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Word Parts Section B

Adenoma A tumor in the gland
Aden Gland, glandular
oma Tumor, a swelling
Antitoxic Against poison
Anti Against
Toxic Poison
Ophthalmology Study of the eye
Ophthalm Eye
-ology Study of, science of
Cholecystectomy Surgical removal of the gallbladder or bag
Chole Bile, gallbladder
cyst bladder, bag, sac
ectomy Surgical removal of
Endocarditis Inflammation of the innermost heart
Endo Within, innermost
card Pertaining to heart
itis Inflammation of
Hypoglycemia Decreased or less than normal amount of blood sugar
Hypo Decreased, deficient, low, user, less than normal
glyc Sugar
emia Blood
Septicemia Infection or poison in blood
Septic Poison, rot, infection
emia blood
Oliguria Less than normal urine
Olig Few, less than normal, small
uria Urine
Bronchitis Inflammation of air tubes in lungs
Bronch Air tubes in lungs
itis Inflammation of
Homogeneous Same kind or type
Homo Same, like
geneous Kind, type
Arteriosclerosis Dryness or hardness of an artery
Arterio Artery
sclerosis Dryness or hardness
Dysmenorrhea Painful menstruation flow
Dys Difficult, painful, bad
meno Monthly, menstruation
rrhea Flow, discharge
Angiopathy Diseases of blood vessels
Angio Vessel
pathy Disease, abnormal condition
Blepharorrhaphy Sewing up a gap of the eyelid
Blepharo Eyelid
rrhaphy Suture of, sewing up of a gap or defect
Urethrocystitis Inflammation of the tube from the bladder to urinary meatus
Urethro Tube from bladder to urinary meatus
cyst Bladder, bag, sac
itis Inflammation of
Pneumonomelanosis Blackening of the lungs
Pneumon Lung, pertaining to lungs, air
melan Black
osis Hardening
Paraosteoarthropathy Disease near bone and joint
Para Near, beside, beyond, abnorma, lower half of the body
osteo Bone
arthro Joint
pathy Disease, abnormal condition
Salpingo- oophorocele Hernia of fallopian tube and ovary
Salpingo Tube, fallopian tube and ovary
oophoro Ovary, female egg cell
cele Swelling, tumor, cavity, hernia
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia Self-orginating disease with a deficiency or decrease in the number of cells, causing clot formation
Idio Peculiar to an individual, self-originating
pathic Disease, abnormal condition
thrombo Clot, thrombus
cyto Cell
penia Lack of, abnormal reduction in number, deficiency
Narcoepilepsy Seizure while sleeping
Narco Sleep, numb, stupor
epi Upon, over, upper
lepsy Seizure, convulsion
Postpartum After childbirth
Post After, behind
partum Birth, labor
Herniorrhaphy Suture or sewing up a rupture
Hernio Rupture
rrhaphy Suture of, sewing
Dermacyanosis Condition of blueness of skin
Derma Pertaining to skin
cyan Blue
osis Hardening
Thoracentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the thorax or chest
Thora Chest, thorax
centesis Surgical puncture to remove fluids
Created by: NataliaO
Popular Medical sets




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