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Ingestion Eating
Digestion Breaking Down
Mechanical Chewing
Chemical Destroying
Absorption Go to blood to distribute it
Elimination Get rid of it
Mucosa Easy to poop, help block acids,has blood vessels in it
Submucosa blood vessels
Muscle Layer pushes out poop
Serosa outer most layer, tuns into Peritoneal membrane
Peritoneal Membrane Anchors organs to the walls
Peristalsis rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the muscle
omentum lays over top and holds you in, makes you stay were your suppose to
Parelytic Ileus Toxins life threatening, the toxins will seep into the blood and cause sepus
Tongue muscular organ,taste buds, helps swallow and taste, good blood supply
Frenulum attaches tongue to mouth
Salivary glands secrete substances that break down food
Parotid Glands Largest gland
Decidous Teeth baby teeth, 20 of them
Permanent Teeth 32
Crown what you see
neck jaw bone
root deep within the jaw bone
Submandibular located on the floor of mouth
sublingual smallest
Hard palate in front
soft palate posterior, drops down into uvula
Uvula helps with swallowing
Pharynx throat
Nosopharynx deals with respitory
oropharynx respitory,digestive system
Laryngopharnx respitory, digestive system
Epiglottis cover the larynx when swallowing food
Esophagus food moves through it by Peristalsis
Sphincters regulate the rate things go through
Gastro Esphageasphincter causes heartburn, Regulates how fast food goes into stomach
Stomach size of fist
stomach secretes gastric hormones and juices
stomach regulates food into intestines
stomach digests food, abosorbs a small amount of food and water
Pylonic Stynosis projective vomitting
three layers of stomach longitudinal,oblique, and circular
Chyme pastelike mixture
Rugae folds of muscle that allow your stomach to expand
Mucus gland secrete gland
Parietal cells secrete hydrocholroid acid
Chef cells secrete digestive enzymes
Small Intestine broken down into duedenum, jejunum, and Ileum
Dueodenum absorption and digestion
Chyle food in the dueodenum
Large intestine holds poop, makes it hard and takes water out,
Cecum first part, lower right quadrant
ileum extends from jejunum the ileocecal valve
Peyer's patches protect the bad bacteria from the cecum
ileocecal valve prevents the relex of contents from the cecum
Liver largest gland of digestive system
liver reddish brown, on right side
Function of Liver destroys RBC's, make bile, make plasma, proteins,stores vitamins, metabolizes fats
Apatic Vein drain blood from digestive system
Liver Synthesises bile
Gallbladder stores bile
Heptic duct comes from liver
Cystic duct comes from gallbladder to meet and become bile duct
CCK Hormone in gallbladder
Bile helps breakdown foods
CCK goes to gallbladder to stimulate and contract to realease bile to the duodenum
Pancreas most potent digestive enzymes come from here
Pancreas secretes an alkaline(basic) enzyme
Glucose simplest Carbohydrate
Proteins complete and incomplete
Complete protein Meat, dairy
Incomplete protein Veg, nuts
Created by: carolailing
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