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Word Part P/Q

Word part starting with P/Q with meaning

pan- all, complete, entire
pancreat- (o) pancreas
para- near, beside, beyond, abnormal, lower half of the body
-paresis paralysis
-partum birth, labor
path- (ia, o, y) disease, abnormal condition
ped- (ia) child
-penia lack of, abnormal reduction in number, deficiency
pent- (a) five
-pepsia, -pepsis digestion
per- through, by, excessive
peri- around
-pexy fixation
phag- (o) eat, ingest
-phage, -phagia to eat, consuming, swallow
pharyng- (o) pharynx, throat
-phas, -phasia speech
-philia, -philic affinity for, attraction to
phleb- (o) vein
-phobia fear
phon- (o) sound, voice
-phylaxis protection, prevention
-plasty surgical correction or repair
-plegia paralysis
pleuro- side, rib
-pnea breathing
pneum- (o, on) lung, pertaining to the lungs, air
pod- (e, o) foot
poly- many, much
post- after, behind
pre- before, in front of
pro- in front of, forward
proct- (o) rectum, rectal, anus
pseudo- false
psych- (i, o) pertaining to the mind
-ptosis drooping down, sagging, downward displacement
pulmon- (o) lung
py- (o) pus
pyel- (o) renal pelvis of kidney
pyr- (o) heat, fever
quad- (ra, ri) four
Popular Medical sets




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