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Introduction to Health Care Occupations

HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS: An institution that provides medical or surgical care for the sick and/or injured is called a: hospital.
Hospital types include those that provide: 1. Specific expert services called specialty hospitals.
Specific means: particular.
Specialty hospitals include those that provide diagnosis (identifying) and treatment (therapy for: a. Tumors (cancer) called oncology.
Specialty hospitals include those that provide diagnosis (identifying) and treatment (therapy for: b. Children called pediatrics (peds).
Specialty hospitals include those that provide diagnosis (identifying) and treatment (therapy for: c. Mind called psychiatry (psych).
Specialty hospitals include those that provide diagnosis (identifying) and treatment (therapy for: d. Musculoskeletal system called orthopedics (ortho).
Specialty hospitals include those that provide diagnosis (identifying) and treatment (therapy for: e. Improve mobility (movement) abbreviated PT which stands for physical therapy.
Specialty hospitals include those that provide diagnosis (identifying) and treatment (therapy for: f. Restore activities of daily living (ADL) abbreviated OT which stands for occupational therapy.
Specialty hospitals include those that provide diagnosis (identifying) and treatment (therapy for: g. Promote recovery from injury, illness or disease called rehabilitation (rehab).
Hospital types include those that: 2. Do not provide specific expert services abbreviated GH which stands for general hospitals.
Specific means: particular.
Services usually provided by general hospitals GH) include: a. Idenfication of a dsease or injury called diagnostic studies.
Services usually provided by general hospitals GH) include: b. Treatment (Tx) for a disease or injury called medical care.
Services usually provided by general hospitals GH) include: c. Treatment (Tx) involving incisions and excisions called surgical care.
Services usually provided by general hospitals GH) include: d. Treatment (Tx) requiring immediate attentio called emergency care.
Types of hospitals include: 3. Hospitals providing higher education and research forhealth care providers (HC abbreviated UMC which stands for university medical centers.
Hospital types include those that are: 4. Operated by elected officials called government hospitals.
The United States (US) Department of Veterans Affairs operates a federal health care system abbreviated VA which stands for: Veteran's Administration.
Government health agencies include: 1. USDHHS which stands for United States Department of Health and Human Services.
Government health agencies include: 2. NIH which stands for National Institute of Health.
Government health agencies include: 3. CDC(P) which stands for: Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Government health agencies include: 4. FDA wich stands for Food and Drug Administration.
Government health agencies include: 5. AHCPR which stands for Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.
Government health agencies include: 6. The county HD which stands for Health Department.
Government health agencies include: 7. The agency responsible for regulation and enforcement of safety and health in the workplace abbreviated OSHA which stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Right to Know Laws include: a. Employees must be notified of all hazards in the workplace.Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Right to Know Laws include: b. Employees must be educated to safely deal with the hazards.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Right to Know Laws include: c. Employees must be provided PPE which stands for personal protective equipment.
OSHA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Government Health Agencies include: 8. Insurance that reimburses employees for losses sustained due to work related injury or disease abbreviated (WC) which stands for Worker's Compensation.
Worker's Compensation (WC) insurance covers the employee regardless of: fault.
Worker's compensation (WC) insurance premiums are paid by the: employer.
Worker's Compensation (WC) covers: a. The cost of medical care.
Worker's Compensation (WC) covers: b. The cost of recovery from injury, illness, or disease called rehabilitation (rehab).
Worker's Compensation (WC) covers: c. Reimbursement of lost income.
The baby boom generation are those born between: 1946 and 1964.
Starting in 2011, the number of baby boomers turning age 65 each day is: 10,000.
Government health agencies include: 9. A federally funded health insurance that covers 80% of health care expenses for US citizens over age 65 called Medicare.
Insurance to help pay expenses and covered by Medicare is called: supplemental Medicare insurance.
Official authorization (approval) for conforming to (following) a standard (level) is called: accreditation.
An important authorization (approval) for healthcare organizations such as hospitals, nursing homes and laboratories is given by JCAHO which stands for Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
The JCAHO accreditation (approval) is required for a healthcare facility to bill: Medicare.
Medicare is funded by FICA which stands for: Federal Insurance Contribution Act.
Medicare part A pays for: a. Inpatient hospital care (30%)
Medicare part A pays for: b. 100 days as an inpatient in skilled nursing facility.
Medicare part A pays for: c. HHC which stands for home health care.
Medicare part A pays for: d. Care for the terminally ill that focuses on pain relief, controlling symptoms (SX) and emotional needs called hospice.
Medicare part B pays for: a. Those licensed to practice medicine called physicians.
Medicare part B pays for: b. Transportation in an emergency vehicle called an ambulance.
Medicare part B pays for: c. Medical treatment (Tx) without admission to a hospital abbreviated OPC which stands for outpatient care.
Medicare is: federally funded health insurance (80/20) for citizens over age 65.
Medicare part D: subsidizes the cost of prescription medications (drugs).
Subsidizes means: assists.
Medicare is a federally funded health insurance that covers: 80% of health care expenses for US citizens over age 65.
Government health agencies include: 10. State and federal medical assistance for the needy called Medicaid.
A law that requires employers of fifty (50) or more employees to provide up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave each year is abbreviated FMLA which stands for: Family and Medical Leave Act.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) can be used for: 1. A serious health condition of the employee.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) can be used for: 2. A serious health condition of a member of the employee's immediate family which means, spouse, child or parent.
FMLA can be used for: 3. The birth of a child or adoption of a child.
Eligibility for the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) requires the employee to be employed for: 1250 hours in the past year.
Eligibility means: allowability.
The agency responsible for investigating job discrimination is abbreviated EEOC which stands for: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
It is legal for employers to ask prospective (future) employees the following questions: 1. Work experience.
It is illegal for employers to ask prospective (future) employees the following questions: 2. Education.
It is illegal for employers to ask prospective (future) employees the following questions: 3. Health
It is illegal for employers to ask prospective (future) employees the following questions: 4. Criminal record.
It is illegal for employers to ask prospective (future) employees the following questions: 1. Race
It is illegal for employers to ask prospective (future) employees the following questions: 2. Religion.
It is illegal for employers to ask prospective (future) employees the following questions: 3. National origin.
It is illegal for employers to ask prospective (future) employees the following questions: 4. Sexual orientation.
It is illegal for employers to ask prospective (future) employees the following questions: 5. Age.
It is illegal for employers to ask prospective (future) employees the following questions: 6. Marital status.
It is illegal for employers to ask prospective (future) employees the following questions: 7. Children.
It is illegal for employers to ask prospective (future) employees the following questions: 8. Pregnancy.
An employer's legal reasons for firing an employee is called: just cause.
Firing an employee without just cause is called: wrongful discharge.
A federal program to provide income to employees and their dependents for retirement and disability is abbreviated SS which stands for: Social Security.
Monetary benefits paid by Social Security (SS) include: 1. Retirement income aka pension.
Monetary benefits paid by Social Security (SS) include: 2. Income for physical and/or mental conditions that limit a person's ability to work called disability benefits.
Monetary benefits paid by Social Security (SS) include: 3. Income for the employee's children called dependent's benefits.
Monetary benefits paid by Social Security (SS) include: 4. Income for the employee's spouse called survivor's benefits.
Eligibility for Social Security (SS) requires the worker to be employed: for at least ten (10) years.
Social Security (SS) is funded by FICA which stands for: Federal Insurance Contribution Act.
Eligibility for full Social security (SS) retirement benefits depend on your: date of birth.
You are allowed to start receiving SS retirement benefits as early as age: 62.
Failure to treat people equally when there is no reasonable distinction (difference) is called: discrimination.
A federal law that prohibits (bans) age discrimination in any employment decisions is abbreviated: FADA which stands or Federal Age Discrimination Act.
Unwanted sexual advances that create a hostile or offensive work environment is called: sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment behaviors include: 1. Verbal comments regarding sex.
Sexual harassment behaviors include: 2. Exert (apply) pressure for sexual activity.
Sexual harassment behaviors include: 3. Leering aka staring.
Sexual harassment behaviors include: 4. Unwanted touching such as pinching or patting.
Providing extended care for the elderly, disabled and chronically ill is abbreviated LTCF which stands for: long term care facility.
A long term care facility (LTCF) is aka an ECF which stands for: extended care facility or nursing home.
Providing assistance with basic ADL, a secure environment and opportunities for social interaction is abbreviated RC which stands for: residential care.
ADL stands for: activities of daily living.
Providing meals, housekeeping, laundry, transportation, social events, and basic medical care is abbreviated ALF which stands for: assisted living facility.
An assisted living facility (ALF) is aka an ILF which stands for: Independent living facility.
Providing personal care, nursing care and housekeeping in the client's residence is abbreviated HHC which stands for: home health care.
A facility that provides medical treatment (Tx) without admission to a hospital is abbreviated OPC which stands for: outpatient care aka a clinic.
A facility that performs diagnostic tests on blood, urine, and tissue samples is called a: laboratory (lab).
A facility that performs X-rays, US, and MRI is abbreviated DI which stands for: diagnostic imaging.
US stands for: ultrasonography.
MRI stands for: Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Physicians responsible for directing all of the client's medical care including referrals is abbreviated PCP which stands for: primary care physician.
Referrals are aka: consultations.
Physicians that provide specific (particular) expert services are called: specialists.
Physicians that do not provide specific (particular) expert services are abbreviated GP which stands for: general practitioner.
Physicians that provide dental services are abbreviated: 1. DDM which stands for doctor of dental medicine.
Physicians that provide dental services are abbreviated: 2. DDS which stands for doctor of dental surgery.
Physicians that specialize in the study of the eyes are called: ophthalmologists.
Specialists in the measurement of vision are called: optometrists.
A system to regulate health care expenses paid by insurance companies depending on the diagnosis (Dx) of the client is abbreviated DRG which stands for: diagnostic related group aka negotiated fee schedules.
Delivery of health care for a set fee within a network (group) of physicians and facilities is called: managed care.
Types of managed care include: 1. HMO which stands for Health Maintenance Organizations.
Managed care means: delivery of health care for a set fee (cost) within a network (group) of physicians and facilities.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) strengths can include: a. No up front amount paid by the client before insurance pays called a deductible.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) strengths can include: b. 100% of the claim paid by the HMO after a specific amount is paid by the client for a particular service regardless of the total cost called a co-payment.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) strengths can include: c. Insurance coverage for the client's entire life.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) strengths can include: d. More affordable payment for insurance called a premium.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) weaknesses can include: a. Choosing physicians only from the HMO network.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) weaknesses can include: b. Choosing hospitals only from the HMO network.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) weaknesses can include: c. Requiring a referral by your primary care physician (PCP for a specialist.
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) weaknesses can include: d. Receiving less aggressive tests and treatments (therapy).
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) weaknesses can include: e. No insurance coverage for experimental treatments or investigationa treatments.
Types of managed care include: 2) PPO which stands for Preferred Provider Organizations.
PPO strengths include: a. The client's choice of any physician or hospital.
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) weaknesses include: a. An up front amount paid by the client before insurance pays called a deductible.
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) weaknesses include: b. More expensive payments for the insurance coverage called premiums.
TBI stands for: traumatic brain injury.
Cessation of higher brain functions caused by damage to the cerebrum is abbreviated PVS which stands for: persistent vegetative state.
Loss of autonomy means loss of: independence.
DEATH: Loss of cerebral and brain stem function is called: brain death.
A client who dies is said to have: expired or passed.
Clients expected to die within six (6) months are called: terminally ill.
Post-mortem means: after death.
Stiffness of a body that occurs (happens) after death is called: rigor mortis.
Treating symptoms (SX) without dealing with the underlying cause is called: palliative care.
Palliative care of the terminally ill that focuses on pain relief, controlling symptoms (SX) and emotional needs is called: hospice.
Deaths are reported to the ME which stands for: medical examiner aka coroner.
An inquest (investigation) by the medical examiner (ME) aka coroner to determine COD which stands for: cause of death.
Postmortem (after death) examination of the body to determine cause of death (COD) is called: autopsy.
Surgical removal of organs for donation or transplantation is called a: harvest.
The medical examiner (ME) must be notified (informed) for: 1. Death caused by violence.
The medical examiner (ME) must be notified (informed) for: 2. Death caused by a criminal abortion.
The medical examiner (ME) must be notified (informed) for: 3. Death when a physician was not present.
The medical examiner (ME) must be notified (informed) for: 4. Death after an unexplained coma.
The medical examiner (ME) must be notified (informed) for: 5. Unexpected death from a therapeutic (beneficial) procedure.
The medical examiner (ME) must be notified (informed) for: 6. Death at a penal institution which means prison or jail.
The ME is not notified (informed) o a death if the client is: expected to die and a physician agrees to sign the death certificate.
ME stands for: medical examiner aka coroner.
Euthanasia means: physician assisted suicide aka mercy killing
STAGES OF DEATH AND DYING: The stages of death and dying can occur (happen) to the: person dying and/or family of the dying person and/or friends of the dying person.
The five stages of death and dying are: 1. Refusal to admit the reality of something unpleasant called denial.
The five stages of death and dying are: 2. Hostility directed towards family and/or friends and/or strangers and/or medical professionals and/or the person dying called anger.
Comfort the person and remember that their anger is not directed at; you.
The best therapeutic (beneficial) technique to deal with anger is to: listen and give support.
The five stages of death and dying are: 3. Searching for an agreement with God, self, or medical professionals called bargaining.
The five stages of death and dying are: 4. The period associated with sadness, insomnia (difficulty sleeping), prolonged crying, lack of pleasure in anything, anorexia (loss of appetite), suicidal feelings, and feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and worthlessness called depression.
The five stages of death and dying are: 5. Recognizing a new reality with investments in friendships and relationships called acceptance.
Acceptance can normally last for: one (1) year.
PSYCHIATRIC TERMS: Anxiety, anxiousness and tension at a more intense level than normal is called: neurosis (neurotic)
Spontaneous (no cause) anxiety, anxiousness, and tension at a more intense level than normal is called a: panic (anxiety) attack.
A mental illness (disorder) characterized by losing touch with reality is called: psychosis (psychotic).
Characterized means; described.
Psychosis can result in: 1. False perception (awareness) of sensory stimuli called an illusion (mirage).
Stimuli means: environment (surroundings).
Psychosis can result in: 2. A false belief called delusion.
A false belief that one possesses (has) superior qualities ("I am Jesus Christ") is called; delusion of grandeur.
A false belief of being persecuted by an individual or group is called a: paranoid delusion.
Persecuted means: harassed.
Psychosis can result in: 3. Sensory perception of something that does not exist (unreal) is called a hallucination.
Perception means: awareness.
Seeing something that does not exist (unreal) is called a; visual hallucination.
Hallucination means: sensory perception (awareness) of something not present.
Hearing voices that do not exist is called: auditory hallucination.
A mental illness characterized by losing touch with reality, disturbances in language and communication, apathy, confusion, withdrawal from social interaction, bizarre behavior, illusions, delusions and hallucinations is called: schizophrenia (schizophrenic).
An abnormality characterized by inattention (unable to pay attention) impulsivity, + excessive physical activity is abbreviated ADHD which stands for: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Impulsivity means: acting before thinking.
Involuntary hospital admission for treatment of mental illness, after being deemed (considered) a danger to self (DTS) or danger to others (DTO) is called: commitment aka a Baker Act.
A mental illness characterized by repetitive failure to follow social and legal norms and to accept responsibility for one's own behavior is called: antisocial behavior.
Antisocial behavior includes: repetitive driving under the influence (DUI) charges and kleptomania (impulsive theft).
A progressive mental illness characterized by personality disintegration, disorientation, lowered intelligence quotient (IQ), impaired memory, judgement and control of impulses is called; dementia.
Memory loss is called: amnesia.
A feeling of well being or elation is called: euphoria.
Extreme unsoundness (unhealthiness) of the mind is called: insanity aka mental derangement.
A mental illness (disorder) characterized by below average intelligence quotient (IQ) is abbreviated ID which stands for: intellectual disability.
Intellectual disability (ID) is aka: MR which stands for mental retardation.
Avoidance of social interaction is called: withdrawal.
Fabrication means: lie aka confabulation.
Emotional expression is called: affect aka feeling tones.
Severe reduction of emotional expression is called: blunted affect.
Loss of emotional expression is called: a flat affect.
Inability to express one's thoughts in an orderly and logical fashion is called: incoherent (incoherence).
Continuous stream of talk with rapid and abrupt shifts from one topic to another, each subject being incoherent and not related to the preceding one is called: flight of ideas.
Incoherent means: inability to express one's thoughts in an orderly and logical fashion.
Unstable expansive emotional state, extreme excitement, excessive elation, hyperactivity, agitation, flight of ideas, over talkativeness, inattention, and sometimes violent, destructive and self-destructive behavior is called: mania (manic)
A mood disorder characterized by sadness, insomnia, prolonged crying, lack of pleasure in anything, anorexia, suicidal feelings and feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness is abbreviated: MDD which stands for major depressive disorder or clinical depression.
Radical (extreme) mood swings from manic (restless highs) to depressive (listless lows) is abbreviated BMD which stands for: bipolar mental disorder.
Bipolar mental disorder is also referred to as MDI which stands for: manic-depressive illness.
Psychological induced immobility and muscular rigidity is called: catatonia (catatonic)
Deliberate (intentional) and fraudulent feigning (pretending) or exaggeration of the symptoms of an illness is called: malingering.
Chronic (persistent) condition of extreme anxiety and depression and an unrealistic interpretation of real or imagined physical symptoms as indications of a serious illness or disease is called: hypochondriasis (hypochondriac).
A diagnostic procedure in which a trained interviewer asks a set of standard questions to evaluate a person's psychological competence is abbreviated MSE which stands for: mental status examination.
A mental illness (disorder) characterized by performing repetitive acts or rituals to relieve anxiety is abbreviated OCD which stands for: obsessive-compulsive disorder.
PSYCHIATRIC ABBREVIATIONS: COT stands for: court ordered treatment.
NGRI stands for: not guilty by reason of insanity.
S&R stands for: seclusion and restraint.
LD stands for: learning disability.
Created by: bterrelonge
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