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Medical Terminology

Medical terminology

efferent to carry away from
electrocardiogram recording of the heart's electrical pattern
electrocardiograph the machine that records the heart's electrical pattern
electrocardiography the process of recording the heart's electrical pattern
electromyogram recording of the electrical activity of the muscles
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
encephalotomy to cut into the brain
endarterectomy removal within an artery
endarterectomy removal from within an artery (remove plaque)
endocarditis inflammation with the heart (inner lining of the heart)
endocardium pertaining to the inner (layer) of the heart
endocrine to secrete within the blood or the endocrine system
endocrinologist one who studies the endocrine system
endocrinopathy disease(s) of the endocrine glands or system
endocytosis condition within a cell
endoderm inside layer
endometriosis condition of endometrium (growing outside of the uterus)
endomysium pertaining to within the muscles
endoscopy process of viewing inside
enteritis inflammation of the small intestine
epicardium pertaining to upon the heart (outer layer)
epidermis the outer layer of the skin
epilepsy recurrent seizures
epimysium pertaining to on or upon the muscles
episiotomy incision into the perineum
erythrocyte red (blood) cell
erythroderma red skin
erythropoiesis production of red (production of red blood cells)
etiology the study of the causes of diseases
eukaryotic pertaining to a true nucleus
eupnea normal breathing
euthyroid resembling normal thyroid function
exocrine to secrete without (outside in ducts or small tubes)
exocytosis condition of the outside cells
exophthalmic pertaining to eyes slightly out
extracellular outside of a cell
fascia fascia or fibrous bands of connective tissue
femoral pertaining to the femur
ferrous pertaining to iron
fibrinogen producing fibers
fibrinolysis destruction of fibers
fibroblast fiber forming
fibroid resembling fibers
fibromyalgia pain in the muscle fibers
fovea pit
gastroenterologist one who studies the stomach and small intestines
gastrojejunostomy creation of an artificial opening between stomach and jejunum
genital pertaining to the reproductive organs
glomerulonephritis inflammation of the glomerulus and the nephron
glossopharyngeal pertaining to the tongue and pharynx
glucocorticoid "resembling sugar from the cortex" (hormones)
glycosuria sugar in the urine
gonadotropic pertaining to influencing the reproductive organs
gonads reproductive organs
gynecologist a specialist of female disorders
gynecology study of the female and female disorders
hematemesis bloody vomit
hematocrit to separate blood
hematocytoblast blood developing cell (forming each type of blood cell)
hematologist one who specializes in the study of blood
hematology the study of blood
hematoma blood tumor or mass
hematopoiesis the production of blood or blood cells
hematuria blood in the urine
hemiparesis half (of the body) slightly paralyzed
hemiplegia half paralyzed (left or right side of the body)
hemolytic the destruction of blood
hemophilia pertaining to an affinity or love of blood
hemprrhage blood bursting forth
hemostasis blood standing still (control of bleeding)
hepatic pertaining to the liver
hepatitis inflammation of the liver
herniorraphy surgical repair of a hernia
hiatal pertaining to an opening
hidradenitis ]inflammation of the sweat glands
histogensis production of tissues
histology study of tissues
homeostasis condition of standing still, staying the same
hormone to excite (chemical messengers): urging on
hydrocephalus condition of water in the brain
hymenotomy incision into the hymen
hyoid pertaining to U-shaped
hypercalcemia high blood levels of calcium
hypercapnia carbon dioxide level above normal
hyperglycemia high levels of sugar in the blood
hyperhidrosis condition of excessive sweat
hyperkalemia high blood levels of potassium
Created by: meganmartindale
Popular Medical sets



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