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H & P Final

Pt Assessment

Regulates internal environment Autonomic ns (symp/parasymp)
Motor/sensory nerves, ganglia outside CNS Peripheral ns
Components of neuro exam Mental Status; CNs; Sensory Fn; Cerebellar Fn; Motor fn; DTRs
Mental Status exam is performed during what part of exam? throughout the entire patient interaction
Mediates higher mental functions, perception, & behavior Cerebral cortex
Assoc w/speech, emotions, memory Frontal
Processes sensory data Parietal
Hearing, speech, long term memory, language, behavior, emotion & personality Temporal
Mediates survival behavior, affect Limbic
Appearance & Behavior: components Grooming, emotional status, Body language
Body language: Posture, eye contact, nervousness, psychomotor agitation, immobility
Lev els of consciousness Alert; Lethargy; Obtunded; Stupor; Coma
Awake, responds fully and appropriately Alert
Drowsy, respond to questions Lethargy
Slow response and somewhat confused Obtunded
Slow responses, arousable for short periods with painful stimuli Stupor
Not aware nor awake Coma
Pt should be oriented to: person, place, time, & situation
Time disorientation anxiety, depression, dementia
Place disorientation psychiatric disorders, delirium
Person disorientation cerebral trauma, seizures
Registration repeat a sentence or three unrelated items
Recall show the patient 3 items, have him recall them later
Short-term Memory ask about events within the past few hours or days (weather that morning, etc.)
Long-term Memory ask mother’s maiden name, high school attended, significant historical events
Impaired memory delirium, dementia, anxiety, depression
Loss of immediate and recent memory with retention of remote = dementia
Ability to focus or concentrate over time: Attention span
Ask pt to repeat series of numbers, serial 7s, spell WORLD backwards: tests = Attention span
Ask pt to follow series of short commands or repeat short story: tests = Attention span
Decreased attention span may be related to: fatigue, anxiety, dementia
“What would you do if you found a stamped envelope?” – tests: judgment/insight
Mood = sustained internal emotion
Affect = observable feeling/tone, more episodic*
Mood & Affect: Ask pt = How they feel right now (depressed? Signs of mania?)
Thought process/content: Ask pt = How and what they are thinking
Perceptions: assessment includes = Hallucinations, illusions
Aphonia: loss of voice
Dysphonia: impairment in volume, quality, pitch of voice
CN II: tests acuity, fields, funduscopic
CN III tests pupillary response (direct and consensual); Inspect eyelids for drooping; EOMs
CN IV (Trochlear) test EOM: Inferio-medial
CN VI (Abducens) test EOM: Lateral deviation
Tests for Primary Sensory Functions Light touch; superficial pain; temp
Sensory fn test of shoulders = tests: C5
Sensory fn test of thumb = tests: C6
Sensory fn test of middle finger = tests: C7
Sensory fn test of pinky = tests: C8
Sensory fn test of inner forearms = tests: T1
Sensory fn test of lateral thigh = tests: L3
Sensory fn test of medial ankle = tests: L4
Sensory fn test of 1st inter-digital space = tests: L5
Sensory fn test of Little toe/Lateral ankle = tests: S1
Where test vibration sense Toe, ankle, knee, Finger, wrist, elbow, shoulder
Stereognosis Ability to identify common object; Tactile agnosia suggests parietal lobe lesion
Graphesthesia Identify drawn figure
Two-point discrimination Use one or two points (2-8 mm is normal in fingertips)
Decorticate rigidity Rigid flexion; Corticospinal tract above brainstem
Decerebrate rigidity Rigid extension; Brainstem
Aphasia Disorder in producing or understanding language
Broca’s Expressive
Wernicke’s Receptive
Anesthesia Total or partial loss of sensation
Hyperesthesia Increase in sensitivity to sensory stimuli
Nystagmus: Rhythmic oscillation of eyes; Cerebellar disease, drug toxicity
Resting tremor Pronounced at rest; Parkinsonism
Intention tremor Appears with activity; Multiple Sclerosis
Postural tremor Appears when maintaining a posture; hyperthyroid, fatigue, benign essential
Bell’s Palsy Peripheral paralysis of facial nerve; Central lesion will only affect lower face
5.07 Monofilament tests for: Test for protective sensation
The motor cortex is located in: the precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe
Corticospinal tracts AKA: pyramidal tracts
Corticospinal tracts originate in the motor cortex
3 “motor pathways” : corticospinal tracts, basal ganglia and the cerebellum
Aids motor cortex in integration of voluntary movement Cerebellum
coordinates control of muscle tone, posture and equilibrium Cerebellum
Cerebellar functions: at ____ level unconscious
Responsible for fine movement of the hands Cerebellum
Upper motor neurons (UMN): Originate & terminate: within CNS
UMN are neurons of the: corticospinal tracts and the basal ganglia
UMN can influence or modify the: lower motor neurons
Examples of UMN disease: CVA, multiple sclerosis & cerebral palsy
The “final common pathway: LMN
Examples of lower motor neuron disease Spinal cord lesions
“lower” or primitive pathway = Basal Ganglia System:
Basal Ganglia System AKA extrapyramidal system
Extinction phenomenon Touch pt at 2 diff areas of body; they s/b able to exactly locate both
Point localization Touch a point, ask pt to open eyes & indicate location touched
5.07 Monofilament: pos test may indicate: Peripheral neuropathy, Diabetes mellitus
LMNs located in: peripheral nervous system (cranial nerves & spinal nerves)
Spinal nerves: how many pairs? 31
Sensory afferent fibers of dorsal root carry impulses: from sensory receptors to the spinal cord
Sensory/motor fibers supply/receive information in: dermatomes
Motor exam: Mx tone/bulk; mx strength; DTRs; Cerebellar fn
Cerebellar function: Gait/balance; Coordination; Romberg
Coordination tests: Rapid alternating movements; point-to-point testing
Mx inspection: hands thenar/hypothenar eminences
Mx inspection: Palpation: Mx tone; mx strength
The normal, mild resistance of a relaxed muscle to a passive stretch Tone
Increased tone = spasticity
Spasticity causes: awkward, rigid movements;
Rigidity that persists throughout the range is called: lead-pipe rigidity
Decreased mx tone = flaccidity
Mx inspection: Palpation: Muscle strength: Compare symmetrically
Mx strength scale = graded on a 0-5 scale
Mx strength scale: 0 = no voluntary contraction
Mx strength scale: 5 = full muscle strength against resistance
Weakness may result from: pain, fatigue or disuse
Strength testing is often combined with: ROM
Mx strength scale: a grade of 3 or less = consistent with disability
Babinski response indicates: dz of pyramidal tract in adults
DTRs: Biceps: C5,6
DTRs: Triceps: C6,7
DTRs: Brachioradialis: C5,6
DTRs: Patellar: L2,3,4
DTRs: Ankle: S1
Grading DTRs: 0 = absent response
Grading DTRs: 1+ = sluggish / diminished
Grading DTRs: 2+ = average / anticipated response
Grading DTRs: 3+ = brisk, slightly hyperactive
Grading DTRs: 4+ = hyperactive; clonus may be present
DTRs can be recorded: in chart-style or by using a stick-man figure
Biceps Reflex: expected response visible or palpable flexion of the elbow
Triceps Reflex: Response: visible or palpable extension of the elbow
Brachioradial Reflex: Response: elbow flexion with supination of the hand.
DTRs include tests of: Biceps, triceps, brachioradial, patellar, ankle
Patellar Reflex: Response: extension of the lower leg
Ankle Reflex: Response: plantar flexion of the foot
Plantar Reflex is a _____ reflex superficial
Plantar Reflex: Response: plantar flexion of the toes
Cerebellar Function tests: Coordination/Fine Motor Skills
Rapid alternating movements (RAM): Evaluate rhythm/flow/speed
Point-to-point testing: Finger to nose; Heel to shin
Test of balance: Romberg test; Observe normal gait; Tandem gait
Gait Patterns: Spastic hemiparesis = Stroke
Gait Patterns: Spastic diplegia = Scissoring
Gait Patterns: Steppage = Foot drop
Gait Patterns: Waddling = Weak hip abductors
Gait Patterns: Cerebellar ataxia = Wide based gait
Gait Patterns: Sensory ataxia = Loss of position sense
Gait Patterns: Parkinsonian = Shuffling
Gait Patterns: Antalgic limp = Painful extremity
plegia: absence of strength (paralysis)
hemiplegia: paralysis of one half of the body
paraplegia: paralysis of the legs
paresis: impaired strength (weakness)
hemiparesis: weakness of one half of the body
Epicondyles: for tenderness associated with fx
Patella: for pain, fx, stability
Patella tendon: tendonitis
Joint space: fluid
Joint line: meniscus tears, ACL tears
Med/Lat collaterals: ligament strains
Tibial tuberosity: OSD
Medial tibial plateau: Pes anserine bursitis
Posterior joint space: PCL, Bakers cyst
Light touch: Side of Neck: C2-3
Light touch: Tip of Shoulder: C4
Light touch: Lateral Deltoid: C5
Light touch: Thumb: C6
Light touch: Middle Finger: C7
Light touch: Pinky Finger: C8
Light touch: Medial Forearm at elbow: T1
Light touch: 1st Dorsal web: Radial nerve
Light touch: Palmar middle pad: Median
Light touch: Palmar small pad: Ulna
Light touch: Groin: L1
Light touch: Upper thigh: L2
Light touch: Outer thigh at knee: L3
Light touch: Medial ankle: L4
Light touch: Dorsal 1st web space: L5
Light touch: Lateral ankle: S1
Light touch: Buttock: L2-3
Light touch: Perianal: L4
Argyll Robertson pupil = pupil reacts to light but does not accommodate (seen in tertiary syphilia/tabes dorsalis)
Eye deviation occurs in what direction? toward a unilateral hemispheric lesion and away from a unilateral brainstem lesion
Functional testing of eye movements is done by: oculo-cephalic reflex (Doll's head) or oculo-vestibular reflex (ice water calorics)
Oculo-cephalic reflex (Doll's head): CI if: if there is a question of cervical spine injury
Oculo-cephalic reflex: Abnormal response = absent or asymmetric eye movement: destructive lesion at midbrain or pontine level; poss also deep barbiturate poisoning
Oculo-vestibular reflex: Normal response (conscious pt): Tonic (sustained) deviation of eyes toward stimulated side, w/ quick phase of nystagmus toward the opposite side
Oculo-vestibular reflex: Response in comatose pt w/ intact brainstem: Tonic deviation of eyes, but no nystagmus
Oculo-vestibular reflex: Response in comatose pt w/ brainstem dysfn: Loss of tonic deviation w/ stimulation of one, or both ears; if there is no tonic deviation there can be no fast response
Oculo-vestibular response does not distinguish between: metabolic and structural causes of coma
Corneal sensation: carried by CN V (Trigeminal); test with cotton swab pressed gently onto cornea; abnormal reponse suggests a pontine lesion
Created by: Abarnard
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