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Bryz MT/NAR Chap 2
Medical Terminology/NAR Chapter 2 Terms
Question | Answer |
Abdominal cavity | part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis housing important organs |
Adenocarcinoma | malignant tumor originating in glandular epithelium |
Anomaly | something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified |
Aplasia | incomplete or faulty development of an organ or part |
Chromosomes | DNA-containing structures carrying the genes of the organism |
Congenital | existing at or dating from birth |
Distal | further away from the core of the body |
Dorsal | Back |
Dysplasia | Abnormal growth or development |
Epigastric | on or above the stomach |
Epithelial Tissue | tissue covering the surface of cavities |
Etiology | the cause of a disease or abnormal condition |
Frontal plane | (coronal plane) divides the body into front and back |
Gastralgia | pain in the stomach |
Geriatrician | specialist in old people |
Hemophilia | delayed clotting of the blood |
Histology | Study of the tissues |
Homeostasis | The body’s ability to maintain stability even with changes (equilibrium) |
Hospice | program meant to provide palliative (pain) care and emotional support for the terminally ill |
Hypertrophy | increase in size of organ or part |
Hypogastric | lower abdomen/below the stomach |
Hypoplasia | when an organ or part remains below the normal size or in an immature state |
Inguinal | groin or lowest regions of the abdomen |
Lateral | to the side of the body |
Medial | towards the middle of the body |
Midsagittal | divides the body into left and right sides |
Palliative | (pain care) relieving symptoms without dealing with the causes necessarily |
Parietal peritoneum | lining of the abdominal cavity |
Pelvic Cavity | low in the core and houses the reproductive organs, bladder, colon, and rectum |
Prognosis | likely course of a disease |
Proximal | closer to the core of the body |
Retroperitoneal | behind the abdominal cavity and houses the kidneys |
Superior | towards the top or above |
Supine | lying face up |
Systemic | full body condition or response |
Thoracic Cavity | high in the core housing the lungs and heart |
Transverse Plane | cut the body into top and bottom pieces |
Umbilicus | navel or belly-button |
Ventral | (anterior) front of the body |
Visceral | deep inside the body (visceral peritoneum covers organs) |