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Ch 10 Study Guide

Things to know about The Brain and Cranial Nerves

What are the main divisions of the brain? Cerebrum, diencephalon, brain stem, and cerebellum
What are the names of the three layers of the meninges from the outermost to the innermost? Dura mater, arachnoid, and pia mater
Where is CSF produced? CSF is produced in the ventricles of the brain.
Name the four surface lobes of each cerebral hemisphere. The frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes
Name the thin layer of gray matter where higher brain functions occur. The cerbral cortex
What are the two main portions of the diencephalon, and what do they do? The thalamus and the hypothalamus. The thalamus directs sensory input to the cerebral cortex; the hypothalamus helps to maintain homeostasis.
What are the three subdivisions of the brain stem? The midbrain, pons, and the medulla oblongata
What are some functions of the cerebellum? Aids in coordination of voluntary muscles, maintenance of balance, and maintenance of muscle tone.
What are four structures in the limbic system? The cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, amygdala, and portions of the hypothalamus.
What is the function of the basal nuclei? Modulate motor inputs and facilitate routine motor tasks.
What is the function of the reticular activating system? Keeps one awake and attentive and screens out unnecessary sensory input.
What is the common term for cerebrovascular accident (CVA)? Stroke
What type of cells are commonly involved in brain tumors? Neuroglia
How many pairs of cranial nerves are there? 12
What are the three types of cranial nerves? What is a mixed nerve? Sensory, motor and mixed. A mixed nerve has both sensory and motor fibers.
The delicate innermost layer of the meninges is the pia mater
The large band of white matter that connects the right and left hemispheres is the corpus callosum
Sound is processed in the temporal lope of the brain.
The nerve involved with the sense of smell. Olfactory
The large sensory nerve of the face and head. Trigeminal
The nerve that controls muscles of the tongue. Hypoglossal
The sensory nerve for hearing and equilibrium. Vestibulocochlear
The long nerve that carries autonomic impulses to the thorax and abdomen. Vagus
What divides the cerebrum into left and right hemispheres? longitudinal fissure
Which lobe interprets impulses arising from the retina of the eye? occipital
What is a loss or defect in language communication called? aphasia
What disease involves lack of dopamine and overactivity of the basal nuclei? Parkinson disease
What type of impulses are involved in the sense of touch? general sensory
Created by: Jessica Venyke
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