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Midterm Exam

Organization of the body #1 atoms
Organization of the body #2 molecules
Organization of the body #3 organelles
Organization of the body #4 Cell
Organization of the body #5 Tissues
Organization of the body #6 Organs
Organization of the body #7 Organ system
Organization of the body #8 A human organism
Epithelial tissue Cover/line the body’s surface
Connective tissue Connects/supports parts of the body
Muscle tissue Contracts to produce movement
Nerve tissue Generates/transmits impulses to regulate body functions
Urinary system Kidneys, urethra, bladder, urteres
Digestive system Stomach, liver, mouth
Endocrine System Pituitary gland, thyroid, pancreous
Circulatory System Heart, arteries, veins, capillaries
Lymphatic System Lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils
Anatomical position Standing erect, arms at side, with face palms and feet facing forward
Medial Towards the body’s midline
Lateral Away from the body’s midline
Proximal Closest point to the point of origin
Distal Farthest point from the point of origin
Superior Above
Inferior Below
Anterior Ventral
Anterior Front of body
Posterior Dorsal
Posterior Back of the body
Forwards surface of body Superficial
Away from the body’s surface Deep
Homeostasis Dynamic (changing) relatively constant environment
Set-point Normal temp and balance of fluid and chemicals.
Hypothalamus Body’s thermostat
Metabolism Sum of all the chemical reactions
Carbohydrates Sugars or starches
Carbohydrates Body’s main source of energy
Metabolism Body breaks down carbs to release stored energy
Saturated fat Hydrogen. Solid mass.
Unsaturated fat No hydrogen. Liquid.
Electrolyte Compounds that ionize in water and create a solution capable of conducting electricity.
Acids Release hydrogen when dissolved in water
Bases Balances out acids by accepting excess hydrogen
Nerve cells Transmit impulses from one body part to another.
Muscle cell Shorten to allow the body to move
Gland cells Intercellular sacs that store and release substances.
Plasma membrane Boundary of a cell
Immune cells Recognize and destroy invaders.
Dna Genetic sequence
RNA Genetic code for the dna
Atp Adenosine triphosphate
Nucleus Most important part of cell
Contains all cells genetic info Nucleus
No nucleus Mature red blood cells
Cytoplasm Gel-like substance inside the cell
Organelles Each perform a specific task in cell
Microvilli Folds of the cell membrane increase the surface area of the cell
Cilia Hair-like process along the surface of a cell.
Beat in waves. In Fallopian tubes and respiratory tract Cilia
Flagella Like cilia, but thicker, longer & fewer in number
Flagella Whip-like motion
The body’s only _____ is the tail of a Sperm cell Flagella
Passive transport Dosent require energy.
Diffusion Movement of particle from one place to another of lower concentration.
Filtration Occurs because of differences in pressure.
Filtration Moved across a membrane from an area of higher to lower hydrostatic pressure.
Facilitated diffusion Some molecules need help from other molecules to move across a membrane.
Active transport Requires energy.
Created by: Coralebberson
Popular Anatomy sets




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