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Final Exam 1 Review
Medical Terminology Semester 1 Chapter reviews
Question | Answer |
What is a test that measures the volume of red blood cells within the total volume of the blood | hematocrit |
is commonly called blood poisoning | septicemia |
a floating clot | embolus |
an inherited disease where the blood fails to clot | hemophilia |
a hypersensitivity to a common substance | allergy |
a type of allergy testing | scratch |
severe itching associated with hives | urticaria |
combining form that means women | gynec/o |
combining form that means cut | cis/o |
what prefix means before | pre- |
prefix that means outside of | extra- |
prefix that means half | hemi- |
prefix that means within | intra- |
prefix that means normal | eu- |
suffix that means abnormal flow | -rrhage |
suffix that means the process of measuring | -metery |
suffix that means to withdraw fluid | -centesis |
what suffix means protrusion | -cele |
suffix that means narrowing | -stenosis |
what suffix means drooping | -ptosis |
what suffix means destruction | -lytic |
terms ending in -a are pluralized by simply adding am -e to the end of them. True or False? | True |
Terms ending in -um are pluralized by simply adding an -s to the end of the term. True or False? | False |
What are the three parts of respiration? | Ventilation, external respiration, internal respiration |
The flow of air between the outside environment and the lungs | ventilation |
the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide that takes place in the lungs | external respiration |
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide that takes place on a cellular level where oxygen is delivered to the bloodstream | internal respiration |
common name for the pharynx | throat |
common name for the larynx | voice box |
common name for the trachea | windpipe |
4 main components of the blood | leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, plasma |
universal donor blood type | O negative |
Universal recipient blood type | AB positive |
The blood clotting process is called hemostasis. True or False? | True |
Hemolytic reaction occurs when a blood transfusion reacts with a patients own blood. True or false? | True |
A hematoma | Bruise |
True of False, hemoglobin is the protein inside the erythrocytes that picks up and transports oxygen? | True |
Too few white blood cells | leukopenia |
blood destruction | hemolytic |
pertaining to a clot | thrombotic |
pertaining to fibers | fibrinous |
too many white blood cells | leukocytosis |
What is the most important standard precaution? | Washing your hands |
A condition that results in thick blood as a results of having too many red blood cells | polycythemia vera |
Does the lymphatic system assist in the blood clotting process? Yes or No. | No |
A blood test that tests for bacterial growth | culture and sensitivity |
Abbreviation for non-nosocomial infection | HAI |
phleb/o | vein |
Abbreviation for personal protective equipment | PPE |
C&S | Culture & Sensitivity |
Which of the following is not a function of the epithelial tissue | support body structures |
What plane divides the body into left and right portions | sagittal |
The plane that divides the body horizontally | transverse |
What plane divides the body into front and back portions | Frontal |
What region is the head a part of | cephalic region |
Arms are a part of what region | brachial |
Is dorsal front or back | back |
What term means more to the back side of the body | posterior |
What directional term means farther away from the point of attachment to the body | distal |
anterior means | fron |
doral means | back |
what term means lying face down | prone |
what terms means lying on your back | supine |
medial (middle) and lateral (outside) are opposite terms, true or false? | True |
what is another term that is interchangeable with inferior? | caudal |
In anatomical divisions of the abdomen the middle row is called what? Think of the cord a baby has cut off when they are born. | umbilical |
What term means toward the surface of the body | superficial |
belly side of the body (interchangeable with anterior) | ventral |
name for the torso is in what region | trunk |
Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, whole body. Correct organization? | Yes |
my/o | muscle |
rotat/o | rotate |
habilitat/o | ability |
myos/o | muscle |
vers/o | to turn |
flex/o | to bend |
duct/o | to bring |
kinesi/o | movement |
tend/o | tendon |
physic/o | body |
therm/o | heat |
ten/o | tendon |
hydr/o | water |
fasci/o | fibrous band |
muscul/o | muscle |
extens/o | to stretch out |
phon/o | sound |
tendin/o | tendon |
fibr/o | fiber |
plant/o | sole of your foot |
-asthenia | weakness |
-phoresis | carrying |
-kinesis | movement |
-ion | action |
-tonia | tone |
-trophic | pertaining to development |
ankyl/o | stiff joint |
arthr/o | joint |
articul/o | joint |
burs/o | sac |
chondr/o | cartilage |
cervic/o | neck |
cortic/o | outer region |
cost/o | rib |
kyph/o | hump |
lamin/o | laming |
lord/o | bent backwards |
myel/o | bone marrow |
orth/o | straight |
oste/o | bone |
ped/o | child or foot |
pod/o | foot |
prosthet/o | addition |
radi/o | radius |
lumb/o | loin |
medull/o | medulla |
scoli/o | crooked |
spondyl/o | vertebrae |
thorac/o | chest |
-blast | immature |
-porosis | porous |
-non | not |
-clasia | surgically break |
-desis | to fuse |
-listhesis | slipping |
-dynia | pain |
-duct | to bring |
ab- | away from |
-ion | condition |
-eal | pertaining to |
albin/o | white |
cauter/o | to burn |
kerat/o | hard or horny |
lip/o | fat |
leuk/o | white |
erythr/o | red |
hidr/o | sweat |
melan/o | black |
necr/o | death |
myc/o | fungus |
seb/o | oil |
trich/o | hair |
xer/o | dry |
ungu/o | nail |
phot/o | light |
py/o | pus |
scler/o | hard |
rhytid/o | wrinkles |
cutane/o | skin |
vesic/o | sac |
-derma | skin condition |
allo- | other |
xeno- | foreign or different |
angi/o | vessel |
ather/o | fatty substance |
cardi/o | heart |
atri/o | artery |
isch/o | to hold back |
phleb/o | vein |
ventricul/o | ventricle |
ven/o | vein |
vas/o | vessel |
vascul/o | blood vessel |
valvul/o | valve |
thromb/o | clot |
steth/o | chest |
sphygm/o | pulse |
aort/o | aorta |
arteri/o | artery |
coron/o | heart |
valv/o | valve |
-ule | small |
-ole | small |
-manometer | instrument that measures pressure |
-tension | pressure |
varic/o | dilated vein |
myocardi/o | heart muscle |
thromb/o | clot |
agglutin/o | clumping |
chrom/o | color |
leuk/o | white |
fus/o | pouring |
sanguin/o | blood |
phag/o | eat or swallow |
morph/o | shape |
septic/o | infection |
bas/o | base |
granul/o | granules |
eosin/o | rosy red |
neutr/o | neutral |
myel/o | bone marrow |
coagul/o | clotting |
-emia | blood condition |
-crit | separation of |
-penia | too few |
lymphaden/o | lymph nodes or lymph glands |
nucle/o | nucleus |
tonsill/o | tonsill |
lymphangi/o | lymph vessels |
immun/o | protection |
adenoid/o | adenoids |
-toxic | pertaining to poison |
splen/o | spleen |
axill/o | axilla |
-globulin | protein |
inguin/o | inguinal |
thym/o | thymus gland |
-phage | to eat |
-edema | swelling |
lymph/o | lymph |