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MT Ch. 6

Essentials of Medical Terminology - Ch. 6

epidermis outer layer
dermis inner layer
subcutaneous underlying the dermis
epiermis consists epithelial, melanocytes, & keratinocytes
epidermis not only covers the body but also lines body cavities & covers organs
melonocytes responsible for skin colors
melanin a pigment (more produced, the darker the skin)
keratinocytes produce a protein that infiltrates the outermost layer of epithelia cells & make them tough, waterproof, & resistant to bacteria
stratum corneum (horny layer) most superficial layer (continuously being shed)
epidermis no blood vessels or nerves
epidermis function protection
epidermis tissue epithelial tissue
dernis cells fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, & plasma cells
dermis tissue connective tissue
dermis function temperature regulation, sensation, secretion, nutrition, & protection
basal cell deepest layer of epidermis
dermis lies beneath the layer of the epidermis
connective tissue contain hair follicles, blood vessels, nerves, & glands
blood vessels in dermis nutrient supplier for the skin
thermoregulation blood vessels that help control inner body temp thru a process
sensory receptors in the dermis responsible for our sense of touch
glands in dermis secrete substances necessary for skin maintenance & function
tissue of dermis strengthen & protect the skin
fibroblasts (tissue) produces collagen, protein that makes the skin tough & durable
macrophages (tissue) engulf bacteria & other potentially harmful foreigh substances
mast cells (tissue) produce histamine
plasma cells (tissue) produce antibodies
histamine & antibodies act against foreign materials
subcutaneous tissue connects the dermis to inner structures & provides insulation
integumentary system skin & accessory organs such as hair, nails, sweat glands, oil glands
hair is formed in a hair follicle
shaft of hair consists keratinized cells
hair consists epidermal cells
nail & cuticle consist keratinized epithelial cells
sebaceous glands secrete sebum (oil) which keeps skin soft & waterproof
sudoriferous glands secrete sweat to cool the skin
ceruminous glands secrete cerumen in the ear to prevent infection
cry/o cold
leuk/o white
papill/o nipple-like
scler/o hardening
xer/o dry
-ism process
-ium; -um structure
-sis state of; condition
albinism lack of pigment in the skin, hair, & eyes
albin/o white
skin biopsy removal of living tissue for microscopic examination
cyan/o blue
cyanotic pertaining to a blusish discoloration of skin
-itis inflammation
dermatitis inflammation of the skin
dermatology study of the skin and its disease
dermatologist one who specializes in the study of the skin and its diseases
hypodermic pertaining to below the skin;
hypo- under; below
-plasty surgical reconstruction
dermatoplasty surgical reconstruction of the skin; surgical replacement of injured or diseased skin
diaphor/e profuse sweating
diaphoresis state of profuse sweating
electr/o electric
-lysis breakdown; destruction
electrolysis destruction of tissue by electricity; used to remove unwanted body hair
epitheli/o covering
-al pertaining to
epithelium structure made up of epithelial cells covering the internal & external surfaces of the body
epithelial pertaining to the epithelium
erythemat/o red
-ous pertaining to
erythematous pertaining to a redness of the skin (is an adj)
erythr/o red
hidr/o sweat
-osis abnormal condition
a(n)- no; not; lack of
anhidrosis lack of sweat
hyper- excessive; above normal
hyperhidrosis excessive secretion of the sweat
kerat/o; keratin/o hard; hornlike
-cyte cell
hyperkeratosis excessive growth of the outer layer of skin (horny layer)
keratinocyte cells that produce keratin
-oma tumor; mass
lipoma tumor or mass containing fat
suction process of aspiration or withdrawing
liposuction withdrawl of ft from the subcutaneous tissue
melan/o black
melanocyte cell that produces melanin
myc/o fungus
dermat/o skin
dermatomycosis fungal infection of the skin
necr/o death
-tic pertaining to
necrotic tissue pertaining to death of tissue
onych/o nail
para beside; near
eponychium (ep-oh-NICK-ee-um) structure upon the nail; the cuticle
onychomycosis (on-ih-koh-my-KOH-sis) fungal infection of the nail
paronychia (par-oh-NICK-ee-ah) inflammation of the tissue around the nail
pil/o hair
pilosebaceous (pye-loh-seh-BAY-shus) pertaining to hair follicles & sebaceous glands
seb/o sebum
py/o pus
-genic producing
pyogenic pus producing
ras/o scrape
ab- away from
abrasion scraping away of the superficial layers of injured skin (injury from a floor burn)
rhytid/o wrinkle
-ectomy surgical excision; removal
rhytidectomy (reye-tid-EC-tom-y) removal of wrinkles; facelift
-rrhea flow; discharge
seborrhea increased dischargeof sebum from the sebaceous glands
steat/o fat
steatoma (stee-ah-TOH-mah) fatty tumor of the sebaceous glands
ungu/o nail
periungual (per-ee-UNG-gwal) pertaining to around the nail
peri- around
derma- skin
dermabrasion scraping away of the top layer of skin using sandpaper or wire brushes to remove tattoos or disfigured skin
dermis; -derma skin
epidermis abover the dermis
erythroderma (er-rith-roh-DER-mah) redness of the skin
erythr/o red
leukoderma (loo-koh-DER-mah) lack of pigmentation of the skin showing up as white patches; vitiligo
pyoderma any pus-producing disease of the skin
scleroderma abnormal thickening of the dermis, usually starting in the hands & feet
scler/o hardening
xer/o dry
xeroderma dry skin of a chronic (continuous) nature
aden/o gland
adenoma (ad-eh-NOH-mah) glandular tumor
carcin/o cancerous
carcinoma (kar-sih-NOH-mah) malignant tumor of epithelial cells
basal cell carcinoma malignant tumor that is most common & least harmful type of skin cancer usually caused by overexposure to the sun
squamous cell carcinoma malignant tumor that is more harmful & has a faster growing rate & tendency to metastasize to other body systems
hem/o blood
angi/o vessel
hemangioma (heh-man-jee-OH-mah) common, benign tumor of blood vessels most often seen in chidren or infants (birthmarks or nevi)
melanoma tumor arising from the melanocytes; usually malignant
papill/o nipple-like
papilloma (pap-ih-LOH-mah) benign epithelial tumor
-therapy treatment
cryotheraphy destruction of tissue by freezing w/liquid nitrogen
laser intense beam of light
laser therapy removal of skin lesions such as papillomas & hemangiomas, using an intense beam of light
bx biopsy
SC; subq; subcut subcutaneous
UV ultraviolet
derm dermatology
Created by: ltravis
Popular Medical sets




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