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Term/Abbrev 2
Term | Definition |
Apnea | The absence of respirations, temporary cessation of breathing |
Arrhythmia | Irregular or abnormal heart rhythm |
Bradycardia | Slow heart rate (below 60 beats per minute) |
Tachycardia | Fast heart beat (more than 100 beats per minute) |
Dyspnea | Difficult or labored breathing |
Cyanosis | Bluish discoloration of the skin, nail beds, or lips due to an insufficient oxygen in the blood |
Cheyne- Stokes | Periods of difficult breathing followed by periods of no respirations |
Homeostasis | Constant state of natural balance within the body |
hypertension | high blood pressure |
hypotension | low blood pressure |
Hypothermia | Condition that occurs when body temperature is below normal (78-95) |
Pyrexia | fever |
Cells | Basic unit of life |
Tissues | Special groups of cells that carry out particular activities |
Organs | Groups of different tissues acting together to carry put a specific function |
Anatomy | The study of the structure of the body |
Physiology | The study of the function of the body |
Appendeges | Upper and lower extremities |
Upper Extremities | Fingers, hands, wrists, forearms, and upper arms |
Lower Extremities | Toes, feet, ankles, lower leg, and thigh |
Torso | Head, neck, and trunk |
Body Systems | Groups of organs combined to perform a special function |
Circulatory system | Carries 02 and nutrients to body cells |
Endocrine System | Produces hormones that regulate body processes |
Gastrointestinal System | Digest food, absorbs nutrients, and eliminates waste |
Integumentary System | Protects the body against infection, regulates body temperature, and eliminates waste |
Skeletal System | Supports the body, protects organs, and supports movement |
Muscular System | Enables movement and helps maintain body temperature |
Nervous System | Controls the activities of the body |
Respiratory System | Takes in O2 and eliminates CO2 |
Urinary System | Manages fluid and electrolytes in the body and eliminates liquid waste |
Reproductive System | Reproduces and allows a new human being to be born |
Lymphatic System | Also known as Immune system - defends the body |
Cardiovascular System | Delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues, equalizes temperature in the body |
Menarche | When menstruation begins |
Menopause | When menstruation stops |
Paraplegia | Paralysis from the waist down |
Quadriplegia | Paralysis from the neck down |
Hemiplegia | Paralysis on one side of the body |
Contracture | Abnormal shortening of a muscle |
Atrophy | decrease in size or wasting away of a muscle |
Gavage | tube feeding |
Dysuria | Painful or difficult urination |
Glycosuria | Sugar in the urine |
decubitus ulcer | A bedsore or pressure sore |
Abortion | The expulsion of a nonviable fetus prior to term, either involuntary or induce |
Achilles Tendon | The tendon that connects the muscles at the back of the calf to the bone of the heel |
Acidosis | A chemical imbalance in the blood marked by an excess of acid sometimes affecting diabetics and possibly leading to a diabetic coma |
Abdomen | Cavity between the diaphragm and the floor of the pelvis in which the stomach, intestines, etc. are located |
Neoplasm | New growth |
Erythema | red skin |
Colitis | inflammation of the colon |
Depilatory | A chemical capable of removing or loosening hair |
Dermatologist | A physician specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the skin |
Electromyogram | A graph recording the electrical activity of a muscle |
Etiology | A physician specializing in studying the causes of diseases |
Cryosurgery | A freezing of the skin |
Gestation, Pregnancy | The total period of pregnancy from conception to birth |
Hematoma | a blood tumor |
Herpes Simplex | A virus that stays dormant in the nerve endings of the base of the spine. |
Immunologist | A physician or specialist involved in the study of immunity |
Lymphangiogram | The visualization by x-ray of lymph nodes after injection of the opaque fluid |
Mammography | A specialized x-ray examination of the breasts |
Oncologist | A physician specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors |
Postpartum | After childbirth |
Aura | A temporary sensory perception that just before the onset of an epileptic convulsion or migraine headache |
Autism | Mental disorder of children marked by a lack of response to external activities |
Botulism | A posioning caused by eating spoiled or improperly prepared or canned food and characterized by acute gastrointestinal and nervous disorder |
Breach Presentation | A birth when the baby is positioned to present the buttocks first instead of the head first |
Bronchitis | Inflammation of the bronchial tubes characterized by coughing, chest pain, and fever |
bursitis | Inflammation of the fluid filled sacs within the body that lesson friction between movable parts |
Cleft lip | A genetic defect in which the upper lip is not completely joined |
Anemia | A deficiency in the amount or quality of red blood corpuscles or of hemoglobin in the blood |
Aneurysm | A localized dilation of the wall of an artery, forming a pulsating sac and usually accompanied with pain |
Arteriogram | An x-ray picture of an artery |
Arteriosclerosis | A thickening or hardening of the walls of an artery, with impairment of blood circulation |
Arthritis | Inflammation of a joint, characterized by pain, swelling and tenderness |
Assimilation | The process by which digestive food is made an integral part of solids or fluids of an organism |
Athlete's foot | Ringworm of the foot, caused by a parasitic fungus |
Acne | A common eruptive skin disorder resulting from the clogging or inflammation of sebaceous glands |
Adrenaline, Epinephrine | Adrenal hormones that act to simulate the heart, dilate the blood vessels and relax bronchial smooth muscles |
Albuminuria | Presence of protein in the urine |
Bell's Palsy | Facial paralysis resulting from a lesion of the facial nerve |
Hay Fever | An annual recurring inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes which is normally caused by pollen |
Alveoli | Air sacs situated in the lungs |
Blister | A small round sac, especially on the skin, containing fluid matter often resulting from injury, friction or scalding |
Pap Smear | Papanicolaou smear |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
CPR | Cardiopulmonary Resusitation |
CCI | Chronic Coronary Insufficiency |
CAD | Coronary Artery Disease |
R | Rectally |
Ht | height |
oz | ounce |
ABP | Arterial Blood Pressure |
NSR | Normal Sinus Rhythm |
IPPB | Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing |
Adam-Stokes Disease | A temporary loss of consciousness caused by a failure of the heart to miss a beat |
Cardiologist | A physician treating and diagnosing in heart disease |
Cardiac Arrest | Stopping of the heart from beating |
TPR | Temperature, pulse, respiration |
TSS | Toxic Shock Syndrome |
CBS | Chronic Brain Syndrome |
G.I. | Gastrointestinal |
ng | nasogastric tube |
EEG | Electroencephalogram |
hyper | above normal |
hypo | below normal |