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Term/Abbrev 2

Apnea The absence of respirations, temporary cessation of breathing
Arrhythmia Irregular or abnormal heart rhythm
Bradycardia Slow heart rate (below 60 beats per minute)
Tachycardia Fast heart beat (more than 100 beats per minute)
Dyspnea Difficult or labored breathing
Cyanosis Bluish discoloration of the skin, nail beds, or lips due to an insufficient oxygen in the blood
Cheyne- Stokes Periods of difficult breathing followed by periods of no respirations
Homeostasis Constant state of natural balance within the body
hypertension high blood pressure
hypotension low blood pressure
Hypothermia Condition that occurs when body temperature is below normal (78-95)
Pyrexia fever
Cells Basic unit of life
Tissues Special groups of cells that carry out particular activities
Organs Groups of different tissues acting together to carry put a specific function
Anatomy The study of the structure of the body
Physiology The study of the function of the body
Appendeges Upper and lower extremities
Upper Extremities Fingers, hands, wrists, forearms, and upper arms
Lower Extremities Toes, feet, ankles, lower leg, and thigh
Torso Head, neck, and trunk
Body Systems Groups of organs combined to perform a special function
Circulatory system Carries 02 and nutrients to body cells
Endocrine System Produces hormones that regulate body processes
Gastrointestinal System Digest food, absorbs nutrients, and eliminates waste
Integumentary System Protects the body against infection, regulates body temperature, and eliminates waste
Skeletal System Supports the body, protects organs, and supports movement
Muscular System Enables movement and helps maintain body temperature
Nervous System Controls the activities of the body
Respiratory System Takes in O2 and eliminates CO2
Urinary System Manages fluid and electrolytes in the body and eliminates liquid waste
Reproductive System Reproduces and allows a new human being to be born
Lymphatic System Also known as Immune system - defends the body
Cardiovascular System Delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues, equalizes temperature in the body
Menarche When menstruation begins
Menopause When menstruation stops
Paraplegia Paralysis from the waist down
Quadriplegia Paralysis from the neck down
Hemiplegia Paralysis on one side of the body
Contracture Abnormal shortening of a muscle
Atrophy decrease in size or wasting away of a muscle
Gavage tube feeding
Dysuria Painful or difficult urination
Glycosuria Sugar in the urine
decubitus ulcer A bedsore or pressure sore
Abortion The expulsion of a nonviable fetus prior to term, either involuntary or induce
Achilles Tendon The tendon that connects the muscles at the back of the calf to the bone of the heel
Acidosis A chemical imbalance in the blood marked by an excess of acid sometimes affecting diabetics and possibly leading to a diabetic coma
Abdomen Cavity between the diaphragm and the floor of the pelvis in which the stomach, intestines, etc. are located
Neoplasm New growth
Erythema red skin
Colitis inflammation of the colon
Depilatory A chemical capable of removing or loosening hair
Dermatologist A physician specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the skin
Electromyogram A graph recording the electrical activity of a muscle
Etiology A physician specializing in studying the causes of diseases
Cryosurgery A freezing of the skin
Gestation, Pregnancy The total period of pregnancy from conception to birth
Hematoma a blood tumor
Herpes Simplex A virus that stays dormant in the nerve endings of the base of the spine.
Immunologist A physician or specialist involved in the study of immunity
Lymphangiogram The visualization by x-ray of lymph nodes after injection of the opaque fluid
Mammography A specialized x-ray examination of the breasts
Oncologist A physician specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors
Postpartum After childbirth
Aura A temporary sensory perception that just before the onset of an epileptic convulsion or migraine headache
Autism Mental disorder of children marked by a lack of response to external activities
Botulism A posioning caused by eating spoiled or improperly prepared or canned food and characterized by acute gastrointestinal and nervous disorder
Breach Presentation A birth when the baby is positioned to present the buttocks first instead of the head first
Bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchial tubes characterized by coughing, chest pain, and fever
bursitis Inflammation of the fluid filled sacs within the body that lesson friction between movable parts
Cleft lip A genetic defect in which the upper lip is not completely joined
Anemia A deficiency in the amount or quality of red blood corpuscles or of hemoglobin in the blood
Aneurysm A localized dilation of the wall of an artery, forming a pulsating sac and usually accompanied with pain
Arteriogram An x-ray picture of an artery
Arteriosclerosis A thickening or hardening of the walls of an artery, with impairment of blood circulation
Arthritis Inflammation of a joint, characterized by pain, swelling and tenderness
Assimilation The process by which digestive food is made an integral part of solids or fluids of an organism
Athlete's foot Ringworm of the foot, caused by a parasitic fungus
Acne A common eruptive skin disorder resulting from the clogging or inflammation of sebaceous glands
Adrenaline, Epinephrine Adrenal hormones that act to simulate the heart, dilate the blood vessels and relax bronchial smooth muscles
Albuminuria Presence of protein in the urine
Bell's Palsy Facial paralysis resulting from a lesion of the facial nerve
Hay Fever An annual recurring inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes which is normally caused by pollen
Alveoli Air sacs situated in the lungs
Blister A small round sac, especially on the skin, containing fluid matter often resulting from injury, friction or scalding
Pap Smear Papanicolaou smear
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resusitation
CCI Chronic Coronary Insufficiency
CAD Coronary Artery Disease
R Rectally
Ht height
oz ounce
ABP Arterial Blood Pressure
NSR Normal Sinus Rhythm
IPPB Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing
Adam-Stokes Disease A temporary loss of consciousness caused by a failure of the heart to miss a beat
Cardiologist A physician treating and diagnosing in heart disease
Cardiac Arrest Stopping of the heart from beating
TPR Temperature, pulse, respiration
TSS Toxic Shock Syndrome
CBS Chronic Brain Syndrome
G.I. Gastrointestinal
ng nasogastric tube
EEG Electroencephalogram
hyper above normal
hypo below normal
Created by: chandymigues
Popular Medical sets




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