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The Congress

Essential Vocab for The Congress

Republicanism A system of government where people have elected representatives who work for them in their government.
Bicameralism Having a two house system in the government (House of Representatives & U.S. Senate)
Equal Representation This is Representation that is equal regardless the size of the US States (New Jersey & Virginia)
Proportional Representation This is Representation that is proportional to the size of a state's population. (Virginia & New Jersey)
Legislative Power the authority and or ability to make laws (the U.S. Congress)
New Jersey Plan In this plan, that was proposed during the 1787 Constitutional Convention, it called for Equal Representation (Small States have the same political power as large states in Congress)
Virginia Plan In this plan, that was proposed during the 1787 Constitutional Convention, it called for Proportional Representation in the US Government (Large States have the more political power as compared to small states in Congress due to size of population )
Term the amount of time a representative or senator serves
Session a meeting of a deliberative or judicial body to conduct its business
Adjourn it is a break or pause in a Congressional meeting
Recess this is a short term suspension of Congressional meetings. It is longer that an adjournment
Special Session this is when the U.S. Congress meets due to a special circumstance or tragedy. (Pearl Harbor attack with U.S. Declaration of War)
Speaker of the House this person is incharge of leading the U.S. House of Representatives. They control the "legislative agenda" of the House.
President of Senate this person holds the position of Vice President of the United States. If there is a tie in voting, he or she has the ability to cast the deciding vote. Otherwise, they do not vote on legislation.
President Pro Tempore of Senate this person controls the day to day operation of the United States Senate. They control the "legislative agenda".
Party Caucus this is a closed meeting of party members/select party leaders/
Committee A group of congressmen & or congresswomen that meet regularly to discuss legislation.
Committee Chairman this person leads a congressional committee.
Bill this is legislation that has been created but has not been finalized into a law yet.
Resolution a legislative measure that requires passage by the Senate and the House of Representatives and is presented to the President for their approval or disapproval
Seniority System Custom in both houses of Congress that awards the position of chair to the committee member of the majority party who has served that committee the longest
Jurisdiction The policy area in which a particular congressional committee is authorized to act
House Rules Committee Schedules date for debate and vote by full House & determines whether amendments to bills will be allowed on the floor
Open Rule An order from the House Rules Committee that permits a bill to be amended on the legislative floor
Closed Rule An order from the House Rules Committee; sets a time limit on debate and forbids a particular bill from being amended on the legislative floor
Rider an attachment to a bill of a different subject
Port Barrel Legislation Legislation that gives tangible benefits (i.e. highways, post offices, etc.) to constituents in several districts or states in hope of winning their votes in return
Substantive Representation Tendency for representatives to advocate for certain groups despite not being a part of that group
Descriptive Representation Tendency for representatives to be able to identify as part of a group
Trustee a legislative measure that requires passage by the Senate and the House of Representatives and is presented to the President for their approval or disapproval.
Delegate A member of Congress that decides on issues based on the opinion of their constituents
Partisan A member of Congress that decides on issues based on the opinion of their constituents
Floor Leader Attempt to carry out policy agenda, spokesman of party, negotiates party position with members of Congress
Whips Assist party leader, ensure all party members vote alike & ensures attendance for votes
standing committee Permanent committees responsible for a particular area of public policy
conference committee Temporary committees formed to bargain over the differences in the House and Senate versions of a bill.
Select/Special Committee Temporary committee appointed to deal with an issue outside of a standing committee’s jurisdiction
Joint Committee Committee made up of members from both houses with extremely narrow jurisdictions
Created by: PeaceIDABaker
Popular American Government sets




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