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Muscle attachments

Origin stationary, immovable attachment of muscle to bone
Insertion movable attachment of muscle to bone
Abduction limb away from median plane
Adduction Limb toward median plane
Flexion decreace joint angle, brings bones closer
Extension increase joint angle, bones farther apart
Rotation Circle
Circumduction Cone
Skeletal Muscle 1. Striated or voluntary 2. Conprises the bulk of the body's muscles 3. attached to skeleton or associated connective tissue
Cells of Skeletal muscle 1. relatively large 2. multi-nucleited 3. long & cylindrical 4. Sarcolemma 5. Sarcoplasm 6. Also called fibers 7. Ranges from 10 microm- 6cm
Sarcomere 1. contractile unit 2. goes form one Z line to the next 3. Actin 4. Myosin
Actin thin filamentboth light & dark
Myosin thick proteinonly in the dark band
Endomysium encloses muscle fibers delicate, areolar connective tissue sheath
Perimysium a collagenic membrane sheaths muscle fibers forming a bundle of fibers called fascicle
Epimysium sheaths the entire muscle large number of fascicles are bound togethervery coarse
Tendons tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone and is capable of withstanding tesion
Aponeurosis 1. sheetlike tendinous expansion, serving to connect a muscle with the parts it moves 2. attach muscles to each other or indirectly to bones
Motor unit a neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates
Synaptic cleft a small fluid-filled gap that separates the neuron and muscle fiber membranes
Acetylcholine (ACh) neurotransmitter chemicleallows change in the permeability of the sarcolemma
Vesicles store various neurotransmitters
Agonists prime moversresponsible for producing a particular movement
Antagonists oppose or reverse a movement
Synergists aid the action of agonists
Fixators specialized synergists
Retus Direction of fibers
Maximus Size
Frontalis Location
Biceps number of origins
Sternocleidomastoid location of origin and insertion
Trapezius shape
Adductor Action
Created by: Cediana Studying
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