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Chapter 9

The nervous system

The functional division of the nervous system that is also called the visceral nervous system Autonomic nervous system
The functional system of the nervous system that controls skeletal muscles Somatic nervous system
The system that promotes the fight-or-flight response Sympathetic nervous system
The system that stimulates the activity of the digestive tract Parasympathetic nervous system
The structural division of the nervous system that includes the brain CNS ( Central Nervous System )
The structural division of the nervous system that includes the cranial nerves Peripheral Nervous system
A nerve cell fiber that carries impulses away from the cell body Axon
The part of a neuron that receives a stimulus Dendrite
The sheath around some neuron fibers that aids in regeneration Neurilemma
A gap in the neuron sheath Node
The portion of the spinal cord made up of myelinated axons White matter
The scientific name for a nerve cell Neuron
A bundle of nerve fibers located outside the CNS Nerve
A bundle of nerve fibers located inside the CNS Tract
Neurons that conduct impulses towards the brain Afferent neurons
Neurons that conduct impulses away from the brain Efferent neurons
The coating of individual nerve fibers Endoneurium
The coating of an entire nerve Epineurium
5 functions of neuroglia 1. Protects and nourish tissue 2. Supports nerve tissue and binds it to other structures 3. Aid in repair of cells 4. Act as phagocytes to remove pathogens and impurities 5. Regulates the composition of fluids around and between cells
The step in which the membrane potential returns to rest Repolarization
The ion that crosses the neuron membrane to cause depolarization Na+
The result of positive ions entering the neuron Depolarization
A sudden change in membrane potential that is transmitted along axons Action potential
The ion that leaves the neuron to cause repolarization K+
3 Examples of neurotransmitters Adrenaline, norepinephrine, acetylcholine
Binds norephinephrine Adrenergic receptors
Binds acetycholine and induces muscle contraction Nicotinic receptor
Acetycholine receptor found on effector organs of the parasympathetic system Muscarinic recptor
Degeneration of nerves supplying the extremities Peripheral neuritis
A disease associated with the destruction of myelin sheaths multiple sclerosis
Paralysis of one arm monoplegia
A viral disease resulting in paralysis poliomyelities
A viral disease caused by herpes zoster Shingles
Loss of sensation and motion in the lower part of the body Paraplegia
A disease associated with selective destruction of motor neurons Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
lemma sheath
para beyond
tetra four
soma body
hemi half
plegia paralysis
neur/i nerve, nervous tissue
de remove
aut/o self
post after
T or F- Action potentials occur in axon regions surrounded by myelin. False
T or F- Action potentials transition is faster in myelinated neurons. True
T or F- Action potentials occur at nodes. True
Created by: zifkokat003
Popular Medical sets




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