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Medical Lang Intro
Term | Definition |
Vowels | |
Bb, Cc, Dd, Ff, Gg, Hh, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Vv, Ww, Xx, Zz | Consonants |
Medical language | Medical terminology |
Prefix | Beginning of a term |
Combining form | Root word |
Suffix | End of a term |
-emia | Blood condition |
Glyc/o | Sugar |
Hypo- | Below or deficient |
Hyper- | Excessive |
Hyper- glyc/o -emia | Blood condition of excessive sugar |
Hypo- glyc/o -emia | Blood condition of deficient sugar |
Derm/o | Skin |
-ic | Pertaining to |
Hypo- derm/o -ic | Pertaining to below the skin |
Pre- | Before |
Nat/i | Birth |
-al | Pertaining to |
Pre- nat/i -al | Pertaining to before birth |
Post- | After |
Prandi/o | Meals |
Post- prandi/o -al | Pertaining to after meals |
A- | No |
Men/o | Menstrual |
-rrhea | Flow |
Ox/o | Oxygen |
Hypo- ox/o -emia | Blood condition of deficient oxygen |
Gastr/o | Stomach |
Epi- -gastr/o -ic | Pertaining to above the stomach |
Supra- | Above |
Ren/o | Kidney(s) |
Supra- ren/o -al | Pertaining to above the kidney(s) |
Sub- | Below |
Nas/o | Nose |
Sub- nas/o -al | Pertaining to below the nose |
Infra- | Below |
Clavicul/o | Clavicle |
Infra- clavicul/o -ar | Pertaining to below the clavicle |
Uni- | One |
Ocul/o | Eye |
Uni- ocul/o -ar | Pertaining to one eye |
Bi- | Two |
Later/o | Sides |
Bi- later/o -al | Pertaining to two sides |
Tri- | Three |
Foc/o | Foci |
Tri- foc/o -al | Pertaining to 3 foci |
Quadri- | Four |
Pleg/o | Paralysis |
Quadri- pleg/o -ic | Pertaining to paralysis of 4 |
Peri- | Around |
Oste/o | Bone |
-itis | Inflammation |
Peri- oste/o -itis | Inflammation around the bone |
Circum- | Around |
Cis/o | Cutting |
-ion | Process of |
Circum- cis/o -ion | Process of cutting around |
In- | In |
In- cis/o -ion | Process of cutting in |
Ex- | Out |
Ex- cis -ion | Process of cutting out |
Chole- | Gall |
Cyst/o | Bladder |
-ectomy | Surgical removal |
Chole- cyst/o -ectomy | Surgical removal of the gall bladder |
An- | No |
Esthesi/o | Feeling or nervous sensation |
-logy | Study of |
Phas/o | Speech |
Phas/o | Speech |
A- phas/o -ic | Pertaining to no speech |
Dys- | Difficult or painful |
Phag/o | Swallowing |
-ia | Condition of |
Dys- phag/o -ia | Condition of difficult or painful swallowing |
Endo- | Within |
Trache/o | Trachea aka windpipe |
Endo- trache/o -al | Pertaining to within the trachea |
Muscul/o | Muscle |
Intra- muscul/o -ar | Pertaining to within muscle |
Inter- | Between |
Vertebr/o | Vertebrae |
Inter- vertebr/o -al | Pertaining to between the vertebrae |
Retro- | Behind |
Stern/o | Sternum |
Retro- stern/o -al | Pertaining to behind the the sternum |
Trans- | Across or through |
Vagin/o | Vagina |
Trans- vagin/o -al | Pertaining to across the vagina |
Semi- | Half |
Circul/o | Circle |
-ar | Pertaining to |
Semi- circul/o -ar | Pertaining to half a circle |
Brady- | Slow |
Card/o | Heart (pulse) |
Brady- card/o -ia | Condition of slow heart |
Anti- | Against |
Bacteri/o | Bacteria |
Anti- bacteri/o -al | Pertaining to against bacteria |
Contra- | Against |
Cept/o | Conception |
Contra- cept/o -ion | Process against conception |
Ovum | Egg |
Spermatozoon | Individual sperm |
Fertilization | Joining of an ovum and spermatozoon |
Electro- | Electrical activity |
Cardi/o | Heart |
-gram | Record of |
Electro- cardi/o -gram | Record of electrical activity in the heart |
-graph | Machine to record |
Electro- cardi/o -graph | Machine to record electrical activity in the heart |
-graphy | Process of recording |
Electro- cardi/o -graphy | Process of recording electrical activity in the heart |
Echo- | Sound |
Echo- cardi/o -gram | Record of the heart using sound |
Echo- cardi/o -graph | Machine to record the heart using sound |
Echo- cardi/o -graphy | Process of recording the heart using sound |
Thyroid/o | Thyroxin |
-ism | Condition of |
Pre- hypo- thyroid/o -ism | Condition of before a deficiency of thyroxin |
Micro- | Small |
Bi/o | Life |
-ist | Specialist |
Micro- bi/o -logy -ist | Specialist in the study of small life |
Anti- micro- bi/o -al | Pertaining to against small life |
Fung/i | Fungi |
-cide | Killing |
Fung/i -cide -al | Pertaining to killing fungi |
Onc/o | Tumor (cancer) |
-gen | Creation |
Onc/o -gen -ic | Pertaining to tumor creation |
Tachy- | Fast |
-pnea | Breathing |
Tachy- -pnea | Fast breathing |
Dipl- | Double |
-opia | Vision |
Dipl- -opia | Double vision |
-plasia & -trophy | Growth or development |
A- -plasia & -trophy | No growth or development |
Hyper- -plasia & -trophy | Excessive growth or development |
Neo- | New |
-plasia & -plasm | Growth or development |
Neo- -plasia & -plasm | New growth or development |
Poly- | Excessive |
-uria | Urination |
Poly- -uria | Excessive urination |
Multi- | Many |
-par | Live births |
-ous | Pertaining to |
Multi- -par -ous | Pertaining to many live births |
Hemi- | Half |
-paresis | Paralysis |
Hemi- -paresis | Partial paralysis of the right or left half of the body |
Neur/o | Nerve |
Tox/o | Poison |
My/o | Muscle |
Metri/o | Uterus |
My/o metri/o -al | Pertaining to the muscle layer of the uterus |
Phono/o | Sound |
Phob/o | Sensitivity |
Phono/o phob/o -ia | Condition of sensitivity to sound |
Leuk/o | White |
Cyt/o | Cells |
-penia | Deficiency |
Erythr/o | Red |
Erythr/o cyt/o -osis | Deficiency of red cells |
-osis | Abnormal condition of |
Nephr/o | Kidney |
Lith/o | Stone(s) |
-iasis | Abnormal condition |
Nephr/o lith/o -iasis | Abnormal condition of kidney stone(s) |
Coagul/o | Clotting |
Path/o | Disease |
-y | Condition of |
Coagul/o path/o -y | Condition of clotting disease |
Vascul/o | Blood vessel(s) |
Cardi/o vascul/o -ar | Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels |
Hepat/o | Liver |
Splen/o | Spleen |
-megaly | Enlargement |
Hepat/o splen/o -megaly | Enlargement of the liver and spleen |
Vas/o | Blood vessel |
-spasm | Involuntary muscle contraction |
Angi/o | Blood vessels |
-rrhexis | Rupture |
Hem/o | Blood |
-rrhage & -rrhagia | Rapid flow |
Hem/o -rrhage & -rrhagia | Rapid flow of blood |
Hemat/o | Blood |
-emesis | Vomiting |
Hemat/o -emesis | Vomiting blood |
Arthr/o | Joint |
-centesis | Surgical puncture |
Arthr/o -centesis | Surgical puncture of a joint |
Cephal/o | Head |
-algia | Ache or pain |
Cephal/o -algia | Headache |
Thorac/o | Thorax |
-dynia | Pain |
Thorac/o -dynia | Pain in the thorax |
Col/o | Colon |
-tome | Surgical instrument to cut |
Col/o -tome | Surgical instrument to cut the colon |
-tomy | Incision |
Col/o -tomy | Incision of the colon |
-stomy | Artificial opening |
Col/o -stomy | Artificial opening into the colon |
Append/o | Appendix |
Append/o -ectomy | Surgical removal of the appendix |
Lapar/o | Abdomen |
-scope | Lighted instrument to view |
Lapar/o -scope | Lighted instrument to view the abdomen |
-scopy | Process of using a lighted instrument to view |
Lapar/o -scopy | Process of using a lighted instrument to view the abdomen |
Rhin/o | Nose |
-plasty | Surgical repair |
Rhin/o -plasty | Surgical repair of the nose |
Mast/o | Breast |
-pexy | Surgical fixation |
Mast/o -pexy | Surgical fixation of the breast |
Thromb/o | Clot(s) |
-lysis & -lytic | Break up or destruction |
Thromb/o -lysis & -lytic | Break up or destruction of clot(s) |
Herni/o | Hernia |
-rrhaphy | Suturing |
Herni/o -rrhaphy | Suturing of a hernia |
-cele | Herniation |
Cyst/o -cele | Herniation of the urinary bladder |
Blephr/o | Eyelid |
-ptosis | Prolapse |
Arteri/o | Artery |
-stenosis | Narrowing (stricture) |
Arteri/o -stenosis | Narrowing of an artery |
Therm/o | Heat |
-meter | Instrument to measure |
Therm/o -meter | Instrument to measure heat |
Pelv/i | Pelvis |
-metry | Measuring |
Pelv/i -metry | Measuring the pelvis |
Lip/o | Fat |
-ase | Enzyme |
Myel/o | Bone marrow |
-oid | Resembling |
Lith/o | Stone(s) |
-tripsy | Crushing |
Lith/o -tripsy | Crushing stone(s) |
Arteri/o | Artery |
Arteri/o -ole | Small artery |
Ven/o | Vein |
-ule | Small |
Psych/o | Mind |
-iatry | Treatment of |
Psych/o -iatry | Treatment of the mind |
Albin/o | White |
Albin/o -ism | Condition of white skin |
Melan/o | Black |
-oma | Tumor |
Melan/o -oma | Black tumor |
Cyan/o | Blue |
Cyan/o -osis | Abnormal condition of blue |
Cirrh/o | Yellow |
Cirrh/o -osis | Abnormal condition of yellow skin |
ic, ac, al, ar, ary, eal, ical, ine, ior, ory, ual, tic, & ous | Pertaining to |
Anorexic pertaining to | No appetite |
Viral pertaining to | Virus |
Lobar pertaining to | Lobe aka section or part |
Celiac pertaining to | Belly or guy |
Salivary pertaining to | Saliva |
Pharyngeal pertaining to | Pharynx aka throat |
Psychological pertaining to | Study of the mind |
Palatine pertaining to | Palate (oral roof) |
Exterior pertaining to | Outside |
Auditory pertaining to | Hearing |
Visual pertaining to | Vision |
Acoustic pertaining to | Sound |
Cutaneous pertaining to | Skin |
a plural | ae |
ax plural | aces |
en plural | ina |
is plural | es |
ix plural | ices |
ex plural | ices |
on plural | a |
um plural | a |
us plural | I |
y plural | ies |
Superior | Upper or above |
Inferior | Below or under |
Anterior | Front |
Posterior | Back |
Anteroposterior | Front to back |
Posteroanterior | Back to front |
Proximal | Beginning |
Distal | End |
Medial | Middle |
Lateral | Side |
Supine | Lying on back |
Prone | Lying on stomach |
Superior right and left regions | Hypochondriac regions |
Medial right and left regions | Lumbar regions |
Inferior right and left regions | Iliac regions |
Superior medial region | Epigastric region |
Medial region | Umbilical region |
Inferior medial region | Hypogastric region |
RUQ | right upper quadrant |
RLQ | Right lower quadrant |
LUQ | Left upper quadrant |
LLQ | Left lower quadrant |
Cranial cavity | Inside the cranium aka skull |
Spinal cavity | Inside the vertebrae |
Thoracic cavity | Inside the thorax |
Abdominal cavity | Inside the abdomen |
Pelvic cavity | Inside thehips |
Vowels |