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Chapter 6

Contraction The process when the muscle gets stronger and tighter
Muscle fibers A muscle cell
Skeletal muscle It is the majority of the muscle
Endomysium It is a wispy layer of connective tissue
Perimysium Fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the primary tissue
Epimysium Is a fibrous tissue that surrounds the skeletal muscle
Fascicle A cluster or a bundle
Smooth muscle A muscle that has no striations
Cardiac muscle Muscle that surrounds the heart
Sarcolemma This is a cell membrane that encloses each muscle cell
Sarcomere One of the repeating contractile segments
Myosin A family of ATP-dependent motor proteins
Actin A globular multi-functional protein
Sarcoplasmic reticulum A membrane bound structure found in muscle cells
Motor unit Made up of motor neurons and skeletal muscle fibers
Axon The long threadlike part of a neuron cell
Acetylcholine Is one of many neurotransmitters
Muscle fatigue A condition in which the muscle`s capacity to produce maximum voluntary actions
Isotonic contractions Is where muscle contraction without appreciable change in voluntary actions
Isometric contractions Is where contraction without appreciable shortening of force
Origin The origin of muscle is bone
Insertion Is the point where muscle attaches to skin
Synergists A muscle that assists in the prime mover
Antagonists A muscle that acts opposition to another muscle
Fixators A muscle that serves as a stabilizer
Fascia Is another connective tissue located outside the epimysium
Muscle twitch Is a contraction of an entire muscle stimulus
Orbicularis oculi muscle The muscle that controls the eyelids
Zygomaticus major muscle Muscle that controls facial expressions
Buccinator muscle Muscle that keeps food in the correct position
Levator labii superioris It elevates the upper lip
Depressor anguli oris Muscle that controls frowning
Levator anguli oris Muscle that controls smiling
Risorius Muscle that angles the mouth
Depressor labii inferioris It is the muscle that moves the mandible
Frontalis It moves your eyebrows
Zygomaticus minor A muscle that inserts the outer part and the upper lip in facial expression
Superior auricular Pulls the ears upward
Masseter This muscle plays a major role in chewing food
Vertical muscle of tongue This muscle flattens and broadens the tongue
Levator palpebrae superioris Retracts and elevates eyelids
Posterior auricular Inserted at the lower part of the cranial
Transverse muscle of the chin This is a facial nerve
Stylohyoid Elevates the hyoid during swallowing
Styloglossus retraction and elevation of the tongue
Teres minor Rotates the arm laterally
Palatoglossus Raises the back part of the tongue
Palatopharyngeus Pulls pharynx and larynx upward
Inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue retracts the tongue superior
Pectoralis major Makes up most of the chest
Pectoralis minor Located near the upper part of the chest
Triceps Extends forearms
Rectus abdominis Helps flex the spinal cord
Biceps Flexs elbow
Serratus anterior protracts and stabilizes scapula
Transversus thoracis depresses ribs
Gastrocnemius This is one of the main muscles in the calves
Soleus This is a small muscle in the back of the lower leg
Plantaris This is a small muscle in the back of the lower leg.
quadriceps femoris It flexes the thigh
hamstring muscles This muscle helps bend the knee
Created by: jdharro3
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