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Bryz MT/NAR Chap 5

Medical Terminology/NAR Chapter 5 Terms

Abduction Moving away from the core of the body
Adduction Moving towards the core of the body
Adhesion abnormal connection of tissues
Antispasmodic preventing/relieving spasms or convulsions
Atrophy Without nourishment (like muscles dying)
Bradykinesia slow movement
Cardioplegia temporary cardiac arrest
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome One of the major nerves to the hand (median nerve) is squeezed or compressed as it travels through the wrist
Circumduction distal end of a limb moving in a circle with the proximal end fixed
Compartment syndrome painful condition with expansion of enclosed tissue
Contracture shortening and hardening of muscles, tendons, or other tissue
Cramp involuntary contraction
Dorsiflexion moving the food upward
Epicondylitis inflammation of the epicondyle (elbow)
Ergonomics focusing on people and things and how they interact efficiently and safely
Fibromyalgia disorder with widespread musculoskeletal nerve pain
Flexion decreasing the angle of the joint
Ganglion cyst tumor or swelling on top of a joint or the covering of a tendon
Hamstring injury Any of the three muscles injured at the back of the thigh
Heel spur calcium deposit protruding from the heel
Hemiparesis weakness or paralysis on one side of the body
Hernia protrusion of an organ or part through connective tissue normally closed
Impingement Inflamed bursa or tendons causing restricted movement with the shoulder
Insertion point where a muscle attaches
Muscle biopsy analysis of a piece of muscle tissue
Muscle innervation Muscles-nerve connection
Muscle tone continuous partial contraction of muscle
Myasthenia Gravis autoimmune disease causing weakness in muscles
Myocardial relating to the heart muscle
Neurologist Studies and treats nervous system disorders
Neuromuscular Relating to the nerve/muscle connection
Oblique angled or lateral abdominal muscles positioned at an angle
Origin point where a muscle begins
Paralysis loss of the ability to move and feel
Physiologist Studies how the body is alive and functioning
Plantar Fasciitis inflammation of the planter fascia
Plantar flexion flexing the foot down
Pronation turning face down
Range of motion Measurement of the distance and direction a joint can move to its full potential
Rhabdomyolysis death of muscle fibers and release of contents into bloodstream
Shin splints inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and bone relating to the tibia
Singultus hiccups
Spasm involuntary muscle contraction
Sphincter ring of muscle guarding an opening or tube
Sprain stretched or torn ligament
Strain tendon or muscle damage
Therapeutic ultrasound treatment used to heat soft tissues which promotes healing
Created by: ebryzgornia
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