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My chicken scratch notes turned to cards

Nasogastric tube feeding tube into the stomach
Nasendoscope tube through nose to look into nose
Rhinorrhea excessive discharge from nose
Laryngospasm involuntary spasm of larynx
Pharyngostenosis narrowing of throat (pharynx)
Upper resp tract is made up of nose, pharynx and larynx
Nares nostrils
Turbinates cartilage that bounces air around (turbulence)
Vascular lots of blood vessels
Upper resp Function heat, humidify and filter incoming air
Nasopharynx the upper part of the pharynx, connecting with the nasal cavity above the soft palate.
Oropharynx the part of the pharynx that lies between the soft palate and the hyoid bone.
Larygngopharynx where both food and air pass. It can be found between the hyoid bone and the larynx and esophagus, which helps guide food and air where to go. It is a part of the pharynx.
Trachea windpipe
Bronchi two main branches
Lobar bronchi five of them; 3 lobes in right lung, 2 in left
Segmental bronchi many, many branching off small ones
Bronchioles minute branches into which a bronchus divides.
Alveoli tiny air sacs of the lungs which allow for rapid gaseous exchange.
Pneumomelanosis condition of blackening of lungs
Pneumatology of breath? Christian theology of holy spirit. (Why is this in my notes)
Pneumonia lung infection
Pulmonologist specialist in the study of lungs
Pulmonary relating to the lungs
Bronchoscope device to look into bronchi
Bronchostenosis narrowing of bronchus
Alveolitis inflammation of aveolus
Alveolar pertaining to aveolus
Sternocostal pertaining to rib and sternum
Costectomy removal of rib
Costophrenic potential space in the pleural cavity
Thoracic pertaining to chest
Pectoralgia chest pain
Phrenospasm involuntary contractions of diaphragm
Phrenoplegia pain in diaphragm
Inspiration of air Diaphram and intercostal muscles contract; Pressure in the chest decreases; Air is sucked into the lungs
Expiration of air Passive; Doesn’t require muscle contraction
Hypoxia Not enough oxygen in body
Hypoxemia Not enough oxygen in blood
Spirometry test used to test volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs; procedure used to measure breathing
Hypercapnia High level of carbon dioxide in blood
Hypocarbia Reduced carbon dioxide in blood
Productive cough bring up mucus
Nonproductive cough dry hack
Respiratory rate how often you breathe in and out
Respiratory depth how deep you breath
Apnea cessation of breathing
Eupnea good breathing
Tachypnea fast breathing
Bradypnea slow breathing
Hypopnea shallow breathing
Hyperpnea heavy breathing
Dyspnea difficulty breathing
Orthopnea only able to breathe when upright
Hyperventilation breathing deep and fast; leads to low level of carbon dioxide
Hypoventilation breathing shallow and slow; leads to high level of carbon dioxide
Dysphonia bad/hoarse voice
Epistaxis nose bleed
Rhinorrhagia excessive nose bleed
Rhinorrhea runny nose
Bronchospasm involuntary contraction of bronchus
Pleuralgia,pleurodynia pain in pleura
Thoracalgia chest pain
Bronchorrhea discharge from bronchi
Expectoration coughing/spiting up fluid from lung
Hemoptysis coughing up blood
Sputum mucus discharge from lungs by coughing
Pectrolioquy listening to lungs while patient speaks
Cyanosis blue tint in skin; fingers and toes noticeable first
Pectus carinatum chest cavity expands out (sticks out)
Pectus excavatum chest cavity indents
Percussion strike and listen
Atelectasis incomplete expansion
Bronchiectasis expansion of bronchi
Caseous necrosis death of tissue with cheeselike appearance
Pulmonary edema condition caused by excess fluid in the lungs
Tracheostenosis narrowing of trachea
Phrenoplegia paralysis of diaphragm
Phrenoptosis drooping of diaphragm
Chylothorax instead of normal pleural fluid, it's a collection of chyle (lymph fluid). It is caused by a blockage or disruption of the thoracic duct in the chest.
Emphyma,pyothorax pus in chest
Capnography procedure to measure carbon dioxide level
Capnometer device used to measure carbon dioxide
Oximetry procedure used to measure oxygen level
Computed tomography imaging procedure using a computer to cut
Pulmonary angiography record of vessels pertaining to lungs
Ventilation-perfusion scan (VQ scan) nuclear medicine scan that uses radioactive material to examine airflow and blood flow in the lungs.
Polysomnography record of many aspects of sleep
Pulmonary function testing (PFT) group of tests used to evaluate the condition and operation of the lungs
Endoscope instrument used to look deep into body
Nasopharyngoscope flexible scope tube that goes through your nose and advances it into the back of your throat.
Thoracoscopy procedure involving internal examination, biopsy, and/or resection of disease or masses within the pleural cavity and thoracic cavity
Acute Infection get it once and don’t get again
Chronic infection Infection persisting for a long time Examples: asthma, copd
Laryngotracheobronchitis inflammation of the larynx, trachea and bronchi
Tracheomalacia softening of trachea
Bronchiolitis inflame of bronchioles
Pleuritis,pleurisy inflame of pleura
Pneumonitis inflame of lungs
Asthma disease causing episodic narrowing and inflame of airway
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd) group of lung diseases characterized by the continual blockage of lung passages
Cystic fibrosis thick causing thick mucus buildup in lungs and pancreas
Emphysema involves gradual damage of lung tissue, specifically thinning and destruction of the alveoli or air sacs; One of the diseases that compromises COPD
Obstructive lung disorder disease is a type of lung disease that occurs due to blockages or obstructions in the airways
Pneumoconiosis occupational lung disease and a restrictive lung disease caused by the inhalation of dust
Pulmonary neoplasm tumor, an abnormal growth in the lung
Restrictive lung disorder restrict lung expansion, resulting in a decreased lung volume
Bronchogenic carcinoma cancerous tumor of bronchus
Mesothelioma cancerous tumor of the mesothelia cells lining lungs
Diaphragmatocele hernia of diaphragm
Pneumatocele hernia of lung
Bronchospasm bronchi contracting/spams/narrowing
Nebulizer machine that administers respiratory medication by creating a cloud or mist that is inhaled by patient
Expectorant – coughing medicine that encourages coughing
Mucolytic breaks down mucus
Anitussive medication to prevent cough
Bronchodilator drug that causes widening of the bronchi
Palatoplasty reconstruction of palate
Intubate breathing tube
Tracheostomy creation of opening in trachea
Endotracheal intubation insertion of a tube inside the trachea
Bronchoplasty reconstruction of a bronchus
Pneumonectomy removal of a lung
Pleuropexy reattachment of the pleura
Thoracocentesis, thoracentesis puncture in chest
Thoracostomy creating hole in thorax
Thoracotomy incision into the chest
Thoracoplasty reconstruction of chest
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
ABG arterial blood gas
CPAP continuous positive airway pressure
ARDS Acute respiratory distress syndrome
CF cystic fibrosis
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
LTB laryngotracheobronchitis
LRTI Lower respiratory tract infection
OSA Obstructive sleep apnoea
PE Pulmonary embolism
TB Tuberculosis
URI/URTI Upper respiratory infection Upper respiratory tract infection
CTA Clear to auscultation
DOE dyspnea on exertion
SOB shortness of breath
CT computed tomography
CXR chest x-ray
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
PET positron emission tomography
V/Q positron emission tomography
ETT endotracheal tube
PFT Pulmonary function test
PSG Polysomnography
T&A- tonsilectmy adnoidectemy
Created by: Devtemrys
Popular Medical sets




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