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med terms mod 2
Term | Definition |
Per- | Through |
Epi | on top of |
Sub | meaning under |
-itis | Inflammation |
-derm | Skin |
-osis | Abnormal condition |
Xero | dry |
-rrhea | abnormal flow, discharge |
plasty | surgical repair |
-ou, -a, -al- | pertaining to |
-ectomy | excision or surgical removal |
Rhytid/o | wrinkles |
Dermat/o | skin |
Leuk/o | white |
Onych/o | Nail |
Myc/o | fungus |
Cutane/o- | skin |
Seb/o- | sebum (oil) |
-lith | stones |
-lithiasis- | presence of stone |
-osis | abnormal condition |
-stenosis | constriction or narrowing |
-gram | record, radiographic image |
-pexy | surgical fixation |
-uria | urine, urination |
Cyst/o | bladder |
Pyel/o | renal pelvis |
Olig/o | few |
Dys | painful, difficult |
An- | absence of, without |
poly | many (multiple) |
Ectomy- | surgical removal |
Pexy- | surgical fixation |
Ptosis- | drooping |
Dermatitis- | Inflammation of the skin |
Leukoderma- | white skin |
Onychomalacia- | Softening of nails |
Onychomycosis | Abnormal condition of fungus under nail |
Pachyderma- | Abnormal thickening of the skin |
Seborrhea | discharge of sebum |
Xeroderma- | Dry skin |
Epidermal- | Pertaining to on top of the skin |
Dermatology- | - Study of the skin |
Percutaneous- | Pertaining to through the skin |
Rhytidectomy | removal of wrinkles |
Dermatoplasty- | surgical repair of skin |
Cystitis- | inflammation of the bladder |
Cystolith- | stones in the bladder |
Hydronephrosis | abnormal condition with water in the kidney |
Nephritis | inflamed kidney |
Nephrolithiasis- | kidney stones |
Nephromegaly- | enlarged kidney |
Pyelonephritis- | inflammation in kidney and renal pelvis |
Urethrostenosis- | constriction of the urethra |
Cystourethrogram | radiographic image of bladder and urethra |
Nephrectomy- | surgical removal of kidney |
Nephropexy- | surgical fixation of the kidney |
Nephroplasty- | surgical repair of the kidney |
Nephroptosis- | drooping kidney |
Cystectomy- | excision of bladder |
Hematuria- | blood in urine |
Nocturia- | urination at night |
Oliguria | scarcely urinating |
Dysuria | painful urination |
Anuria- | absence of urine |
Polyuria- | excessive urine |