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Module D IV

Technical Escort - Biological Operations

Bioterrorism definition Deliberate release of viruses, bacteria or other biological agents used to cause illness or death in people, animals or plants
Category A BWA definition High priority agents that are a risk to national security
Category A BWA characterization Can be easily disseminated person to person, high mortality rate, can cause public panic and social disruption
Category B BWA definition Is the second highest priority agent
Category B BWA characterization Moderately easy to disseminate, moderate morbidity rates and low mortality rates
What are some category A BWAs? Anthrax, botulism, plague, smallpox, tularemia and viral hemorrhagic fevers
Category C BWA defintion Includes emerging pathogens that could be engineered for mass dissemination in the future
Category C BWA characterization Availability, ease of production, dissemination, potential for high morbidity, mortality rates and major health impact
What are some category C BWAs? Nipah virus, hantavirus, tickborne hemorrhagic fever, tickborne encephalitis, yellow fever and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
Characteristics of prokaryotic cells Lack of nucleus, surrounded by cell wall and lack of organelles
What are the two mechanisms bacteria causes disease in human or animals? Invading host tissues and producing toxins
What is the main reason some bacteria form endospores? To survive unfavorable or extreme conditions
Characteristics of Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA) Contains digests of soybean meal and casein, suits the growth of fastidious and non-fastidious microorganisms
Characteristics of blood agar Enriched with 5% sheep or cow blood
Characteristics of chocolate agar Derived from the fact that RBCs lysed gives the medium a chocolate-brown color
Characteristics of Egg Yolk agar Contains a suspension of egg yolk to facilitate recovery of anaerobes
Characteristics of Broth Used for cultivation of wide variety of microorganisms
Optimal growth temperatures definition Incubation temperatures vary between 28 and 37 degrees Celsius
Aerobic definition Requires free oxygen
Anaerobic definition Does not require free oxygen
Created by: JeromeTalley
Popular Military sets




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