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Bryz MT/NAR Chap 10

Medical Terminology/NAR Chapter 10 Terms

Absence seizure When a person has minor symptoms or an absent appearance (also known as petit mal)
Alzheimer's Deterioration of the brain affecting memory and reasoning
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Lou Gehrig’s disease. Motor neurons progressively deteriorate
Anxiety disorders unreasonable and excessive worrying
Anxiolytic drug medication that inhibits anxiety
Aphasia loss of ability to understand or express speech
Autism mental condition with difficulty communicating and forming relationships with other people
Bell's palsy paralysis of the facial nerves
Cerebral contusion brain bruise
Cerebral hemispheres What the cerebrum is subdivided into
Cerebral palsy Motor impairment resulting from brain damage in an infant or young child regardless of the cause or the effect on the child.
Cerebrovascular accident (stroke) When the oxygenated blood supply to the brain is interrupted either by a blockage or leakage
Cerebrum largest portion of the brain and consists of two hemispheres
Cognition mental action of acquiring knowledge
Cognitive therapy Type of psychotherapy in which negative patterns of thought about the self and world are challenged
Delirium tremens sudden severe mental changes due to alcohol withdrawal
Drug overdose a drug or other substance ingested or applied in greater quantities than what is recommended
Electroencephalography recording the electrical activity of the brain
Encephalitis inflammation of brain cells/tissues
Epidural anesthesia pain medication injected into the epidural space around the spinal cord
Epilepsy seizure disorder
Factitious disorder person acts like they have an illness when they really do not
Hemorrhagic stroke bleeding stroke
Insomnia inability to sleep
Ischemic stroke blockage stroke
Learning disabilities neurologically-based processing problems
Lethargy lack of energy and enthusiasm
Malingering exaggerate or fake an illness to escape work
Migraine intense throbbing, pulsating pain
Multiple personality disorder person's identity is fragmented into two or more distinct personality states
Multiple sclerosis most common disorder where nerve fibers demyelinate.
Narcolepsy chronic condition of falling asleep at abnormal times
Neurotomy Surgically cutting into a nerve
Neurotransmitters chemicals which assist or inhibit the transmission of a stimulus across a synapse
Paresthesia abnormal sensation
Parkinson's disease degeneration of neurons cause abnormal movements
Post-traumatic stress disorder reliving significant trauma
Psychiatrist medical specialty concerned with mental, emotional, behavioral disorders
Schizophrenia psychotic disorder characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, as well as other disturbances
Sedative drug that promotes calm or induces sleep
Shaken baby syndrome baby is violently shaken causing brain and bone damage
Stimulant substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body
Stupor state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility
Sympathetic nerves control automatic body functions
Created by: ebryzgornia
Popular Medical sets




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