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The Sensory Sys

Things to know about Ch 11 The Sensory System

What is a sensory receptor? Part of the nervous system that detects a stimulus.
What are some categories of sensory receptors based on the type of stimulus? There are chemo-receptors that respond to chemicals in solution; photo-receptors that respond to light. Thermo-receptors that respond to temperature; and mechano-receptors that respond to movement.
How do the special and general senses differ in location? The special senses are in specialized sense organs; the general senses are widely distributed.
What happens when a sensory receptor adapts to a stimulus? It fails to respond.
What are five structures that protect the eye? The skull bones, eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows, lacrimal gland, and conjunctiva.
What is the function of the extrinsic eye muscles? They pull on the eyeball so that both eyes center on one visual field, a process known as convergence.
Which cranial nerve carries impulses from the retina to the brain? Optic
What are the three tunics of the eyeball? The fibrous tunic is the outermost; the vascular tunic is the middle tunic; the nervous tunic is the innermost tunic.
What are the structures that refract light as it passes through the eye? The cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous body.
What is the function of the ciliary muscle? It contracts and relaxes to regulate the thickness of the lens and allow accommodation for near and far vision.
What is the function of the iris? Adjusts the size of the pupil to regulate the amount of light that enters the eye.
What are the receptor cells of the retina? The rods and cones.
What are four errors of refraction? Hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia.
What is cloudiness of the lens called? Cataract
What disorder is caused by excess fluid pressure in the eye? Glaucoma
What are the three divisions of the ear? Outer, middle and inner.
What are the names of the ear ossicles, and what do they do? Malleus, incus, and stapes.
What are the two fluids found in the inner ear, and where are they located? The endolymph, found in the membranous labyrinth; The perilymph , found around the membranous labyrinth in the bony labyrinth.
What is the name of the hearing organ, and where is it located? The spinal organ (organ of Corti) located in the cochlear duct within the cochlea.
Where are the receptors for equilibrium located? Located in the vestibule and semicircular canals of the inner ear.
What are the two types of hearing loss? Conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss.
What is the term for an abnormal sensation of spinning? Vertigo
What are the special senses that respond to chemical stimuli? Taste and smell.
What are five examples of general senses? Touch, pressure, temperature, position (proprioception) and pain.
What are proprioceptors and where are they located? Receptors that respond to change in position. They are located in muscles, tendons, and joints.
The part of the nervous system that detects a stimulus is a Receptor
The bending of light rays as they pass from one substance to another is called Refraction
Nerve impulses are carried from the ear to the brain by the Vestibulococlear (auditory) nerve
A receptor that senses body position is Proprioceptor
A receptor's loss of sensitivity to a continuous stimulus is called Sensory adaptation
From superficial to deep, what is the order of the eyeball's tunics? Fibrous, vascular, nervous
Which eye structure has the greatest effect on light refraction? Cornea
What do receptors in the vestibule sense? Acceleration
Created by: Jessica Venyke
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