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Nervous System

They are located at the end of the peripheral nerves, their función is to convert sensory information and to convert into impulses Where are the sensory receptors located? What is their function?
They phagocytized bacteria and cellular debris What are the cells in the CNS neuroglia and their function?- microglial cells
Form the myelin in the brain and spinal cord What are the cells in the CNS neuroglia and their function?- oligodenrocytes
Provide structural support by joining neurons together, helps regulate nutrients and ions in the CNS, forms scar tissue after an injury What are the cells in the CNS neuroglia and their function?- Astrocytes
Forms an epithelial-like membrane that covers specialized brain parts and form the inner lining that encloses spaces in the brain and spinal cord What are the cells in the CNS neuroglia and their function?- Ependymal
Scwann- produces a myelin sheath around axons of myelinated axons What is the cell in the PNS neuroglia and its function
Describe the structure of a neuron- Cell body
Contains organelles such as mitochondria, nucleus, golgi apparatus, etc., it is a Network of fine threads called neurofilaments, and has membrane bound sacs called chromatophilic substance
Extensions that caries impulses away from thw cell body. Larger ones are enclosed in myelin sheaths produced by schwann cells, schwann cells are tightly sound around the axon Describe the structure of a neuron- Axon
Are short and branched extensions that recieves impulses from other nerves Describe the structure of a neuron- dendrite
Thick cone-shaped area from which the axon originates Describe the structure of a neuron- axon hillocks
Are narrow gaps between the schwann cells Describe the structure of a neuron- Nodes of Ranvier
White and grey matter both have neurons, white matter also has myelin, whereas grey matter does not Compare and contrast White and grey matter
Has one axon and many dendrites, is found in the brain and spinal cord Describe the three structural differneces in neurons- multipolar
Has one dendrite and one axon, is found in the eyes, nose, and ears Describe the three structural differneces in neurons- Bipolar
Has an axon and a dendrite arising from a single short fiber extending from the cell body, is found in the ganglia outside of the CNS Describe the three structural differneces in neurons- unipolar
Sodium is rushing in and potassium is flooding out Wjat roles do sodium abd potassium play in an action potential
Myelinated axons conduct impulses from one nose of Ranvier to the next, it conducts impulses much faster this way compared to an impulse conduction on an unmyelinated neuron What is saltatory conduction
Is the outside layer composed of white, fibrous connective tissue with blood vessels and nerves Describe the three layers of the meninges- dura matter
Is the middle layer composed of thin web-like membrane without blood vessels, it also has a sub layer that contains the clear, watery cerebral spinal fluid Describe the three layers of the meninges- Arachnoid matter
Is the inner layer, it is very thin and containsany nerves and blood vessels that help nourish cells of the brain and spinal cord Describe the three layers of the meninges- piano matter
Conducts impulses to and from the brain, serves as the reflex center for the brain, and has ascending tracts for carrying sensory information to the brain, and descending tracts for carrying motor information from the brain Describe the following parts of the CNS- function of the spinal cord
Interprets sensory impulses, initiates voluntary muscle movements, stores information as memory and uses it for reasoning, it also plays a role in intelligence and personality Describe the following parts of the CNS- function of the cerebrum
Interprets impulses that come from sensory receptors Describe the following parts of the CNS- function of the sensory area
Analyze and interpret sensory input Describe the following parts of the CNS- function of the associative area
Controls skeletal muscles Describe the following parts of the CNS- function of the motor area
Is the central relay station for sensory input coming into the cerebral cortex, produces general awareness of pain, touch, and temperature Describe the following parts of the diencephalon- function of the thalamus
Helps maintain homestasis by regualting activities, it also links the nervous and the endocrine systems Describe the following parts of the diencephalon- function of the Hypothalamus
Contains the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata, and its función is to connect the cerebrum, diencephalon, and cerebellum to the spinal cord Parts and function of the brain stem
Recieves sensory information about the position of limbs, joints, and other body parts, and then analyzes the information to coordinate skeletal muscles activity and maintain posture. Function of the cerebellum
The somatic nervous system is the nerves that connect to skeletal muscles, these are voluntary and under conscious control, and the autonomic nervous system is the nerves that connect the viscera to the CNS, it controls subconscious activities The PNS is divided into the somatic and autonomic nervous system, describe these two systems
The autonomic system is divided into two divisions. Name and describe the two divisions. -Sympathetic division-prepares the body for energy-expanding, stressful, or emergency situations -Parasympathetic division- helps restore the body to a restful state after a stressful experience
Created by: Kalico2019
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