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Fundamentals of body structures and functions
Question | Answer |
When taking a breath, air can enter the mouth aka the: | oral cavity (space). |
Located at the posterior os (opening) of the oral cavity (mouth) is: | lymph tissue called palatine tonsils. |
The physiology (function) of lymph tissue is to: | defend the body from disease creators called pathogens. |
Lymph tissue is considered part of your: | immune system. |
When taking a breath, air can enter: | the nose through the ossa (openings) called nostrils aka external nares. |
Air entering the nostrils travels through nose vessels called: | nasal passages. |
Nostrils are ossa (openings) aka: | external nares. |
Vessels are aka: | ducts or tubes. |
Air filled cavities located within the cranium (skull) adjacent (next to) the nose passages (ducts or tubes) are called: | paranasal sinuses. |
The physiology (function) of the hairs lining the nasal passages (vessels) is to: | screen (filter) inhaled air. |
Inhale (inhalation) means: | breathe in aka inspire (inspiration). |
The septa (walls) of the nasal passages (vessels) contain the: | sense of small called the olfactory sense. |
The septa (walls) of the nasal (nose) passages are lined with: | mucous membranes. |
Mucous membranes produce: | mucus. |
Passages are aka: | ducts or tubes or vessels. |
Nasopharynx (nasopharygeal) means: | nose and pharynx. |
Pharynx means: | throat. |
Located at the posterior (back) orifice (opening) of the nasopharynx is: | lymph tissue called adenoids. |
The physiology of lymph tissue is to defend the body from: | disease creators called pathogens. |
Two (2) ducts (vessels) that connect the nasopharynx to the middle ears are called: | Eustachian tubes. |
The physiology of each Eustachian tube is to equalize pressure between each middle ear and the outside environment to prevent tympanorrhexis: | which means ruptured eardrum. |
Eustachian tubes connect the: | nasopharynx to the middle ear. |
The larynx connects the pharynx to: | the trachea aka the windpipe. |
The larynx is the: | voice box. |
The pharynx is the: | throat. |
Laryngopharynx (laryngopharyngeal) means: | larynx and pharynx. |
The larynx is supported by sections of: | flexible connective tissue called cartilage. |
The sections of cartilage that support the larynx are called the: | Thyroid cartilage, Epiglottis, Cricoid cartilage. |
The largest section of cartilage supporting the larynx is called the: | thyroid cartilage aka the Adam's apple. |
The cartilaginous lid over the glottis is called the: | epiglottis. |
The glottis is the os (opening) between the: | vocal cords. |
Cartilage is elastic which means: | flexible. |
The physiology (function) of the epiglottis is to: | open when we breathe (ventilate) and close when we swallow. |
The epiglottis is a cartilaginous lid over the: | glottis. |
The trachea is the: | windpipe. |
The (2) primary (1st) airways that bifurcate off the trachea are called: | bronchi. |
Bifurcate (bifurcation) means: | divide into two (2). |
The airways that bifurcate off the trachea (windpipe) are called the: | Right primary bronchus and the Left primary bronchus. |
The primary bronchi branch into: | smaller airways called secondary bronchi aka lobar bronchi. |
Secondary bronchi are aka: | lobar bronchi. |
Secondary bronchi branch into smaller airways called: | tertiary (3rd) bronchi aka segmental bronchi. |
Tertiary bronchi branch into smaller airways called: | bronchioles. |
Tertiary bronchi are aka: | segmental bronchi. |
Bronchioles branch into smaller airways called: | terminal bronchioles. |
Terminal (end) bronchioles branch into | microscopic airways called respiratory branches |
Respiratory bronchioles branch into smaller microscopic airways called: | alveolar ducts. |
Ducts are: | tubes or vessels. |
Alveolar ducts branch into: | microscopic grape-like clusters called alveoli. |
The average number of alveoli in a human is: | 30 million. |
Branching of the airways is called the : | bronchial tree. |
Every alveolus is surrounded by microscopic arteries and veins called: | capillaries. |
The gases exchanged during respiration are called: | oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). |
Respiration (exchange of gases) occurs (happens) by a process where a gas of higher concentration (amount) spreads to an area of lower concentration called: | diffusion. |
The exchange of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) between alveoli and erythrocytes (RBCs) is called: | external respiration. |
The exchange of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) between the erythrocytes (RBCs) and body cells is called: | internal respiration. |
The body space where respiratory organs are located is called: | the thoracic (chest) cavity. |
The lungs are divided into sections called: | lobes. |
The right (R) lung contains three (3) lobes: | Right upper lobe, Right middle lobe and Right lower lobe. |
The left (L) lung contains two (2) lobes: | Left upper lobe, Left lower lobe. |
The lungs are surrounded by two (2) membranes (lining) called: | pleurae. |
The physiology of the pleurae is to protect the lungs from the ribs during: | inhalation aka breathing or inspiration. |
The outermost pleural membrane (lining) is called the: | parietal pleura. |
The physiology of the parietal pleura is to protect the lungs from the ribs during : | inhalation aka breathing or inspiration. |
The innermost pleural membrane (lining) is called the: | visceral pleura. |
The physiology of the visceral pleura is to protect the lungs from the ribs during: | inhalation aka breathing or inspiration. |
The space between the parietal pleura (outermost membrane) + visceral pleura (innermost membrane) is called: | the pleural space aka pleural cavity. |
The pleural space (cavity) contains lubricating fluid to prevent friction between: | the parietal (outermost) pleura and visceral pleura (innermost membrane). |
The process of inhalation and exhalation is called: | ventilation or breathing. |
Inhalation (inspiration) means: | breathing in. |
Exhalation (expiration) means: | breathing out. |
The muscles of ventilation include: | the diaphragm. |
The muscles of ventilation include: | Internal intercostals and external intercostals. |
Intercostal means: | the ribs. |
Ventilation is controlled by the respiratory center of the brain called: | the medulla oblongata. |
A device (machine) to assist (help) with inspiration and expiration is called a: | ventilator. |
The trachea (windpipe) and bronchial airways are lined with mucous membranes and small hair-like structures called: | cilia. |
The physiology (function) of cilia is to: | catch foreign particles during inhalation (inspiration). |
As the cilia become saturated (filled) with inhaled (inspired) foreign particles, the mucous membranes (linings) of the respiratory tract will secrete (produce and discharge): | mucus. |
The function of the mucus is to: | trap the foreign particles. |
Mucus secretion stimulates the nervous system to trigger: | the cough reflex. |
Coughing up mucus is called: | expectoration (expectorate). |
Mucus expectorated (coughed up) is called: | sputum or phlegm. |
Sputum (phlegm) expectorated (coughed up) can be: | spit out or swallowed. |
A cough were sputum (phlegm) is not produced is called: | nonproductive cough. |
Antitussive refers to a: | cough suppressant. |
Normal sputum appears: | clear or white. |
Mucopurulent sputum contains: | mucus and pus. |
Sputum is aka: | phlegm. |
Hemoptysis means: | expectorating (coughing up) blood. |
PFT stands for: | pulmonary function tests. |
The process of measuring the ability to ventilate (breathe) is abbreviated IS which stands for: | incentive spirometry. |
An instrument to measure the ability to ventilate is called a: | spirometer. |
The volume of air inhaled (inspired) and exhaled (expired) during normal ventilation is abbreviated TV which stands for: | tidal volume. |
The volume of air that can be inspired (inhaled) beyond a normal resting inspiration (inhalation) is abbreviated IRV which stands for: | inspiratory reserve volume. |
The volume of air that be expired (exhaled) beyond a normal resting expiration (exhalation) is abbreviated ERV which stands for: | expiratory reserve volume. |
A test to measure O2 (oxygen) and CO2 (carbon dioxide) in arterial blood is abbreviated ABG which stands for: | arterial blood gases. |
The percentage of oxygen that combines with hemoglobin (Hgb) is abbreviated SaO2 which sands for: | oxygen (O2) saturation. |
The amount of carbon dioxide that combines with Hgb is abbreviated PCO2 which stands for: | percentage of carbon dioxide. |
Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive process of measuring SaO2 which stands for: | oxygen saturation. |
A device for inhalation (breathing in) administration of a fine mist medication is called: | nebulizer/vaporizer/atomizer. |
A device (machine) to assist with deep inhalation of a medication by positive pressure is abbreviated NPPV which stands for: | noninvasive positive pressure ventilation. |
NPPV is aka IPPB which stands for: | intermittent positive pressure breathing. |
A device to treat OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) is abbreviated C-PAP which sands for: | continuous positive airway pressure. |
OSA stands for: | obstructive sleep apnea. |
Apnea means: | no breathing. |
Intubation (intubate) means: | insertion of (putting in) a tube. |
Endotracheal intubation means: | insertion of an ET which stands for endotracheal tube. |
Laryngoscope means: | lighted instrument to view the voice box (vocal cords). |
A laryngoscope is used for insertion of an ET which stands for: | endotracheal tube. |
A self-re-inflating bag that is squeezed to ventilate an apnic client is abbreviated BVM which stands for: | bag valve mask or AMBU which stands for artificial manual breathing unit. |
The most common DI test performed on the lungs is a CXR which stands for: | chest x-ray. |
DI stands for: | diagnostic imaging. |
A crackling BS (breath sound) heard during auscultation is called: | rales. |
A wheezing BS (breath sound) is called: | rhonchi. |
A high pitched BS indicative (suggestive) of an airway obstruction is called: | stridor. |
The hospital department responsible for respiratory treatments is abbreviated RT which stands for: | respiratory therapy. |
Respiratory therapy is aka IT which stands for: | Inhalation therapy. |