequela Complication that is caused by the original disease and remains after the original disease has resolved.
Sign Symptom that can be seen or detected by others
Surgery Operative procedure to treat a disease that cannot be treated with drugs or therapy.
Symptom Any deviation from health that is experienced and felt by the patient
Symptomatology Clinical picture of all the patient's symptoms and signs.
Pathogen Disease-causing microorganism such as a bacterium, virus, fungus, etc.
Prognosis Predicted course and outcome of a disease.
Recuperation Process of recovery and return to a normal state of health.
Refractory Pertaining to a disease that does not respond well to treatment
Remission Temporary improvement in the symptoms or signs of a disease without the underlying disease being cured.
Iatrogenic disease Caused by medicine or treatment given to the patient.
Idiopathic disease Having no identifiable or confirmed cause
Infectious disease Caused by a pathogen. A communicable disease is an infectious disease that is transmitted by direct or indirect contact with an infected person, animal, or insect.
Neoplastic disease Caused by the growth of a benign (not cancerous) or malignant (cancerous) tumor or mass.
Nutritional disease Caused by lack of nutritious food, too little food, or an inability to utilize the food that is eaten.
Etiology The cause or origin of a disease.
Exacerbation Sudden worsening in the severity of symptoms or signs.
Genetic disease Caused by a mutation in a person's genes or chromosomes during fetal development.
Hereditary disease Caused by an inherited recessive defective gene, passed to a child from a parent who carries the defective gene but does not have the disease.
hospital-acquired infection Caused by exposure to a disease-causing agent while in the hospital . Previously known as a nosocomial infection.
Congenital disease Caused by an abnormality in fetal development or an abnormal process that occurs during gestation or birth
Degenerative disease Caused by progressive destruction of cells due to disease or the aging process.
Disability Permanent loss of the ability to perform certain activities or function in a given way.
Disease Any change in the normal structure or function of the body.
Environmental Caused by exposure to substances in the environment.
Asymptomatic Showing no symptoms or signs of disease.
Chronic Symptoms and signs of diseases that continue for 3 months or longer.
Acute Symptoms and signs of diseases that are sudden in nature and severe in intensity.
ROS Review of symptoms
RUQ Right upper quadrant
SH Social history
SNF Skilled nursing facility
PT Physical therapy
RLQ Right lower quadrant
RN Registered nurse
R/O Rule out
PA Physicians assistant
PE Physical exam
PCP Primary care physician
Pharm. D. Doctor of Pharmacy
PMH Past medical history
LUQ Left upper quadrant
LVN Licensed vocational nurse
M.D. Doctor of medicine
NP Nurse practitioner
O.D. Doctor of optometry
HIPPA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HPI History of Present illness
ICU Intensive care unit
LLQ Left lower quadrant
LPN Licensed practical nurse
EMR Electronic medical record
EPR Electronic Patient Record
ER Emergency room
FH Family history
D.P.M Doctor of Podiatric medicine
DS Discharge summary
Dx Diagnosis
ED Emergency department
EHR Electronic health record
D.D.S. Doctor of Dental Surgery
D.O. Doctor of Osteopathy
D.C. Doctor of Chiropracty
CC Chief complaint
CNM Certified nurse midwife
CRNA Certified registered nurse anesthetist
ASC Ambulatory surgery center
Ger/o- Old age
Gynec/o- Female; woman
Dist/o- Away from the center of origin
Dors/o- Back; dorsum
Endo/o- intermost; within
Crin/o- Secrete
Extren/o- Outside
Cephal/o- Head
Coron/o- Structure that encircles like a crown
Front/o- Front
Dent/o- Tooth
Dietet/o- Diet; foods
Quadr/o- Four
Vascul/o- Blood vessel
Cuad/o- Tailbone
Cellul/o- Cell
Cyt/o- Cell
Tom/o- Cut; layer; slice
Anter/o- Before; front part
Cav/o- Hallow space
Abdomin/o- Abdomen
Ur/o- Urinary system; urine
Ventr/o- Abdoment; front
Super/o- Above
Thorac/o- chest; thorax
Vers/o- Travel; turn
Umbillic/o- Naval; umbillicus
Radi/o- Forearm bone; x-rays
Safitt/o- Front to back
Skelet/o- Skeleton
Spin/o- Backbone; spine
Postero- Back part
Prevent/o- Prevent
Proxim/o- Near the center; near the point of origin
Pulmon/o- Lung
Pev/o- Hip bone; pelvis; renal pelvis
Pharmac/o- Drug; medicine
Laryng/o- Larynx; voice box
Ophthalm/o- Eye
Orth/o- Straight
Ped/o- Child
Ot/o- Ear
Medi/o- Middle
Medic/o- Medicine
Nerv/o- Nerve
Neur/o- Nerve
Onco/o- Mass; tumor
Lumb/o- Lower back
Lymph/o- Lymph; lymphatic system
Genit/o- Genitalia
Product/o- Produce
Infer/o- Below
Inguin/o- Groin
Integument/o- Skin
Intern/o- Inside
Immun/o- Immune response
Chondr/o- Cartilage
Remiss/o- Send back
Sympomat/0- Collection of symptoms
Termin/o- Boundary; end; word
Therapeut/o- Therapy; treatment
Hemat/o- Blood
Plast/o- Formation; growth
Nutrit/o- Nourishment
Recuper/o- Recover
Fract/o- Bend; break up
Idi/o- Individual; unknown
Path/o- Disease
Communic/o- Inpart; transmit
ne/o- New
Nosocomi/o- Hospital
Latr/o- Medical treatment; physician
Gen/o- Arising from; produced by
Heredit/o- Genetic; inheritance
Gene/o- Gene
Gener/o- Creation; production
Eti/o- cause of disease
Exacerb/o- Increase; provoke
Chron/o- Time
Congenit/o- Present at birth
Log/o- Study of; word
Palpat./o- Feeling; touch
Percuss/o- Tapping
Techn/o- Technical skill
Inspect/o- Looking at
Habilit/o- Give ability
Gnos/o- Knowledge
Physi/o- Physical function
Auscult/o- Listening
Surg/o- Operative procedure
Acill/o- Accessary; servant
Ambulat/o- Walking
Bi/o- Two
Phag/o- Eating; swallowing
Pleg/o- Paralysis
Later/o- Side
Tens/o- Pressure; tension
Gemin/o- Group; set
Card/o- Heart
Digest/o- Digest; break down food
Esthes/o- Feeling; sensation
Muscul/o- Muscle
Leuk/o- White
Cari/o- Heart
Arteri/o- Artery
Vagin/o- Vagina
Enter/o- Intestine
Thyroid/o- Thyroid gland
Phenumon/o- Air; lungs
Gastr/o- Stomach
Perv/o- Hip bone; pelvis; renal pelvis
Intestin/o- Intestine
Abdomen/o- Abdomen
Uter/o- Uterus; womb
Arthr/o- Joint
Densit/o- Density
Psych/o- Mind
Dermat/o- Skin
Nas/o- Nose
Ven/o- Vein
Lapar/o- Abdomen
Therap/o- Treatment
Cost/o- Rib
Cyan/o- Blue
Cutane/o- Skin
Hepat/o- Liver
Obstetr/o- Pregnancy; childbirth
Derm/o- Skin
Nat/o- Birth
Colon/o- Colon
-tomy Process of making an incision
-scopy Process of using an instrument to examine
-ion Action; condition
-logy Study of
-megaly Enlargement
-graphy Process of recording
-ectomy Surgical removal
-osis Abnormal condition; process
-ous Pertaining to
-ism Disease of a specific cause; process
-pathy Disease
-iatry Medical treatment
-ation Being; having; process
-oma Mass; tumor
-ive Pertaining to
-gram Picture; record
-ic Pertaining to
-ine Pertaining to
-ar Pertaining to
-ary Pertaining to
-scope instrument used to examine
-al Pertaining to
-ia Condition; state; thing
-ist Person who specializes in; thing that specializes in
-itis Infection of; inflammation of
-ics Knowledge; practice
-metry Process of measuring
-ac Pertaining to
Re- Again and again; backward; unable to
An- Not; without
Tri- Three
Hyper- Above; more than normal
Dys- Abnormal; difficult; painful
Sub- Below; underneath; less than
Post- After; behind
Inter- Between
Trans- Across; through
Bi- Two
Epi Above; upon
Intra- Within
Pre- Before; in front of
Peri- Around
Brady- Slow
Hemi- Half
Quadri- Four
Tachy- Fast
Poly- Many; much
Hypo- Below; deficient
Anti- Against
Greek singular noun ending in -on changes to -a (i.e. Ganglion - Ganglia)
Latin singular noun ending in -ex changes to -ices (i.e. Apex - Apices; Cortex - Cortices)
Latin singular noun ending in -us changes to -i (i.e. Bronchus - Bronchi; Thrombus - Thrombi)
Latin singular noun ending in -um to -a (i.e. Atrium - Atria; Bacterium - Bacteria)
Greek singular noun ending in -oma changes to -omata (i.e. Carcinoma - Carcinomata)
Latin singular noun ending in -is changes to -es (i.e. Diagnosis - Diagnoses; Testis - Testes)
Greek singular noun ending in -is changes to -ides (Iris - Irides)
Latin singular noun ending in -a changes to -ae (i.e. Sclera - Sclerae; Vertebra - Vertebrae)
Greek singular noun ending in -nx changes to -nges (i.e. Phalanx - Phalanges)
Urology Medical specialty related to the urinary system. The physician specialist is a urologist.
Ventral Body position on the front of the body
Urinary system Body system that includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, and related structures .it removes product from the blood and excretes them in the urine.
Umbilical region Region on the anterior surface of the abdominopelvic area. it is centered around the umbilicus.
Transverse plane Horizontal plane that divides the body in the midline into upper (superior) and lower (inferior) parts.
Tissue Body structure formed of cells
Superior Body position on the upper part of the body or organ. Body direction of moving from the midline toward the head.
Thoracic cavity Body cavity that is surrounded by the breastbone (sternum) anteriorly, ribs bilaterally, bones of the spine posteriorly, and the diaphragm posteriorly. It contains the heart, lungs, and other structures.
Spinal cavity Body cavity surrounded by the bones of the spine. It contains the spinal cord, spinal nerves, and related structures. Also known as the spinal canal.
Sagittal plane Vertical plane that divides the body in the midline into right and left sections.
Skeletal system Body system that includes the bones, cartilage, ligaments, joints, and related structures. It supports and protects the body.
Radiology Medical specialty related to x-rays, sounds waves, and other forms of radiation and energy to create images. The physician specialists is a radiologist.
Respiratory system Body system that includes nose, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi, luns, and related structures. It brings oxygen into the body and expels carbon dioxide.
Pulmonology Medical specialty related to the respiratory system. The physician specialist is a pulmonologist.
Proximal Body direction of moving from the end of an arm or leg toward its point of attachment (origin) on the trunk of the body.
Psychiatry Medical specialty related to the mind and emotions. The medical specialists are psychiatrists and psychologists.
Prone Body position of lying face down on the anterior surface of the body.
Posterior Body position on the back of the body or an organ. Body direction of moving from the midline toward the back of the body.
Preventive medicine Health care that focuses on keeping a person healthy and preventing disease.
Pelvic cavity Body cavity that is continuous with the abdominal cavity. It is surrounded by the pelvic bones anteriorly and bilaterally and bones of the spine posteriorly. It contains the large intestine, uterus, bladder, some of the male genitalia, and related structu
Pharmacology Medical specialty related to drugs. The medical specialist is a pharmacist.
Physiology Study of the functions of the human body
otolarngology Medical specialty related to the ears, nose, and throat. The physician specialist is an otolaryngologist
Orthopedics Medical specialty related to the skeletal system and muscular system. The physician specialist is an orthopedist.
Pediatrics Medical specialty related to children. The physician specialist is a pediatrician.
Organ Body structure composted of tissue
Ophthalmology Medical specialty related to the eyes. The physician specialist is an ophthalmologist.
Obstetrics Medical specialty related to the female reproductive system during pregnancy and childbirth. The physician specialist is an obstetrician
Neurology Medical specialty related to the nervous system. The physician specialist is neurologist.
Oncology Medical specialty related to cancer. The physician specialist is an oncologist.
Nervous system Body system that includes the brain, cranial nerves, spinal cord, spinal nerves, other nerves, and related structures. It receives and interprets sensory information and sends motor commands for body movement.
Neonatology Medical specialty related to newborn babies with medical problems. The physician specialist is a neonatologist.
Muscular system Body system that includes the muscles, tendons, and related structures. It produces body movement and maintains body posture.
Medical specialty Basis of the practice of medicine.
Male genitourinary system Body system in the male that includes the scrotum, testes, prostate gland, penile urethra, penis, and related structures. It secretes the male hormone and produces and releases sperm.
Male reproductive medicine Medical specialty related to the male genitourinary system.
Medial Body direction of moving from either side of the body toward the midline.
Lumbar regions Right and left regions on the anterior surface of the abdominopelvic area. They are lateral to the umbilical region.
Lymphatic system Body system that includes the lymphatic glands, lymphoid tissues, and organs. It recognizes and destroys disease-causing organisms and abnormal cells.
Lateral Body direction of moving from the midline toward either side of the body. Bilateral is a position that indicates both sides.
Integumentary system Body system that includes the skin, hair, nails, subcutaneous tissue, and related structures. It receives sensations, protects internal organs, synthesizes vitamin D, and regulates body temperature.
Internal Body position on the inside of the body or an organ
Inguinal regions Right and left regions on the anterior surface of the abdominopelvic area. They are lateral to the hypogastric region.
Immunology Medical specialty related to the lymphatic system and the immune response. The physician specialist is an immunologist.
Inferior Body position on the lower part of the body or an organ.
Hypochondriac regions Right and left regions on the anterior surface of the abdominopelvic area, just below the cartilage of the ribs.
Hematology Medical specialty related to the blood. The physician specialist is a hematologist.
Hypogastric region Region on the anterior surface of the abdominopelvic area. It is inferior to the umbilical region.
Gynecology Medical specialty related to the female genital system. The physician specialist is a gynecologist
Health State of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
Gastroenterology Medical specialty related to the gastrointestinal system. The physician specialist is a gastroenterologist.
Geriatrics Medical specialty related to older adults. The physician specialist is a geriatrician or gerontologist.
Gastrointestinal system Body system that includes the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, intestines, and related structures. It digests food, absorbs nutrients, and removes undigested waste. It sends sensory information to the brain for the sense of taste.
Eyes Sensory organs that function in the special sense of sight
female genital and reproductive system Body system that includes the breasts, ovaries, uterus, vagina, and related structures. It secretes the female hormone, produces ova, menstruates, conceives and bears children, and produces milk to nourish babies.
External Body position on the outer, superficial surface of the body or an organ.
Etiology Cause or origin of a disease
Endocrine system Body system that includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, thymus, pancreas, adrenal glands, ovaries, and testes. It secretes hormones and maintains body homeostasis.
Endocrinology Medical specialty related to the endocrine system. The physician specialist is an endocrinologist.
Epigastric region Region on the anterior surface of the abdominopelvic area, superior to the umbilical region
Dorsal Body position of lying on the back. Also known as the dorsal supine position.
Ears, nose, and throat Related structures in the head and neck. The ears and nose are sensory organs that function in the special senses of hearing, balance, and smell.
Distal Body direction of moving from the trunk of the body (and the point of attachment or origin of an arm of leg) toward the end of the arm of leg.
Disease Any change in the normal structure or function of the body
Dietetics Medical specialty related to diet and nutrition. The healthcare specialists are dietitians and nutritionists.
Dermatology Medical specialty related to the integumentary system. The physician specialist is a dermatologist.
Dentistry Medical specialty related to the teeth. The medical specialist is a dentist.
Coronal plane Vertical plane that divides the body in a midline into front (anterior) and back (posterior) sections. Also known as the frontal plane.
Cephalad Body direction of moving away from the midline toward the head
Cranial cavity Body cavity within the bony cranium of the head; it contains the brain, cranial nerves, and related structures.
Cell Smallest, independently functioning structure in the body that can reproduce itself.
Caudad Body direction of moving from the midline to the tailbone
Cardiology Medical specialty related to the cardiovascular system. The physician specialist is a cardiologist.
Cardiovascular system Body system that includes the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, and related structures. It transports the blood throughout the body.
Body system Several organs and related structures that function together.
Body quadrant Four divisions on the anterior surface of the abdominopelvic area: left upper quadrant (LUQ), right upper quadrant (RUQ), left lower quadrant (LLQ), and right lower quadrant (RLQ).
Body regions Nine divisions on the anterior surface of the abdominopelvic area: hypochondriac regions (2), epigastric region, lumbar regions (2), umbilical region, inguinal regions (2), and the hypogastric region
Body plane An imaginary flat surface that divides the body into two parts. There are three planes: the sagittal plane, coronal plane, and transverse plane.
Body cavity Hollow space surrounded by bones or muscles that support and protect organs and structures within the cavity. There are five body cavity.
Blood Body system of blood cells and plasma. It transports blood cells, nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and waste products of cellular metabolism.
Anterior Body position on the front of the body or an organ. Also known as ventral. Body direction of moving from the midline toward the front of the body.
Anatomical position Standard position of the body for the purpose of study. The body is erects, head up and eyes looking forward, arms by the sides with palms facing toward, and legs straight with the toes pointing forward.
Anatomy Study of the structures of the human body.
Abdominopelvic cavity Body cavity formed by the combined abdominal and pelvic cavity
Abdominal cavity Body cavity that is surrounded by the diaphragm superiorly, the abdominal wall anteriorly, and the bones of the spine posteriorly. It contains the stomach, small intestine, large intestine, spleen, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and kidneys.
Created by: Keke_xcv
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