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1) What is the study of biology that is too small to be seen with the naked eye? Microbiology
2) What is a greenhouse gas that can be primarily produced by microorganisms? Methane
3) What is the term when microorganisms are used to clean up oil spills in the ocean? Bioremediation
4) What are 2 microorganisms that carry out photosynthesis? Algae & Bacteria
5) The term pathogenic means that microorganisms are what? Harmful
6) Who was the scientist that perfected microscope lenses & used the term animalcules? Leeuwenhoek (remember Hooke looked first - Leeuwenhoek made it better!)
7) When it comes to infectious disease, what is the number 1 cause of death? Respiratory infections
8) Who was the first scientist to link specific microorganisms with specific disease? Robert Koch
9) What is the term for orderly arrangement of organisms into groups that shows evolutionary relationships? Phylogeny
11) Start with the most inclusive (includes the most stuff) to the most exclusive taxonomic levels:(remember - Do kings play chess on fine grain sand) Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
12) Who developed the 5-kingdom system that we use today? Carl Woese
13) Who disproved spontaneous generation by using the swan-neck flask experiment? Pasteur
14) What is the most common & most important monosaccharide that is the building block of starch, cellulose, and glycogen? Glucose
15) Membranes are made up of what? Double-layers of phospholipids
16) What does the primary structure of protein refer to? The sequence of amino acids
17) What is the building blocks of proteins? Amino acids
18) Enzymes are proteins that function as what? catalysts (they increase biological reactions in cells)
19) What is the most common process that links each subunit of monosaccharides into a macromolecule and forms polysaccharides? Dehydration synthesis
20) What is the term for complete absence of viable microbes? Sterile
21) What is the 5 I’s of microbiology? Inoculation, Incubation, Isolation, Inspection, Identification
22) What is a mound of cells grown from a select cell on a media called? Colony
23) What are the 3 states of media? Liquid, Semi-solid, & Solid
24) If one wanted to check the motility of bacteria, what type of medium would be used? Semi-solid
25) What type of medium has a composition that is chemically defined? Synthetic
26) What medium promotes the growth of a specific microbe while inhibiting growth of others? Selective medium
27) If a bacterium that was placed on a specific medium started out yellow and then turned hot pink with numerous colonies now growing, what type of medium was used? Differential
28) What type of medium would be used to deliver patient samples to a laboratory? Transport
29) What temperatures are generally used to grow bacterial species? 20 & 45* C
30) What 3 things identify microbes? Appearance, morphology, biochemical reactions
31) What type of stain is found when the microbe is clear against a dark background? Negative
32) What stain technique uses only one dye? Simple
33) In Gram staining, what color will the gram-negative specimen be? Red (or pink)
34) What type of stain is used for Mycobacterium tuberculosis? Acid-fast
35) For a patient with a smelly leg wound that is suspected to be Clostridium, what staining technique would be used? Spore stain
36) What is the most common light microscope that is used to view a specimen that is darker than its surrounding? Bright-field
37) What type of slide is prepared to check biochemical reactions? Hanging drop
38) Which of the following do prokaryotes have? Nucleus, histones, organelles, ribosomes
40) The selectively permeable cell membrane does what 2 things? Regulates transport & metabolic activities
41) What is the function of ribosomes? Protein synthesis
42) Where is chromosomal material located in a prokaryote? Nucleoid
43) A bacillus with flagella at both ends would be considered what? Amphitrichous
44) The flagellum is attached to the cell body by a? Basal body
45) What are spiral shaped bacteria that exhibit motility due to periplasmic flagella? Spirochetes
46) A conjugation pilus allows bacteria to do what? Transfer genetic material
47) What is the function of a Glycocalyx? Aid in adhering to cell’s environment, aid in preventing phagocytosis, formation of biofilms
48) The cell membrane of mycoplasmas is stabilized and resistant to lysis because of what? Sterols
49) What is not found in a gram-positive bacterium’s cell envelope? Outer membrane
50) What initiates the formation of an endospore? Depletion of nutrients
51) Why are bacterial endospores medically important? They resist ordinary cleaning and sanitizing methods
52) What is the bacterial that is shaped like an O? Coccus
53) The ability of a single species of bacteria to vary in shape and size is called what? Pleomorphism
54) The cell wall of bacteria contain a unique macromolecule called what? Peptidoglycan
55) A gram-positive cell that has been exposed to chemicals resulting in the loss of its cell wall is called? Protoplast
56) Archaebacteria that convert carbon dioxide and hydrogen into methane gas are called what? Methanogens
57) Small, bristelike fibers covering the surface of many bacterial cells for colonization are called what? Fimbriae
58) Bacteria can communicate through chemicals or what? Nanowires
59) Palisades are an arrangement of what bacteria? Bacilli
60) What are the 2 attachment points for bacteria? Fimbriae & pili
61) Periplasmic flagella are also called what? Axial filaments
62) Persistent colonization of catheters, IUD’s, pacemakers, stents, and other implanted devices is caused by what? Biofilms
63) Walking pneumonia is most often caused by what type of bacteria? Mycoplasma
Created by: 699142800252265
Popular Medical sets




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