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Chapter 1
Acquiring Medical Language 2nd Edition
Term | Definition |
Root | Foundation or subject of the term. |
Suffix | Ending that gives essential meaning to the term. |
Prefix | Added to the beginning of a term when needed to further modify the root. |
arthr/o AR-throh | joint arthroscope, arthritis |
cardi/o KAR-dee-oh | heart cardiology, pericardium |
enter/o EN-ter-oh | small intestine enteropathy, dysentery |
gastr/o GAS-tro | stomach gastrointestinal, gastritis |
hepat/o he-PAH-toh | liver hepatology, hepatitis |
neur/o NUR-oh | nerve neurology, neuralgia |
hem/o HEE-moh | blood hemorrhage |
hemat/o heh-MAH-toh | blood hematoma |
my/o MAI-oh | muscle myocardial, myalgia |
muscul/o MUS-kyoo-loh | muscle musculoskeletal, muscular |
angi/o AN-gee-oh | vessel (most commonly refers to blood vessel, but can also refer to other types of vessels as well) angioplasty, angiectomy |
vas/o VAS-oh | vessel vasospasm, vasectomy |
vascul/o VAS-kyoo-loh | vessel vasculopathy, vasculitis |
derm/o DER-moh | skin dermoscopy, dermis |
dermat/o der-MAT-oh | skin dermatology, dermatitis |
cutane/o kyoo-TAY-nee-oh | skin subcutaneous |
pneum/o NOO-moh | lung pneumotomy |
pneumon/o noo-MAW-noh | lung pneumonia, pneumonitis |
pulmon/o PUL-maw-noh | lung pulmonologist, cardiopulmonary |
gen/o JIN-oh | creation, cause |
hydr/o HAI-droh | water |
morph/o MOR-foh | change |
myc/o MAI-koh | fungus |
necr/o NEK-roh | death |
orth/o OR-thoh | straight |
path/o PAH-thoh | suffering, disease |
phag/o FAY-goh | eat |
plas/o PLAS-oh | formation |
py/o PAI-oh | pus |
scler/o SKLEH-roh | hard |
sten/o STIH-noh | narrowing |
troph/o TROH-foh | nourishment, development |
xen/o ZEE-noh | foreign |
-ac, -al, -ar, -ary, -eal, -ic, -tic, -ous | pertaining to |
-ia,-ism | condition |
-ium | tissue, structure |
-y | condition, procedure |
-icle, -ole, -ule, -ula | small |
-iatrics ee-AH-triks | medical science |
-iatry AI-ah-tree | medical science |
-iatrist EE-ah-trist | specialist in medicine of |
-ist ist | specialist |
-logist loh-jist | specialist in the study of |
-logy loh-jee | study of |
-algia AL-jah -dynia DAI-nee-ah | pain |
-cele SEEL | hernia (a bulging of tissue into an area where it doesn’t belong) |
-emia EE-mee-ah | blood condition |
-iasis AI-ah-sis | presence of |
-itis AI-tis | inflammation |
-lysis lih-sis | loosen, break down |
-malacia mah-LAY-shah | abnormal softening |
-megaly MEH-gah-lee | enlargement |
-oid OYD | resembling |
-oma OH-mah | tumor |
-osis OH-sis | condition |
-pathy pah-thee | disease |
-penia PEE-nee-ah | deficiency |
-ptosis puh-TOH-sis | drooping |
-rrhage RIJ -rrhagia RAY-jee-ah | excessive flow |
-rrhea REE-ah | flow |
-rrhexis REK-sis | rupture |
-spasm SPAZ-um | involuntary contraction |
-centesis sin-TEE-sis | puncture |
-gram gram | written record |
-graph graf | instrument used to produce a record |
-graphy grah-fee | writing procedure |
-meter mee-ter | instrument used to measure |
-metry meh-tree | process of measuring |
-scope skohp | instrument used to look |
-scopy skoh-pee | process of looking |
-desis DEE-sis | binding, fixation |
-ectomy EK-toh-mee | removal |
-pexy PEK-see | surgical fixation |
-plasty PLAS-tee | reconstruction |
-rrhaphy rah-fee | suture |
-stomy stoh-mee | creation of an opening |
-tomy toh-mee | incision |
a-, an- | not |
anti-, contra- | against |
de- | down, away from |
ante-, pre- | before |
pro- | before, on behalf of |
brady- | slow |
tachy- | fast |
post- | after |
re- | again |
ab- | away |
ad- | toward |
circum-, peri- | around |
dia-, trans- | through |
e-, ec-, ex- | out |
ecto-, exo-, extra- | outside |
en-, endo-, intra- | in, inside |
epi- | upon |
sub- | beneath |
inter- | between |
bi- | two |
hemi-, semi- | half |
hyper- | over |
hypo- | under |
macro- | large |
micro- | small |
mono-, uni- | one |
oligo- | few |
pan- | all |
poly-, multi- | many |
con-, syn-, sym- | with, together |
dys- | bad |
eu- | good |