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Med Abbreviations
Term | Definition |
A&P | Anatomy & Physiology |
AP | Apical Pulse |
Abd | Abdomen |
ac | Before Meals |
Ad lib | as desired |
ADL | Activities of Daily Living |
Adm | Admission |
AED | Automated External Defibrillator |
AM, a.m. | Morning |
AMA | Against Medical Advice |
Amb | Ambulate |
AROM | Active Range of Motion |
As tol | As Tolerated |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
Ax | Axillary |
BBS | Bilateral Breath Sounds |
BID | Twice A Day |
TID | Three Times A Day |
Bilat | Bilateral |
BM | Bowel Movement |
BMI | Body Mass Index |
BMR | Basal Metabolic Rate |
BP | Blood Pressure |
BR | Bed Rest |
BRP | Bathroom Privileges |
BS | Bowel Sounds |
BS | Blood Sugar |
BG | Blood Glucose |
BSA | Body Surface Area |
BSC | Bedside Commode |
Bx | Biopsy |
c or w/ | With |
CA | Cancer |
CAD | Coronary Artery Disease |
Cap | Capsule |
Cath | Catheter |
CBC | Complete Blood Count |
CBR | Complete Bed Rest |
CC | Chief Complaint |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control |
CEU | Continuing Education Unit |
CHF | Congestive Heart Failure |
Chol | Cholesterol |
Cl Liq | Clear Liquids |
C/O | Complains of |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation |
C&S | Culture and Sensitivity |
CSF | Cerebral Spinal Fluid |
CT | Computed Tomography |
CVD | Cardiovascular Disease |
D/C | Discharge |
D/C | Discontinue |
Diff | Differential |
DNR | Do Not Resuscitate |
DOA | Dead On Arrival |
DOB | Date of Birth |
DOD | Date of Death |
Drsg | Dressing |
DRG | Diagnostic Related Group |
DVT | Deep Vein Thrombosis |
Dx | Diagnosis |
EKG | Electrocardiogram |
ED | Emergency Department |
ER | Emergency Room |
EEG | Electroencephalogram |
ENT | Ears Nose Throat |
EENT | Eyes Ears Nose Throat |
EHR | Electronic Health Record |
EMR | Electronic Medical Record |
EMS | Emergency Medical Services |
Etiol, Et | Etiology |
FBS | Fasting Blood Sugar |
FBW | Fasting Blood Work |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration |
FF, FFl | Force Fluids |
Fx | Fracture |
FH | Family History |
FHR | Fetal Heart Rate |
GI | Gastrointestinal |
gtts | drops |
G-tube | Gastic Tube |
GU | Genitourinary |
Gyn | Gynecology |
H&H | Hemoglobin and Hematocrit |
HA | Headache |
HTN | Hypertension |
Hct | Hematocrit |
Hgb | Hemoglobin |
HHA | Home Health Aide |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act |
HMO | Health Maintenance Organization |
H&P | History and Physical |
HOB | Head of Bed |
Hr, hr | Hour |
HS, hs | Hour of Sleep |
Hx | History |
I&O | Intake and Output |
ICU | Intensive Care Unit |
ID | intradermal |
IM | Intramuscular |
Inf | Inferior |
Ant | Anterior |
Isol | Isolation |
IV | Intravenous |
IVP | Intravenous Push |
IVPB | Intravenous Piggyback |
KUB | Kidney Ureters Bladder |
KVO | Keep Vein Open |
Kg | Kilogram |
K | potassium |
L&D | Labor and Delivery |
Lat | Lateral |
Liq | Liquid |
LLQ | Left Lower Quadrant |
LLE | Left Lower Extremity |
LUE | Left Upper Extremity |
LOC | Level of Consciousness |
LP | Lumbar Puncture |
LPN | Licensed Practical Nurse |
LTC | Long Term Care |
MI | Myocardial Infarction |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
MRSA | Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus |
NB | Newborn |
N/C, NC | Nasal Cannula |
Neg | Negative |
NG | Nasogastric |
NICU | Neonatal Intensive Care Unit |
NKA | No Known Allergies |
NKDA | No Known Drug Allergies |
noc, noct | At night |
NP | Nurse Practitioner |
NPO | Nothing By Mouth |
PO | By Mouth |
NVD | Nausea Vomiting Diarrhea |
od | Overdose |
OOB | Out of Bed |
OP | Outpatient |
OR | Operating Room |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OT | Occupational Therapy |
OTC | Over the Counter |
PACU | Post Anesthesia Care Unit |
p | After |
Peds | Pediatrics |
pc | After Meals |
ac | Before Meals |
PPO | Preferred Provider Organization |
PRN | As Needed |
PROM | Passive Range of Motion |
AROM | Active Range of Motion |
ROM | Range of Motion |
PT | Physical Therapy |
pt | Patient |
Px | Prognosis |
q | Every |
qd | Every Day |
qh | Every Hour |
q2h | Every Two Hours |
hs | Bedtime |
QID | Four Times A Day |
QOD | Every Other Day |
RR | Respiration Rate |
R | Respirations |
RBC | Red Blood Cell |
RT | Respiratory Therapy |
s, w/o | Without |
SC | Subcutaneous |
SCD | Sequential Compression Device |
SOB | Shortness of Breath |
S&S, S/S | Signs and Symptoms |
STAT | Immediately |
Supp | Suppository |
Sx | Surgery |
T, Temp | Temperature |
Tab | Tablet |
TCDB | Turn Cough and Deep Breaths |
TF | Tube Feed |
TPR | Temperature Pulse Respirations |
TO | Telephone Order |
VO | Verbal Order |
CPOE | Computerized Physician Order Entry |
Tx, tx | Treatment |
UA | Urinalysis |
URI | Upper Respiratory Infection |
UTI | Urinary Tract Infection |
Ur | Urine |
WBC | White Blood Cell |
WC, w/c | Wheelchair |
WNL | Within Normal Limits |
w/o | Without |
wt | Weight |
Ht | Height |
x | Times |
XR | Xray |
yo, y/o | years old |
CNA | Certified Nurse Assistant |
CMA | Certified Medical Assistant |
DDS | Doctor of Dental Surgery |
DON | Director of Nursing |
DVM | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine |
MD | Medical Doctor |
Dr | Doctor |
PCT | Patient Care Technician |
PCP | Primary Care Physician |
DO | Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine |
RN | Registered Nurse |
> | Greater Than |
< | Less Than |
A&D | Admission and Discharge |
Amt | Amount |