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afebrile without fever
apoptosis programmed cell death
benign not malignant
chemotherapy (chemo) treatment of cancer with drugs
encapsulated enclosed within a capsule
exacerbation increase in severity of disease or symptoms
febrile having a fever
idiopathic pertaining to disease of unknown origin
inflammation localized protective response to injury (redness, swelling, heat, pain)
in vitro in a lab or outside the body
in vivo within the living body
malignant tending to become progressively worse and to cause death
morbidity state of being diseased (incidence of illness in a population)
mortality state of being mortal (incidence of death in a population)
palliative providing relief but not a cure
radiation therapy (XRT) treatment of cancer with a radioactive substance
remission improvement or absence of signs of disease
epistaxis nosebleed
influenza (flu) highly contagious, often severe viral infection of the respiratory tract
pleural effusion fluid in the pleural space (caused by disease or injury)
pulmonary edema fluid accumulation in the alveoli and bronchioles
pulmonary embolism matter foreign to circulation carried to pulmonary artery & it's branches - blocks circulation to the lungs
upper respiratory infection infection of the nasal cavity, pharynx or larynx (usually viral)
stethoscope instrument used to hear internal body sounds
asphyxia deprivation of O2 for tissue use (suffocation)
aspirate to withdraw or suction fluid
mucous slimy fluid secreted by mucous membranes
nebulizer device that creates a mist used to deliver medication for respiratory treatment
nosocomial infection an infection acquired during hospitalization
sputum mucous secretion from the lungs, bronchi and trachea that is expelled through the mouth
ventilator mechanical device used to assist with or subtitute for breathing
distended stretched out
enuresis involuntary urination
incontinence inability to control bladder or bowels
micturate pass urine
stricture abnormal narrowing
urinal receptacle for urine
void empty or evacuate waste material
hydrocele fluid filled sac around the testicle
variocele enlarged veins of the spermatic cord
ablation destruction of abnormal or excessive tissue by melting, vaporizing or eroding
circumcision surgical removal of the prepuce (foreskin)
enucleation excision of a whole organ or mass without cutting into it
hydrocelectomy surgical removal of a fluid filled sac around the testicle causing scrotal swelling
coitus sexual intercourse between a male and female
condom cover for the penis worn during coitus to prevent conception and the spread of STDs
infertility reduced or absent ability to achieve pregnancy (may be related to male or female)
sterilization procedure that prevents pregnancy (either male or female)
Papanicolaus smear (PAP test) cytological study of cervix and vaginal secretions to detect abnormal cancerous cells
contraception intentional prevention of conception
dyspareunia difficult or painful intercourse
fistula abnormal passageway between 2 organs (or between an organ and the body surface)
menopause cessation of menstruation
ovulation release of an ovum from a mature graffian follicle
prolapse displacement of an organ or anatomic structure from its normal position
speculum instrument for opening a body cavity to allow visual inspection
tubal ligation surgical closure of the fallopian (uterine) tubes for sterilization
dystocia difficult labour (obstructed or prolonged)
hysterorrhexis rupture of uterus
episiotomy incision of vulva
pelvic sonography process of recording an image of the pelvis using sound
aneurysm ballooning of a weakened portion of an arterial wall
arrythmia any disturbance or abnormality in the heart's normal rhythmic pattern
anemia condition in which there is a reduction in the number of erythrocytes (RBC's)
sepsis systemic inflammatory response caused by pathogenic microorganisms, usually bacteria, entering the bloodstream and multiplying; life threatening condition (leading to tissue damage, organ failure and death)
sphygmomanometer device used for measuring blood pressure
bruit abnormal vascular sound heard through auscultation, caused by turbulent blood flow through arteries or veins
occlude to close tightly, to block
phelbotomist person who performs phlebotomy (incision into a vein) for the purpose of drawing blood or injecting IV fluids
systole phase in the cardiac cycle in which the ventricles contract and eject blood
anaphylaxis exaggerated reaction to a previously encountered antigen (symptoms may initially be mild but can quickly become severe leading to a drop in bp and blockage of the airway- may lead to death)
immunodeficiency deficient immune response caused by immune system dysfunction brought on by disease or immunosuppressive drugs
Created by: Lwright9615
Popular Medical sets




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