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The Heart

Things to know about the Heart and Heart disease

What are the names of the innermost, middle, and outermost layers of the heart wall? innermost- endocardium. middle- myocardium. outermost- epicardium.
What is the name of the sac that encloses the heart? pericardium
What is the heart's upper receiving chamber on each side called? What is the lower pumping chamber called? The atrium is the upper receiving chamber on each side. The ventricle is the lower pumping chamber on each side.
What is the purpose of the valves in the heart? The valves direct the forward flow of blood through the heart.
What is the name of the system that supplies blood to the myocardium? The coronary circulation.
What name is given to the contraction phase of the cardiac cycle? To the relaxation phase? Systole is the contraction, diastole is the relaxation phase.
What is cardiac output? What two factors determine cardiac output? Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by each ventricle in one minute. It is determined by stroke volume, the amount of blood ejected from the ventricle with each beat, and by the heart rate, the number of times the heart beats per minute.
What is the scientific name of the heart's pacemaker? Sinoatrial (SA) node
What system exerts the main influence on the rate and strength of heart contractions? The autonomic nervous system
What is a heart murmur? an abnormal heart sound.
What do ECG and EKG stand for? ECG- electrocardiogram or electrocardiography
What is the general term for using a thin tube threaded through a vessel for diagnosis or repair? Catheterization
What techniques use a dye and x-rays to visualize the coronary arteries? Coronary angiography and coronary computed tomography angiography.
What are the three types of heart inflammation? Endocarditis, myocarditis and pericarditis.
What is an abnormal heart rhythm called? arrhythmia and dysrhythmia
What is congenital heart disease? a heart disorder present at birth.
What types of organisms cause rheumatic fever? Certain streptococci
What degenerative process commonly causes narrowing of the vessels in coronary artery disease? Atherosclerosis
What is the medical term for a heart attack? Myocardial infarction (MI)
What is the general name for a device that restores a normal heart rhythm? defibrillator
How do aspirin and warfarin act to prevent heart attacks? They act as anticoagulants
What is the name for a device that is wired to the heart to regulate the heartbeat? artificial pacemaker
What does CABG stand for? coronary artery bypass graft
Created by: Jessica Venyke
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