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VNPT51 CH.2 Terms

VNPT51 CHAPTER 2 Legal and Ethical Aspects of Nursing- mb

Accountability being answerable for one's own actions
advocate a person who acts on behalf of another person
deposition out-of-court, under-oath statement of a witness
doctrine of informed consent refers to the full disclosure of the facts the patient needs to make an intelligent (informed) decision before any invasive treatment or procedure is performed
ethical dilemmas situation that does not have a clear correct or incorrect answer
ethics the way one should behave; how a person ought to act
euthanasia deliberately bringing about the death of a person who is suffering from an incurable disease or condition; can be done actively or passively
laws the reference of a rule, principle, or regulation established and made known by a government to protect or restrict the people affected
liability a legal concept that holds a person legally responsible for harm caused to another person or property
liable legally responsible
malpratice professional misconduct behavior that fails to meet the standard of care
nonmaleficence ethical principle meaning "to do no harm."
standards of care those acts that are permitted to be performed or prohibited from being performed by a prudent experience, and conditions existing at the time of the duty to give care
value clarification a process of self-inspection to identify one's own beliefs, morals, and values
values individual's intrinsic (or personal) beliefs about the importance of a particular idea, object, or custom that will influence behavior
verdict decision rendered based on the facts of a case, evidence and testimony presented, credibility of witnesses, and laws pertaining to the case
Created by: barragan_93230
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