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GI notes crudely made to cards

Stomatosis – inflame of mouth
Gingivitis – gum inflam
Gingivostomatitis – Inflam of mouth and gum tissue; open sores in mouth and swelling
Chyme pulpy acidic fluid which passes from the stomach to the small intestine, consisting of gastric juices and partly digested food.
Glossopathy disease of the tongue
Hypoglossal, sublingual – medicine under tongue
Esophageal Pertaining to the esophagus
Esophagitis Inflam of the esophagus
Gastropexy – surgical fixation of stomach
Large intestine main function- absorb remaining water
Gastroenterology- study of stomach and intestine
Colorectal carcinoma – cancerous tumor of colon and rectum
Anal fistula small tunnel that develops between the end of the bowel and the skin near the anus
Proctitis inflam of the lining of the rectum
Liver- produced bile; Bile is stored in the gallbladder and secreted into the small intestine
Pancreas Enzymes to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates
Sialoadentitis Inflam of salvitory glands
Cholelith Gallstones
peritoneum GI organs are surrounded by
Celiopathy Disease of the abdomen
Cholecystogram – written record of gall bladder
Choledocholithiasis- gall stone in bile duct
Hepaticotomy Incision into the hepatic duct
Cholecystalgia abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distension
Dyspepsia – pain in eating or general nausea
Emesis – vomiting
Obstipation – not even gas can move due to blockage
Aerodontalgia – tooth pain due to air
Gingivostomatitis – inflame of gums and mouth
Aphagia – can’t eat/not eating
Eupepsia – good digestion
Hyperemesis – excessive vomiting
Hematemesis – vomiting blood
Rectalgia Rectal pain
Hemorrhoid- inflame blood vessels around anus
Sialorrhea – excessive salivation
Icterus term for jaundice
Stomatogastric – pertaining to stomach and mouth
Stomatosis oral cavity disease
Glossoplegia – paralysis of tongue
Odontoclasis – breaking tooth
Anophony – sound made during flatulence
Flatus - flatulence
Steatorrhea – excessive fat discharge of feces
Biligensis- creation of bile
Sialoangiectasis dilation of salvitory glands/duct
Ascites fluid build up in the abdomen
Cholangiigram – record of the bile vessels in gall bladder
Cholecystogram- (KOH-la-lay-SIS-toh-gram)- Recording of the gall bladder
Dentrifice – toothpaste
Laparoscope- abdominal scope
Proctoscope – rectal and anus scope
Anosigmoidoscopy endoscopic examination of the anus, rectum, and sigmoid colon
Peritoneoscopy examination of parts of the peritoneal cavity
Bariatrics – deals with weight issues (lapband surgeries)
Epigastric – upper center portion of abdomen
Hypochondriac – upper side portions of the abdomen
Hypogastric- lower center portion of the abdomen
Inguinal – lower side portions of the abdomen
Lumbar – middle side portions of the abdomen
Umbilical – middle center portion of the abdomen
Gingival hyperplasia – overdevelopment of gingival tissue
Glossotrichia hairy tongue
Pyloric stenosis thickening or swelling of the pylorus
Diverticulitis- pouch formations
Fistula- passageway that shouldn’t be there
colovaginal fistula – opening between the rectum and vagina
Sclerosing cholangitis liver disease characterized by a progressive course of cholestasis with inflammation
Choledocholithiasis stone in bile duct
Cholelithiasis formation gallstones
Cirrhosis – Hardening of liver
Antiemetic – agent that prevents or relieves nausea or vomiting
Cathartic- agent that produces bowel movement
Hemicolectomy – removal of portion/half of colon
Anoplasty – reconstruction of the anus
Cholelitotripsy- crushing stones
NGT Nasogastric tube
NPO – nothing by mouth
PEG Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
PEJ- percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy
EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy
EUS endoscoptic ultrasound
FOBT – fecal occult blood test
LFT – liver function test
GI – gastrointestinal
UGI – upper gastrointestinal
PUD – peptic ulcer disease
Created by: Devtemrys
Popular Medical sets




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