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Psych development

Ch 6 Early motor development

What does the endocrine system do? Control cells, organs, tissues through the secretion of hormones
What are hormones ? -Chemical substances produced by a glad -Thyroid, Growth, ___?
What does the nervous system do? -Control: movement and speech -Important for social. Motor, cognitive perspective
When does most of our neurological development happen? Prenatal
What is neurogenesis and how does it relate to exercise? Development of tissues (brain) and neurons. More likely to engage in exercise it stimulates the brain and neurons
What are some practical reasons for learning about infant motor development? development in order to be able to recognize deviance from the typical pattern
Spontaneous movements movements are infants’ movements that occur without any apparent stimulation
Supine Kicking child spontaneously thrusting their legs while laying on their back
What did Thelen say about supine kicking? -Supine kicking is not random but rhythmical; kicks have a coordinated pattern -The ankle, knee, and hip joints move cooperatively with each other, not independently from one another
T/F - Infants’ supine kicks are not identical to an adult’s walking steps True
infantile reflex -an involuntary, stereotypical movement response to a specific stimulus -automatic/unconscious
Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex -"fencing reflex" b/c infant's arms and head, which resembles that of a classically trained fencer. -When the face is turned to one side, the arm and leg on the side to which the face is turned extend and the arm and leg on the opposite side flex.
Palmer grasp -Close hand over stimulus -Future voluntary grasping behavior
Moro Reflex -Ability to remain balanced up until 4 months -Try to avoid injury when you feel like your falling -Abduction, adduction, crying
Rooting Reflect Reflect in which you are stroking a side of the check and they move the head to the side and start sucking
three types of infantile reflexes -Primitive reflexes – around from beginning (palmar) -Postural reactions – move upright in world -Locomotor reflexes - help us get around
Primitive reflex:Around from the beginning an involuntary response to specific stimulation that is often mediated by lower brain centers
Postural Reactions: moving right up in the world These help the infant automatically maintain posture in a changing environment -Postural reactions generally appear after the infant is 2 months
Locomotor Reflexes: Moving in Place -Involuntary modifications of movements produced by sensory signals from receptors in the limbs and body -The locomotor reflexes appear much earlier than corresponding voluntary behaviors
Why should we be careful when attempting to assess the neurological status of an infant? -Each individual develops as a result of interacting individual, environmental, and task constraints
Why Do Infants Move? structural functional applied
structural reflexes are hard-wired into infants (i.e., by-product of the human neurological system)
Functional reflexes help with the birthing process (gaining correct position) and help the infant survive – to eat, breathe, and grasp
Applied reflexes help with voluntary movement development
motor milestone a fundamental motor skill, the attainment of which is associated with the acquisition of later voluntary movements
What must an infant do In order to crawl an infant must first be able to lift their head and shoulders in a prone position, which requires neck and shoulder strength
First child syndrome first-time mothers hold their infants for long periods and avoid putting the infants on their stomachs for a long time = can delay motor development
infants with Down syndrome often experience...? hypotonia
hypotonia which is best described as a lack of muscle tone
why do babies fall when the floor moves? -Kids are so preoccupied with optical flow – kinesthetic sense kids fall on their butt -Kids rely on visual information rather than the actual movement
Created by: rmart11
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