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CANT Commonality - Adequacy - Numerocity - Typicality
MIO TIT Marital - Intercourse - Ownership - Transaction - Insure - Tort
PVC SS JP Process - Venue - Claim - Smj - Service - Join - Pj
WART Work - Agreement - Reside - Tort
SIN if Substantial impairment - Important objective - Narrowly tailored
SIG Safeguards - Individual interest - social Goals
DR S Decrease in value - Reasonable expectations - Social goals
NIC Narrowly tailored - to achieve Compelling - governmental Interest
O SI Substantially related to achieving - Important - governmental Objective
ROL Rationally related to achieving - Legitimate - state Objective
AS PIE Secular Purpose - neither Advances nor Inhibits religion
SAC Solicitation - Attempt - Conspiracy
SCACS Statute - Contract - voluntary Assumption of care - Special relationship - wrongful Creation of peril
III Infants - Insanity - Involuntary (including intoxication)
CAPS Conspiracy - Attempt - Posession - Solicitation
BAARRRRKK burglary - arson 12 - robbery 12 - rape 12 - kidnapping 12
IDLE MIND insanity - lawful force - entrapment - merger - intoxication - necessity - diminished cap
PEAS CIF plain view - exigency - automobile - search incident to arrest - consent - invwentory - frisk
BOPPPED business rec - official rec - present sense - prior recorded - present state - excited utter - declaration regarding health
MOKS motive - opportunity - knowledge - signature
SEKT skill - education - knowledge - training
CAD Duration - economic Circumstances - property Amount
DOG Disclosure - Opportunity 4 independent counsel - Good Faith
JEM Just - Equitable - Manner
CCCCC clear - conspicuous - concionable - consistent - consumer purchaser
CPU course of performance - past usage - usage of trade
CAL SOL VID TARP consideration - acceptance - legal capacity - SOF - offer - legal subject - void/voidable - interpretation - delegation - third party - assignment - remedies - performance
DUCAS defect in formation - UCC perf/dealings/trade - condition precedent - ambiguity - subsequent modifications
III Infants - Insanity - Intoxication
MUFFED mistakes - unconciability - fraud - fiduciary's undue influence - estoppell - duress
MAD PIC SCUM mistake - ambiguity - duress - public policy - illegality - capacity - SOF - consideration - unconciable - misrepresentation
MOULS marriage - over year - ucc $500 - land - provate SOF
PAWS part performance - admissions - written conf - specialty goods - some writing
SIR service - intangibles - real estate
O A KID PIE Expression of Present Intent to enter into contract - Actual Knowledge of Identified offeree - Definite subject matter - as viewed Objectively
MIFI Mutual mistake - fraud in Factum - fraud in Inducement - Illegal
MUMSCLC Mutual misunderstanding - Unilateral mistake - Misrepresentation of material fact - Statute of frauds - lack of Consent - Legal Capacity
BELVMP Bargained fo Exchange - Legal Value - Mutual Promise
WIPFANC Writing Intended by Parties to be Final Agreement may Not be Contradicted
FIRM MAN IO Occurence of condition subsequent - superveneing Illegality - Impracticability - Frustration - Recission - Modification - Novation - Accord & satisfaction
PINE Prescriptive - Implied - Necessity - Express
CWABB consideration - writing - acknowledged - bind/benefit
CEC contingent - executory - class gifts
MEAN PR merger - estoppel - abandon - no more necessity - prescription - release
OCEAN open/notorious - continuous - exclusive - actual - non permissive
PINE prescriptive - implied - necessity - express
REALM release - estoppel - abandon - laches - merger
WIIDS word indic sale - id parties - id land - delivery - signature
WIIPS word indic sale - id parties - id land - price - signature
ACC assumption of risk - contributory - comparative
DA CAP dangerous - alluring - can't conprehend - accessible - practical way to make safe
FFADD P fact - false - about P - defamatory - damage reputation - published
PUR practical way to make safe - unguarded/accessible -
SSANN CDDR self defense - shopkeeper - authority law - necessity priv/pub - consent - def others - def prop - recapture chattels
DICE Damages - Intent - Causation - Extreme conduct
CA CIA Act - Confinement - Causation - Intent - Awareness or harm
PLACID Plaintiff's favor - Absence of cause - Criminal proceedings - Improper purpose - Damages
A PACK Act - Purpose - Affecting - Contractual rights - Knowledge
A PAK Act - Prospective advantage - Affecting - Knowledge
A FLIP Appropriation - False Light - Intrusion - Private facts
POP Prying - Objectionable - Private
F. PADS Fault - Publication - About plaintiff - Defamatory statement - Special harm
AIM Assumption - Instructions - Misuse
DC DB Duty - Damages - Causation - Breach
PAID Act - Intent - Damages - Possession
FTTECAB False imprisonement - Tresspass/Land - Trespass/Chattels - Emotional distress - Conversion - Assault - Battery
CIA CSA Causation - Intent - Act - Consentless - Apprehension
FiT BAT False imprisonement - Tresspass/Land - Assault - Battery
CIA AC Act - Confinement - Causation - Intent - Awareness or harm
OLCDSLSCRN Others Defense of - Land Defense of - Chattels Defense of - Discipline - Self defense - Legal Authority - Shoplifter detection - Consent - Recapture of chattels - Necessity
CDFIS Criminal act - Duress - Fraud - Incapacity - Scope
CCK Criminal penalty - Class member - Kind of harm prevent
DCBCP Defect - Control - Changes NO - Business - Causation - Privity NOT required
SPIRIT settlor/grantor - property - RAP - intended beneficiaries - trustee
ESQ Evidence - Signed - QUantity
PAW Part Performance - Admission - Writing
FRAIL CASE Fail to Reject - Act Incnsistently - Convey Acceptance to Seller
RED DIRT Revocation - Destruction - Death - Illegality - Rejection - Time
MET FPP Merchantability - Express - Title - Fitness for a Particular Purpose
FINNS for value - in good faith - no notice - negotiation - shelter rule
GAD good title - alterations not present - drawer's sig authorized
SID TAG Good Title - Alterations not present - no knowledge of Insolvency - Defenses not present - Signatures genuine/authorized
MUF PIC Mutual mistake - Unauthorized completion - uncompletion of cond Precedent - Fraud in Inducement - failure of Consideration
M PFCT ? - posession - filing - control - ?
NUTSS negotiable words - unconditional promise to pay - time certain - sum certain
RAP retail inv - adding value to colateral - ?
SUM FFIDDL statute limit - unauthorized signature - material alteration - fraud in factum - forgery - illegality - discharge bankrupcy - duress - lack of capacity
FICE farm products - inventory - consumer goods - equipment
RAV rights in collateral - agreement (sec) - value given
AIM Age - Intent - Mental cap
FAWS Function - Attestation - Writing - Signature
POT property - objects of bounty - testamentary effect
TIS IS test capacity - intent - sound mind/memory - in writing and attested - signed
WAM Mistake of fact - Abandonement - Withdrawl
FLEC mistake of Fact - mistake of Law - Entrapment - Consent
DQ MIN R Mental Illness caused - Defect of Reason - so as not to Know the Nature and Quality of act
PK RN Purposely - Knowingly - Recklessly - Negligently
PDN Presents note for payment - note is Dishonored - timely Notice of dishonor
MOP LIP Pattently Offensive - appeal to Prurient Interest - Lacking social value - exceptions for Minors
Created by: tehhuc
Popular Dutch sets



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