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Bryz MT/NAR Chap 8

Medical Terminology/NAR Chapter 8 Terms

airway obstruction choking
alveoli grape-like clusters that help facilitate gas exchange at the end of the lower airway
anoxia absence of oxygen in the body
antitussive medicine that prevents coughing
aphonia loss of voice
apnea absence of breathing
asbestosis caused by inhaling asbestos particles and can lead to a pleural cancer known as mesothelioma
asphyxia unconsciousness or death from oxygen deprivation
aspiration A type of pneumonia that occurs when a foreign substance is inhaled into the lungs
asthma Chronic allergic disorder characterized by episodes of severe breathing difficulty, coughing, and wheezing
bradypnea abnormally slow breathing
bronchodilator Medication that dilates the bronchioles in the lungs
bronchorrhea Fluid discharge from the bronchioles
bronchoscopy Visual examination of the bronchioles
bronchospasm Spasm of the bronchioles
cheyne-stokes Abnormal breathing characterized by alternating fast and slow patterns of breathing
copd Umbrella term for breathing issues
croup viral illness which causes a “bark-like” cough
cyanosis (blue condition) when the tissues aren't receiving oxygenation needed a bluish skin tint develops
cystic fibrosis inherited disease in which bronchial secretions become thick, obstructing the airway
diphtheria serious bacterial infection affecting the mucous membranes of the nose and throat
dysphonia difficulty in speaking because of a mouth, tongue, throat or vocal cord issue
dyspnea Difficulty breathing
emphysema a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness
endotracheal intubation process of placing a tube into the trachea
epistaxis nosebleed
hemothorax blood in the chest (pleural space)
hypopnea abnormally slow/shallow breathing
hypoxemia abnormally low concentration of oxygen in the blood
Inhalation Breathing in
Internal respiration exchange of gases between the cells of the body and the blood by way of the blood "bathing" the cells
Lung cancer Leading cause of cancer death in the US
nasopharynx area behind the nose but above the vocal cords
nebulizer changes liquid medication into a mist so that it can be easily inhaled into the body
otorhinolaryngologist ear, nose, and throat physician
pertussis whooping cough - highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis
pleural cavity space between the two layers of the lungs
pneumonectomy surgical removal of a lobe or all of a lung
pneumothorax Air in the chest (pleural space)
polysomnography Sleep study
pulmonary embolism Foreign material blocking the tiny blood vessels connecting to the alveoli in the lungs
pulse oximeter method for monitoring a person’s blood oxygen saturation level
rhinorrhea Runny nose
sinusitis Inflammation of the sinuses
sleep apnea Absence of breathing while sleeping
spirometer A device used to measure the amount of air that can be inhaled and exhaled
tachypnea abnormally fast breathing
trachea windpipe
tuberculosis potentially serious infectious disease that mainly affects your lungs. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are easily spread from one person to another through tiny droplets released into the air via coughs and sneezes.
ventilator a device that breathes for the patient and provides mechanical ventilation.
Created by: ebryzgornia
Popular Medical sets




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