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Question | Answer |
Name ant upper arm ant muscles | Biceps brachii supinator and flexor, brachialis attaches to ulna so only flexion and coracobrachialis all musculocutaneous n. |
How many muscles of flexor forarm and what are names? | 8 (4 superficial, 1 middle, 3 deep) put thumb on medial epicondyle and fingers across and say pass fail, pass fail. Pronator teres flips radius over, flexor carpi radialis, palmarus longus, flexar carpi ulnaris. Flexor dig superficialis |
3 deep forearm muscles make a punch | FDProfundus, curls up all fingers, then need thumb flexed (F pollicis logis), then need to pronate- pronator quadratus. All innervated by median except ulnar 1 and 1/2 muscles FCU and FDP |
Forearm muscles all innervated by median except | Ulnar: 1 and 1/2- Flexor carpi ulnaris and Flex dig profundus (ulnar half). Nerve is pinched between these 2 muscles. |
Hand muscles lumbricles 1/2 LOAF all median | Medial half Lumbricles, opponens POLLICIS abducter POLLICIS & flexor POLLICIS all median others are all ulnar (PADS and DABS etc) |
Back of arm 6 superficial, 6 deep (ASS). What are superficial? | 1. Brachioradialis- lateral epicondyle to radius-supinates but if wrist is pronated, it flexes elbow. 2. Ext carp rad longus and brev, 4. Ext digitorum all 4 fingers, 5. Ext Dig minimi, 6. Ext carpi ulnaris. |
6 deep posterior muscles of arm | 1. Anconius (small triangular muscle causes extension of elbow), Supinator- opposite pronator teres, snuffbox brevis sandwich. 2 bottom are abductor pollicis long, ext pol brevis, ext pol longus. And finally ext indicisis to index finger. From prox to di |
How many muscles of the arm? | 20. 12 ext (post) 6 superficial and 6 deep, and 8 ant (flexors) 4 pass fail,1,3 |
Shoulder i Skin nnervation is by what 3 nerves from the brachial plexus? | Upper lateral brachial cutaneous nerve (branch of axillary nerve that innervates lateral shoulder and skin over the deltoid muscle). Medial brachial brachial cutaneous n and intercostobrachial cutaneous nerves (upper medial arm), biceps is Mabc n |
Shoulder joint may be innervated by what nerves? | SSn, axillary, branches of subscap and musculocutaneous (not usually) and supraclavicular |
How many muscles in arm | 20 12 extensors (6 deep, 6superficial) , 8 flexors (4,1,3) |
Does biceps brachii attach to humerus? | No only scapula to radius- causes supination |
Brachialis attaches where? | Ulna- causes flexion |
Forarm muscles- 8 | 4, 1, 3 Pass fail pass fail- flips over radius- pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris. 1= flexor dig superficialis- byby fist- can’t flex fist |
Deep 3 forarm muscles- to punch | Flex dig profundus- does the tips Then flex thumb flex pol longus Then pronate with pronator quadratus |
Ulnar nerve innervates which forarm muscles? | 1/2 fdprofundus, FCU all else median |
Lumbricals are? | Puppet muscles |
Median nerve muscles in hand | 1/2 LOAF- lumbricles, opponens, abductor flexor pollisis |
Extensor muscles forarm- how many? | 12- 6 deep, 6 superficial |
What are the 6 superficial muscles forarm? | From lateral epicondyle- 6 superficial: brachioradialis supinates. But if pronated causes elbow flexion2&3 ECRL&B, 4 extensor digitorum, 5 ext digiti minimi, 6 Ext carpi ulnaris from medial to radial to ulnar |
What are the 6 deep muscles of forarm? Order is going down arm | Anconeus, supinator, Snuff box- (abd pollis Long, Ext Pollisis brevis, ext pollisis longus from bottom to top) Brevis sandwich)- Ext indicis. GUN- flexion, if make C- abduction. |
What tendon resides in the carpal tunnel with the FDP and FDS’s? | Flexor pollisis longus |
Tennis elbow | Deep fibers- ECRB, superficial fibers- extensor digitorum |
Median nerve at carpal tunnel should be how thick? | <10mm- >13 is abnormal |
Describe suprascapular nerve injection | Pass through trapezius- through supraspinatous then through the transverse ligament into the suprascapular notch. |
Carpal tunnel beware of injury to which nerve? | Palmar cutaneous branch at radial side just prox to flexor retinaculum and cutaneous branch of ulnar |
De quervans is where? | Aplepb 1st dorsal compartment |
Ganglion most common location | Scapholunate ligament |
Suprascap nerve runs between these 2 notches | Spinoglenoid and supraspinal notch on the floor of the spine of the scapula |
How do you test for SLAP labral lesions? | Obrien’s test- pain worse with resisted extension of pronated hand relieved with supination |
Biceps test | Speeds test 20/70 sens specificity- low diagnostic resist downward pressure against supinated hand |
Cause of lateral epicondylitis | Common extensor tendon- ECRB EDC ECU- crozens test 3rd digit test |
PIN entrapment- which is the last muscle to recover? | Ext indices proprius (index finger) |
Medial epicondyle landmarks | Trochlea and ulna- ulnar collateral ligament |
What are your puppet muscles? | Lumbricles from FDP |