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Chapter 3
External Root Words
Term | Definition |
Acr/ Acro | The extremities |
Acromegaly | Abnormally large upper and lower extremities (hands/feet) bought on by an increased production of growth hormone |
Axill/ Axillo | The armpits |
Axillary | Pertaining to the axilla |
Blepharoplasty | Surgical repair of the eyelid |
Brachi/ Brachio | The arm |
Brachialgia | Severe arm pain |
Bucc/ Bucco | The cheek |
Buccal | Anything relating to the cheek |
Buccal Mucosa | Interior lining of the cheek |
Axillary lymphadenopathy | Enlargement of diseased lymph nodes in the axilla, characterized by swollen armpits |
Canth/ cantho | Angle of the eyelids |
Canthotomy | Incision of tissues at the angle of the eye is performed to reduce pressure in orbital compartment syndrome |
Capit/ Capito | The head/ shaped like a head |
Capitate Bone | The largest hand bone at the center of the wrist that is shaped like a rounded head |
Carp/ carpo | The wrist |
Carpoptosis | Condition characterized by paralyzed extensor muscles of the hand and the fingers |
Caud/ Caudo | The hind part / tail / downward |
Caudal anesthesia | Local anesthetic injected into the lower end of the sacrum and coccyx |
Cephal/ Cephalo | The head |
Cephalohematoma | A traumatic, solidified clotting of blood that takes place beneath the inner skin of the newborns head |
Cervic/ cervico | The neck or the uterus |
Cervicogenic headache | A secondary headache brought about by a lesion or an injury in the neck (cervical spine) |
Cheil/ Chello/ Chil/ Chilo | The lips |
Cheilosis | Inflamed lip corners, accompanied by redness, scaling, and cracking of the mouth corners. May be caused by Candida |
Cheir/ Cheiro/ Chir/ Chiro | The hand |
Cheiropompholyx | Severely itchy skin eruptions on the sides of the fingers and the palms, made up of blisters |
Cili/ Cilio | Eyelid, eyelash, or relating to |
Ciliary | A smooth muscle ring situated in the middle layer of the eye. Regulates accommodation for viewing things and is responsible for the flow of the aqueous humor |
Derm/ Derma/ Dermato/ Dermo | The skin |
Dermatitis | Inflammation of the skin, caused by allergy |
Dors/ Dorsi/ Dorso | Back part/ posterior |
Dorsiflexion | The backward bending of the foot or the hand |
Faci/ facio | The face |
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy | Rare, genetic disorder which begins by affecting the skeletal muscles of the face, then the shoulders and the upper arms. |
Gingiv/ Gingivo | The gums |
Gingivitis | Inflammation of the gums |
Gloss/ Glosso | The tongue |
Glossodynia | Pain in the tongue, characterized by a burning sensation |
Gnath/ Gnatho | The jaws |
Orthognathic | Maintaining jaws in their correct relation and dimension |
Inguin/ Inguino | The groin |
Inguinodynia | Post-surgical pain felt after the operation of an inguinal hernia |
Inguinal hernia | Occurs when the tissues of the intestines push through the base of the abdomen. Appears as a lump in the groin; in males, appears as an enlargement in the scrotum |
Irid/ Irido | The iris of the eye |
Iridociclitis | Inflammation of the iris as well as the ciliary parts of the eye |
Labi/ Labio | lips, lip-like |
Labia | Lip-like skin folds of the vulva |
Lapar/ Laparo | The abdomen |
Laparoscopy | Surgical procedure where a fiber-optic gadget is introduced via the abdominal to allow the surgeon to see organs |
Later/ Latero | The side; body parts farthest from the middle |
Bilateral | On both sides |
Bilateral macromastia | Underdevelopment of tissues in both breasts after puberty |
Unilateral hearing loss | single-sided deafness |
Lingu/ Lingo/ Linguo | The tongue |
Linguogingival | Pertaining to the tongue and the gums |
Embryonic linguoginvival groove | Furrow which separates the mandibular part of the tongue from the rest of the mandible |
Mamm/ mamma/ mammo | Breasts |
Mammogram | X-ray examination of the breast |
Mast/ Masto | Breast |
Gynecomastia | Abnormal enlargement of breasts in males due to hormonal imbalances ; possible side effect of hormone replacement therapy |
Nas/ naso | The nose |
Nasogastric | Pertaining to the mouth and the stomach |
Nasogastric Intubation | Plastic tube introduced via the nose, through the throat, and into the stomach, for assisted ventilation |
Occipit/ Occipito | The back of the head |
Occipital bone | Saucer shaped bone located at the lower back area of the skull |
Ocul/ Oculo | the eye |
Oculogyric | Elevation of the visual gaze in both eyes |
Oculogyric crisis | Untoward reaction to medical disorders or pharmaceuticals manifested by a lengthy, uncontrollable, upward deviation of the persons eyes. |
Odont/ Odonto | The teeth |
Odontoma | A benign tumor associated with the development of the teeth caused from abnormal growth of normal dental tissue |
Omphal/ Omphalo | The umbilicus |
Omphaloma | A tumor situated in the umbilicus |
Onych/ Onycho | The nails |
Paronychia | Painful and pus-filled soft tissue infection involving the fingernails. Usually caused by fungal infection (candidiasis) |
Opthalm/ Opthlamo | The eyes |
Opthalmoscopy | Non-invasive medical procedure where the eye doctor utilizes an ophthalmoscope to view and check the inside of the eye |
Optic/ Optico/ Opto | Sight |
Optometry | Assessment method done to evaluate vision |
Or/ Oro | The mouth |
Oropharyngeal | Involving the mouth and the pharynx |
Oropharyngeal dysphagia | Difficulty swallowing due to abnormalities in the throat and mouth |
Ot/ oto | The ears |
Otitis media | inflammation of the middle ear, caused by bacteria or a virus |
Papill/ papillo | The nipple |
Papilloma | Non-cancerous tumor in the breast ducts |
Pelv/ pelvo | Pelvis |
Pelviectasis | The dilation of the renal pelvis |
Phall/ phallo | The penis |
Phaloplasty | Surgical procedure performed to augment or repair the penis |
Pil/ Pilo | Hair |
Pilocystic | A cyst that contains hair |
Pod/ Podo | The foot/feet |
Podiatry | Branch of medicine dedicated to the foot |
Rhin/ Rhino | The nose |
Rhinorrhea | Nasal cavity is persistently filled with substantial amounts of mucous fluid |
Somat/ Somato | Relates to the body |
Somatogenic Diseases | illnesses which originate from body parts |
Psychogenic Diseases | Cause of illness is of mental origin |
Steth/ Stetho | The chest |
Stethoscope | Acoustic tool used for listening to inner body signs |
Stomat/ Stomato | Mouth/ opening |
Stomatitis | Inflamed mucus membranes of the mouth |
Tal/Talo | Foot |
Tarsalgia | Pain in the rear area of the foot; commonly occurs in individual feet |
Thorac/ thoraco | The chest/ thorax |
Thoracentesis | Sterile procedure wherein fluid is removed from the pleural space. Done through the insertion of a needle via the chest wall |
Tracheo/ trachelo | The neck/ neckline |
Trachelomyitis | Inflammation of the neck muscles |
Trich/ Tricho | hair/ hair like |
Trichiasis | A condition where the direction of the growth of the eyelash is changed; lashes grow inward towards the eyeball; hairs may rub against eye and cause irritation |
Ventr/ Ventri/ Ventro | The front part of the body |
Ventrogluteal IM | A deep muscular injection into the gluteus medius on the outer surface of the pelvis |