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Bryz MT/NAR Chap 4

Medical Terminology/NAR Chapter 4 Terms

Acetabulum cup-shaped socket in the hip bone
Arthroscopy Visual examination of the internal aspect of a joint
Bones Give shape to and hold up the body
Cartilage firm, whitish, flexible connective tissue
Clavicle collarbone
Colles’ Fracture distal radius and ulna fracture usually caused by trying to catch oneself with outstretched hands after a fall
Comminuted Fracture pulverized break in a bone (many tiny pieces)
Compression Fracture When a bone is crushed such as vertebra being pressed down
Crepitation grating sound of bone ends rubbing together
Dislocation When a bone in a joint disconnects
Dysplasia abnormal growth or development
Femur Longest bone in the body and strongest in the leg
Fibrous Joints fixed or immovable joints with dense connective tissue
Herniated Disc when a portion of the soft center of the disc pushes through the tougher exterior layer which may compress a nerve
Internal Fixation stabilizing fractured bones with plates, pins, rods, wires, or screws
Ligaments Connect bone to bone
Malleolus bony projection on both sides of the ankle
Mandible Only movable bone in the skull
Manubrium broad upper part of the sternum
Metacarpals the bones of the palm
Metatarsals the bones of the arch of the foot
Open Fracture When broken bone ends protrude through the skin
Orthopedic Medicine relating to the skeleton
Orthotic artificial support or brace
Osteogenesis Bone growth
Osteomalacia Bone softening
Osteomyelitis Inflammation of bone tissue
Osteopenia Decreased calcification of the bone
Osteoporosis Bone becoming more porous, more brittle, and more likely to break
Patella kneecap
Podiatrist Physician who is concerned about feet
Prosthesis artificial body part such as a leg, heart, or implant
Radius Thumb-side bone in the forearm
Red Bone Marrow Semi-solid tissue in bones that help mainly red blood cells develop
Revision Surgery surgery performed to replace or compensate for a failed implant
Rheumatoid Arthritis autoimmune disease where the body attacks the joints
Scoliosis abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
Spina Bifida birth defect where the neural tube (spine) fails to develop properly
Spiral Fracture bone broken with twisting force
Tendons connect muscles to bones
Tibia larger front bone in the lower leg
Vertebrae small bone making up the backbone
Vertebrosplasty stabilizes compression fractures in the spine
Xiphoid Process cartilaginous tip at the bottom of the sternum
X-Ray radiography
Yellow Bone Marrow semi-solid material that stores mainly fat in bones
Created by: ebryzgornia
Popular Medical sets




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