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Medical Terminology
Term | Definition |
A-,An- | without, lack of |
Ab- | from, away |
Ad- | to, toward, near |
Ana- | up, back, again |
Ante- | before, in front of, ahead of |
Anti- | against |
Append- | appendix |
Bi-,Bin- | twice, double, both |
Brady- | slow |
Contra- | against, counter |
Di- | double, twice |
Dis- | separation, away from |
Ecto-,Exo- | outside, external |
Endo- | within, intermost |
Epi- | upon, over,upper |
Erythr- | red |
Glyc- | sugar |
Hyper- | excessive, high, over, increased, more than normal |
Hypo- | decreased, deficient, low, less than normal |
Im- | not |
Infra- | beneath, below |
Inter- | between, among |
Intra- | within, into, inside |
Iso- | equal, alike, same |
Macro- | large |
Mal- | bad, abnormal, disordered, poor |
Meso- | middle |
Meta- | change |
Micro- | small |
Mono- | one, single |
Multi- | many, much, a large amount |
Mut- | after |
Neo- | new |
Para- | near, beside, beyond, abnormal, lower half of the body |
Patho- | disease, abnormal, condition |
Peri- | around |
Poly- | many, much |
Post- | after, behind |
Pre- | before, in front of |
Pseudo- | false |
Re- | back, again |
Retro- | backward, in back, behind |
Semi- | half, part |
Sub- | less, under, below |
Super- | above, upon, over, higher in position |
Syn- | joined, fused, together |
Tachy- | rapid, fast |
Tetra- | four |
Trans- | across, over ,beyond |
Tri- | three |
Ultra- | beyond, excess |
Uni- | one |
-al | like, similar, pertaining to |
-ase | enzyme |
-blast | germ/embryonic cell |
-centesis | surgical puncture to remove fluid |
-cidal | causing death |
-clast | broken |
-crit | to separate |
-cyte | cell |
-ectomy | surgical removal of |
-emia | blood |
-emesis | vomit |
-gen, -gensis, -genic | origin, producing, causing |
-gila | glue |
-gram | tracing, picture, record |
-ia | condition of, abnormal/pathological state |
-iac, -ic, -ior | pertaining to |
-ism | condition, theory, state of being |
-itia, -itis | inflammation, inflammation of |
-logy | study of, science of |
-lyte | dissolvable |
-lytic | destroy, reduce |
-mania | insanity, mental disorder |
-megaly | large, enlarged |
-meter | measuring, measure instrument |
-odia | smell |
-ologist | person who does/studies |
-oma | tumor |
-opia | vision |
-opsy | to view |
-orrhea | flow, discharge |
-orrhexis | rupture |
-osis | condition, state, process |
-ostomy | creation of an artificial opening |
-otomy | cutting into |
-oxia | hardening |
-pathy | disease |
-sclerosis | dryness or hardness |
-scope | examining instrument |
-sepsis | infection |
-spasm | involuntary contraction |
-stasis | maintaining a constant level |
-tomy | cut into or incision |
-tropic | influencing |
Seb | sebaceous gland |
Cutane. dermal, derm | skin |
Hidr | sweat glands |
Pil | hair |
Oste, oss, ost | bones |
Chondr, | cartilage |
Arthr | joints |
Ligament | ligaments |
Myel | bone marrow |
Fasci | fascia |
My | muscles |
Ten, Tend, Tendin | tendons |
Encephal | brain |
Acoust, Ot | ears |
Ocul, Ophtalm | eyes |
Neur | nerves |
Myel | brain |
Arteri | arteries |
Hemat | blood |
Card, Cardi | heart |
Phleb, Ven | veins hem |
Capill | capillaries |
Lymph | lmph |
Splen | spleen |
Thym | thymus |
Tonsil | tonsils |
AA | acute appendicitis |
a.c. | before meals |
AD, a.d. | Alzheimer's disease, right ear |
ad lib | freely |
am, AM | morning |
AS, a.s. | left ear |
AU, a.u. | each ear |
BE | barium enema |
BID, b.i.d., bid | twice per day |
BP | blood pressure |
BR | bedrest |
BPR | bathroom privileges |
BM | bowel movement |
Bx | biopsy |
C(with line above it) | with |
CA, Ca | coronary artery |
cap | capsule |
disc, DC, d.c. | discontinue |
DNR | do not resuscitate |
Dx, dx | diagnosis |
ED | erectile dysfunction |
ER | emergency room |
Fx, fx | function, fracture |
g, gm | gram |
gt, gtt | drops |
h.s. | half strength |
Ht, ht | height |
inj | injection |
I and O, I/O | intraosseous infusion |
IV | intravenous |
K+,K | potassium |
mg | magnesium |
N&V | nausea and vomiting |
Na+, Na | sodium |
NC | nasal cannula |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
NPO p MN | nothing by mouth after midnight |
oint, ung | ointment |
OOB | out of bed |
OTC | over the counter |
oz | ounce |
P | melting point |
p.c. | after meals |
pH | hydrogen ion concentration |
PM, p.m. | afternoon |
PO, po, p.o. | orally |
PRN | as needed | | everyday before home |
q.h. | every hour |
q.i.d. | four times a day |
QNS | quantity not sufficient |
q.s. | as much as needed |
r, R | respiration |
Rx | to take |
S(with line above) | without |
SOB | shortness of breath |
ss | a half |
stat | immediately |
syr | syrup |
susp | suspension |
sup,supp | superior |
T | temperature |
tab | tablet |
tbsp | tablespoon |
TID, t.i.d. | three times a day |
TPR | temperature, pulse, and respiration |
tsp | teaspoon |
Tx | treatment |
VS | volumetric solution, vital signs, vesicular sound |
W/C, w/c | wheelchair |