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medical terminology

The Nervous System

aphasia inability to speak
dementia loss or decline in mental function
dysphasia difficulty speaking
syncope fainting
cephalalgia head pain
neuralgia nerve pain
paralysis complete loss of sensation and motor function
paresis partial paralysis
acrophobia fear of heights
agoraphobia fear of outdoor spaces
hydrophobia fear of water
kleptomania desire to steal
pyromania desire to set fire
cerebral angiography procedure used to examine blood vessel in the brain
electroencephalography (EEG) procedure used to examine the electrical activity of the brain
lumbar puncture (LP) inserting a needle in the spine to collect spinal fluid
myelogram image of the spinal cord, usually done using x-ray
positro emssion tomography (PET) an imaging procedure that uses radiation to produce cross section of the brain
encephalocele hernia of the brain
hematoma a tumor like mass of blood
epidural ematoma a hematoma located on top of the dura
intracerebral hematoma a hematoma located inside the brain
subdural hematoma an hematoma located beneath the dura
meningocele a hernia of the meninges
neuritis nerve inflammation
afferent nerve a nerve that carries impulse toward the central nervous system
efferent nerve a nerve that carries impulse away from the central nervous system
psychiatrist doctor specialized in treatment of the mind
psychiatry branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of the mind
psychologist doctor specialized in the study of the mind
psychology branch of medicine that focuses on the study of the mind
psychosomatic pertaining to the relationship between the body and the mind
cerebrovascular accident (CVA) an accident involving the blood vessels of the brain
stroke loss of brain function caused by interruption of blood flow to the brain
transient ischemic attack (TIA) a "mini stroke" caused by the blockage of a blood vessel, which resolves within 24 hours
hydrocephaly abnormal accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
encephalopathy disease of the brain
meningitis inflammation of the meninges
myelitis inflammation of the spinal cord
neurophaty disease of the nervous system
poliomyelitis inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
anorexia an eating disorder characterized by the patient's refusal to eat
autism a phychiatric disorder characterized by withdrawal from communication with others; the patient is focused only on the self
bulimia an eating disorder characterized by overeating and usually followed by forced vomiting
cerebral palsy paralysis caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for movement
epilepsy a disease marked by seizures
narcolepsy a disease characterized by sudden, uncontrolled sleepiness
neurosis a nerve condition
psychosis a mind condition
schizophrenia a mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and disordered speech
anesthetic a drug that causes loss of sensation
analgesic a drug that relieves pain
anticonvulsant a drug that opposes convulsions
antipsychotic a drug that opposes psychoses
anxiolytic a drug that lessens anxiety
craniectomy removal of a piece of skull
craniotomy incision into the skull
neurectomy removal of a nerve
neurolysis destruction of nerve tissue
neuroplasty reconstruction of a nerve
neurrhopathy suturing of a nerve
Created by: lalla
Popular Medical sets




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